Dear Parents,
Our M4 students undertook field study in West Kilimanjaro last week and returned yesterday tired but happy. We are all now enjoying the long weekend thanks to Eid el Adha – the public holiday on Monday. A great part of this weekend will be the Parent Association Picnic at TPC on Sunday afternoon. With ACT tests this morning for some D2 students, a number of boarders’ trips this weekend, and a UK University Fair on Tuesday afternoon, the next few days continue to be busy.
Next Friday evening (16th) will be the fundraising supper to raise awareness of the plight of elephants and how bees can help them. Next weekend also sees the Outdoor Pursuits trip to the Pare Mountains and this is followed only a few days later on 21st September with the M5 Symposium.
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PA Picnic
  Welcome to the 2016/17 ISM school year! With a few weeks under our belts to settle in, the Parents’ Association (PA) has organised an afternoon out for all ISM families and teachers at the lovely TPC River House where we can chat and meet together with a BBQ (and some vegetarian snacks), drinks and some delicious baking to follow. The PA will be selling these refreshments for a small charge so that we can continue to fund even more (is it possible?! I hear you ask!!) exciting events later in the year. We will plan an entirely optional game of rounders (child’s and older folk’s baseball) and there is a pool too.
To get there, follow the directions on the TPC website
And to give your baking skills a chance to shine….contact me on . We hope to see many of you there tomorrow, Sunday, 11th September from 12.30-4.30pm.
Anna and Priya.
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Primary News
 We were treated to a very entertaining Primary Gathering on Friday. The P4/5 students MCed the event. The P2/3 students presented different fables which they had written or adapted themselves; each had a moral. The children were very confident when retelling these in front of the audience; who listened eagerly. We also enjoyed a beautiful rendition of the ‘Bonjour’ song which the P3 – P6 students have been learning in French classes. Well done everyone!
  This week we have no lessons on Monday due to the public holiday. Classes will resume as normal on Tuesday 13th September.
This week the P1 – P6 children will be completing their first unit of inquiry of the new academic year. This means they will finish their various summative assessment tasks. They will also carry out some reflections on the conclusions they have drawn regarding their inquiries. I know they have also been inspired to take action; some of which will be happening shortly. We are excited to see these.
Many thanks to all the parents who have been supporting their children with homework and reading at home. Thanks to those who return the necessary items on the correct days and keep up to date with the teacher’s requests.
Kate Schermbrucker, (Head of Primary)
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Secondary News
 One good thing about the IB programs in International Schools is that they encourage students to take risks and try their hand at leadership. This week we had a couple of examples of this. Our Student Council ran the Monday assembly last week which featured their swearing in ceremony. But before the ceremony they had the different grade levels working together to try and spell out “ISM”. Our M1 and M2 students had it much easier with the “I” than the Diploma students had with the “M”.   After that the different houses used their communication skills to select the captains to help organize events and be their voice during the year. It was quite interesting watching the different houses practise speed democracy.
  Our next Assembly will also be hosted by the Student Council on September 19th to help celebrate International Peace Day which is that week. Students are encouraged to wear Blue and White that day.
In other news our M4 students returned from their trip to West Kili as our M5 students are getting ready to go to their Symposium on the 21st of September. With the Eid holiday this week, please remember that the UK University tour will be here on Tuesday instead of Monday. See the details below. There will be more university visitors in the upcoming months so please watch this space.
Bob Cofer (Head of Secondary)
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Boarding News
  This is going to be a long weekend as Monday the 12th is Eid holiday, and we have no classes on that day. A few boarders have opted to travel home for the weekend, but majority will be in school. There was a town trip organized on Friday as usual.
On Saturday 10th, there is a trip for MYP boys and girls to the hot springs. They will leave in the morning and spend the day at the hot springs. In the evenings we have planned a movie night and a disco in the social centre.
There will be a picnic open to all ages of boarders at TPC on Monday 12th September. Students will leave in the morning and have fun time outside the school until evening.
Classes will resume on Tuesday,13th September 2016.
A reminder to parents that the school does not charge for transport to and from KIA on the scheduled opening and closing days. However, on any other day, if students use school transport to/from KIA there will be a charge of $60.
We shall break for the holiday on Friday 7th October in the morning. Boarders are expected to return to school on Sunday, 16th October.
We wish all a happy Eid!
Rosemary Bango, (Head of Boarding)
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Sports News
Sports practices are going great, and watching the various practices on a daily basis has been exciting for me. I am really pleased with the direction our program is going. Keep up the good work students and coaches.
Our first sporting fixture of the year found our U15 Boys and Girls Basketball teams, and our U19 Boys and Girls Football teams participating in the Orkeeswa School Friendly Tournament. Please find below game reports from our coaches
Boys and Girls Basketball:
  The JR Leopard Ladies faced the toughest team around @ Orkeeswa today (a 15-7 loss). Girls… Paige and I were happy with some things we saw. You refused to let them intimidate you today. That is a moral victory for our program! We just have to put some things together in practices to get us over the hump vs ORK. Statline: Margreth M3 (2 points, 1 rebound, 2 steals); Christine (2 points, 1 steal); Vailet M3 (2 points); Vanny M4 (1 point, 2 rebounds); Gabby M3 (4 rebounds, 2 steals); Alicia M3 (3 rebounds); Nsimbo M3 (1 rebound, 1 steal); Lamiyah M4 (1 rebound). Keep workin’!!!
The ISM Leopard Junior Boys were back to their balling ways today @ Orkeeswa. It was rough getting started at the Monduli altitude and cold air, but hey… we fought to finish with a tie 14-14 with the Massai Jr Boys. I’m okay with a tie in a friendly, I suppose 🙂
The BIG SHOW was vs. our sister Arusha Campus with an outstanding 41-10 victory. Way to hoop it up guys! Stats for BOTH games were: Christopher M3 (16 points, 8 rebounds, 4 steals, 4 blocked shots); Nyanda M4 (10 points, 10 rebounds, 3 steals); Mapalo M2 (9 points, 12 rebounds, 2 steals); Ramadhan M3 (9 points, 5 rebounds, 2 steals); James M3 (3 points, 2 rebounds, 1 assist, 1 steal); Anold M3 (4 points, 1 rebound, 1 steal); Jacob M3 (2 points, 6 rebounds); Nikoli M4 (2 points, 1 steal)
Boys Football:
  Our first match was against Orkeeswa, with whom we tied 2-2. Yoel D2 scored both goals for ISM, and Tommaso M5 made a number of incredible saves in goal to keep the score tied. Several hours later, we played ISMAC. Again, our boys tied, this time 3-3. Yoel D2 contributed another goal and an assist, and Edward D1 scored two goals of his own. In both matches, our boys played extremely well together. Despite the long travel time, challenging condition of the field, and the long wait time in between matches, everyone on the team kept their spirits up and gave their absolute best. We look forward to building on that and having a very successful season
Girls Football:
The Lady Leopards started of their football season with a resounding victory versus ISM Arusha Campus beating them 4 to 1. It did not take long to get onto the positive side as the girls pressed and harassed their opponents into easy turnovers and from that gained a lot of possession of the ball, however, the shots were not hitting the back of the net until Nora D2 knocked in a rebound to open the scoring. Nora would go on to net two more goals for a “hat trick”. ISM finished their scoring with a beautiful struck goal by Gladys D2 in the second half coming off a throw-in. The only blemish of the game was a penalty for hand ball show the ISM Arusha campus get a crack at getting a goal. Ejofon M5 held firm in the goal stopping the penalty but unfortunately the defense could not clear the rebound and the Rhinos scored. Great game by all! In our second game ISM competed against Orkeeswa, however, we were not ready for their fit, and physical game, and Orkeeswas ran away with the game and the score at 4-0. Even with the score at that margin it was good for the girls to handle the adversity and we believe we will be ready for them in the round robin competition.
On Monday September 5th students took part in the selection of “house captains”. Each house took the time to nominate and vote on these captains. It was good to see the student involvement in this process. These elected students will help represent their respective house throughout the school year in a variety of capacities.
Please keep up to date with the NTAA Schedule of Events, please click here to view the Friendly and NTAA Schedule of Events:
As always the ISM Sports Department wants to advertise two excellent after-school activities, so please find below information regarding tennis and horseback riding. Tennis Lessons for beginners, intermediate and advanced players with Coach Charles. Those students and parents who are interested in arranging lessons are kindly requested to contact him at 0757606766. Horse riding is also available and those interested need to contact Mr Priva at 0758053280 for more information regarding times, prices and requirements.
As the season and year progresses please keep up with all the info, news, and sports reports by reading the Moshi Campus News. Go Leopards
Scott Hibbard, (Head of Sport and Physical Education)
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University Planning
This is a reminder that we will be hosting the UK University Fair on Tuesday, September 13th from 2pm.
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An Evening of Elephants & Bees
  Elephant Ambassadors & Honey Lovers: get your ticket for only $25 for an evening of fun on September 16th at Mr Feng’s Chinees Restaurant in Moshi in support of our campaign to communicate why Elephants & Bees matter to the well-being of our planet. All funds will go to ISM students to take part in the Global March for Rhinos and Elephants on 24th September 2016. Together with their Sparkling Elephant, the students will advocate the universal love for elephants through government schools on their road trip form Moshi to the elephant corridor at Kitenden, West Kilimanjaro.
Tickets can be bought at ISM reception, Aleem’s Grocery Store, Mr Feng’s Chinese Restaurant, More than a Drop and Kilihub OR call Mr.ChuChu @ 0744 857 185 Buying a dinner ticket = Loving Wild Life and Helping our Student Advocates (on the ground) Raise Awareness, Sensitise and Connect Horizons through outreach programs.
Please have a look at at the attached map, dated 4th Sept: ( Moshi is being added -:)

People (around the world) will march for the elephants, rhinos, lions, and other endangered species! It’s a reconnection with our planet to see an outpouring and connection of such loving energies for our fellow living beings of the earth. Thank you all!
Marlies Gabriel (Sparkling Elephant Project)
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School Photos
On the ISM Google Drive, you can find photos of a number of school events. Recently uploaded are the:
M1 CampCraft
Orkeeswa Sports Trip
D1 Pangani Field Study (June 2016)
If you would like to access these photos, please contact the Head of Campus.
ISM will publish photos of students engaged in normal school activities for the purposes of informing parents and the community or of advertising the school, in documents such as this newsletter, the school website, the school magazine or promotional publications. If you do not wish your child’s photograph to appear in any such school document, whether printed or digitally, please inform the Head of Campus in writing.
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Peace Day
  We will be celebrating the UN International Day of Peace two days early on Monday, 19th September. We will start with a whole school Peace Assembly in Karibu Hall from 7.40 to 8.15am. This will be an opportunity for our community to reflect on how to build a more peaceful world – starting with ourselves. This will also be a spirit day when all students and teachers will wear blue and white clothes – to represent the colours of the UN Peace Keepers. Teachers may also include the theme of Peace in their lessons that day and it could be something parents discuss with their children as well.
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School T-Shirts
  Green Leopards T-shirts are now in stock. These T-shirts should be worn to travel to all away matches both in Primary and Secondary. They are available in Reception at TSh 10,000/- each.
Primary T-shirts in sizes 9-11 and 12-14 in a variety of colours will be in stock from Monday September 19th. All students from EC to P6 should wear their uniform/house T-shirt every day to school.
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French Language Acquisition
In the first quarter, the M1 class are revising the basic French vocabulary. They are learning about, amongst others, greetings, introducing themselves, counting, family members. During class, they are encouraged to express themselves, ask questions and reply in French. Also, through songs and rôle play, they have fun practising the language, both written and oral. The aim is that, by the end of the quarter, they would be able to hold simple conversations amongst themselves and write a few sentences.
In quarter 1, students are studying vocabulary about their surroundings which includes city, country side, shops, giving directions. They have revised some basic structures and were exposed to many new ones. In grammar, they revised the essential verbs in the present tense. They enjoyed activities outside to practise giving directions as well as rôle plays. We are looking forward to working on asking friends out in quarter 2.
  The class have really enjoyed the start of the year with our unit on Fashion. They learnt all necessary vocabulary to express themselves on fashion : describe what they wear, what they like and don’t like, how to buy clothes, how to give their opinions on fashion as well as reflecting on the impact of fashion in their life. Many activities were conducted outside to practise dialogues or rôle plays and it was great to see students so engaged. The culminating activity for this unit will be for them to present a fashion show at the end of the quarter.
Students have been busy with our unit on relationships in which we focused on friends and family. They have learnt a lot of new vocabulary and were able to express their views on the importance of friendship. They wrote recipes for a good friendship and will perform rôle plays before the end of the quarter. In grammar, they had to revise the present tense with all the irregular verbs and students enjoyed being teachers to other students and conducting activities to revise. In quarter 2, our unit will be about environmental issues.
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Outdoor Pursuits
  The Outdoor Pursuits trip to the Pare Mountains takes place next weekend on Saturday and Sunday, 17th and 18th September.
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Diploma Updates

- The fifteen ISM DP Pamoja Education on-line students commenced their IB DP courses on September 7th.
- EE full drafts were submitted by D2s. Feedback on EEs will be provided by supervisors within two weeks. Final EE versions will be submitted on 1 Nov.
- Swahili B and Afrikaans Literature students submitted their Written Assignments as part of the November 2016 exam session requirement.
- DP teachers are analyzing their May 2016 exam session results to cull lessons for the future.
Upcoming Events:
Tues Sept 13th – 2-4pm – UK University Fair
Tuesday Sept 27th – Geography Fieldwork Written Report (Final)
Tues Sept 27th – Afrikaans Literature SL & Swahili B HL/SL Mock Exams
Friday Oct 7th – Parent-Teacher Meeting (10:30-12 noon)
October holiday break – Sat Oct 8th until Sun Oct 16th (when boarders return)
Mon Oct 17th – First day back after October break
Frid Nov 4th @ 1:20 pm – Official IB exam Paper 1 – Swahili B HL/SL and Afrikaans Literature SL
Monday Nov 7th @ 1:20 pm: IB Exam Paper 2: Swahili B HL/SL, Afrikaans Lit SL
Friday December 16th – End of academic quarter two / parent teacher meeting
Friday March 31st – End of academic quarter three / parent teacher meeting
Friday May 18th – D2 Graduation Dinner (6:30pm)
Saturday May 20th – D2 Graduation (afternoon)
Thursday June 15th – End of academic quarter four / parent teacher meeting
“Making Modern Toughness” by David Brooks in The New York Times, August 30, 2016,
Rick Fitzpatrick, (Diploma Coordinator):
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Early Childhood Preview
  Many thanks to those parents who sent in family photographs and objects/photos of your child’s hobbies or interests. The museum spaces are beginning to take shape and the children are enjoying comparing and contrasting their families as well as what they like to do.
Please spend some time this weekend talking to your child about the culture or cultures that they feel they associate with most. This could be Tanzania, but for some it might be other countries in which they have lived or the countries that they travel to at holiday times to visit extended family. I will bring some objects in on Monday that represent my culture and hope that you can also send in some objects. Any of the following would be suitable;
- A flag(s) (which could be home made)
- A National dress or typical clothes/colours of your country(ies)
- A special object
- A photo of a special place or animal that represents that country
  If we have a good selection of objects (please don’t send anything that is breakable for the museum) then we will do a thinking routine to try and find out about each other’s cultures. It is very important that the children help to choose these objects so that they know why they are bringing them in and what they represent.
Explore sounds i made by Impy Ink and n made by Noisy Nick
EC2s will continue to think about the short i sound and CVC word families with this sound
Use language in imaginative play – Last week some children showed interest in role- playing nurses and doctors and therefore we will set up our own EC hospital to develop this play further.
Use spoken language to talk about our culture and ask and answer questions
 Make labels for the objects in the museums (children will talk about their objects and why they are important to them; some will be able to help write their labels)
- Participate in number songs, puzzles and rhymes
- Continue to explore patterns; do you have any patterned material/clothes that represents your culture? Please send into school to help decorate the museum space
- Counting forwards and backwards/estimating quantities/ counting objects and conservation of number
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P1/2 Preview
 Spelling book – a quick clarification
The children take their yellow spelling book home on Mondays and practice the listed words during the week. Please make sure they return it on Fridays for the Spelling test.
‘Show and Tell’: Group 1 on Wednesdays, group 2 on Fridays.
Please encourage your children to bring in Unit of Inquiry related objects (toys, books, art and crafts).
This is a very successful session; the children really enjoy bringing in and talking about their ‘Show and Tell’. This is Yuji demonstrating very proudly his Taekwondo skills wearing a yellow belt.
Unit of Inquiry: Who we are.
This week we designed our Summative Assessment. The children came up with very insightful ideas about how to assess what we’ve learnt in the last few weeks.
We also carried on practicing one of the PYP Learner profile attributes: the communicator. This time we visited EC where most of the children have demonstrated excellent communication skills. I am so proud of them!
The children are becoming more and more confident with their number bonds to 20. The higher ability students are subtracting as well as adding, e.g. 7 + _ = 20 or 20 – _ = 4. All the students are able to write down the calculations and then work out the answers using their 0-20 number lines. They have been working very hard all week.
This week we were focusing on the sounds: ‘ck’, ‘u’, ‘e’ and ‘r’, practising correct letter formations and making creative sound related crafts. The children were introduced to the Devil’s Den and ‘Blob and Bob’ phonics game. They really enjoyed sounding out, blending words with the new sounds. The children are becoming more confident at writing simple sentences using ‘cvc’ (consonant vowel consonant) words.
P2 were learning three new digraphs and a trigraph: ‘ai’, ‘ee’, ‘oa’ and ‘igh’. They used their phonics knowledge to write sentences using words with the above sounds in them.
A High Frequency and Tricky words laminated sheet will be sent home on Tuesday in the Homework folder. The children need to practise reading them fluently every day without sounding them out.
What to bring to school every day:
A hat, a water bottle and a healthy snack.
Indoor shoes.
The Week Ahead:
Tuesday: Library books
Wednesday: ‘Show and Tell’ for group 1
Thursday: PE lesson
Friday: Homework due in | ’Show and Tell’ for group 2
Have a fantastic week ahead!
Ms Andrea, (P1/2 Teacher)
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P2/3 Preview
  This week in P2/3 we have had a very productive week. The children have been learning about fables and how to be a clear and confident story teller. The children were risk takers during our Primary gathering when presenting. The class also went down to EC and shared their fables with the younger children in a caring and enthusiastic way. Great job P2/3.
Thank you to all parents for supporting your child with their school materials. They are now more prepared for library and PE days. Just a reminder that they need to bring their yellow home reader to school every day. Please feel free to comment on how your child is reading and I will do the same. The yellow recording book is a great way for school and home to communicate about each child’s reading growth.
Thank you to parents who are helping in class with reading buddies. This will start this coming week. If there any parents who want to help please email me. It is a great way for the children to read to different people and they really enjoy it.
This week in class:
POI / writing:
The children have been working on creating a story board that tells a fable. They have also used this story board to write their fable. Many of the children came up with their own individual fable and moral. This was very impressive. Others decided to use an old fable and add their own twist to it. They designed and made masks and headbands of an animal in their fable. The class were truly artistic this week. In writing they developed a piece of their writing. They did this by beginning the editing process. They corrected spelling (of sight words), added punctuation and added more details to their writing.
The children worked on solving math word problems. We took their prior knowledge of numbers and used it to solve addition problems. The class also used a graphic organizer (four square) to help them show how they solved it. The children are becoming more confident in explaining how they solved a problem and sharing their thinking.
The class have continued to read confidently to their reading partners. They have been very supportive with each other sharing strategies and helping when there is a tricky word. They became more aware of the importance of reading and speaking loud and proud in front of an audience.
The Week Ahead:
Monday: Holiday
Tuesday: Homework will go home. Library Day. Please return all books in their library bags.
PE – Please ensure your child has proper shoes in order to run properly.
Wednesday: Homework folder and Home reader
Thursday: Homework folder and Home reader
Friday: PE | Home work to be returned. Please make sure all aspects of the homework are completed to the best of each child’s ability.
The Week Ahead in the Classroom:
Unit of Inquiry: People make choices that affect their well-being
Line of Inquiry: Exploring the connection between balance and our well-being
Key Concepts: Reflection
During this week we will be sharing our understanding of this unit in our summative assessment. The children will be working on creating a check list that will then be used to assess a leaflet that they will create to show their knowledge of the central idea. The children will also be using IT as a tool in their leaflet creation.
Math: Addition word problems and showing how they solved them.
Using the four square graphic organizer confidently (numbers, question, draw / build and solve / show).
Playing around the word to develop quick and accurate thinking skills.
Language: Writing using complete sentences in their personal narrative.
Using capital letter and full stops correctly.
Word work will focus on words commonly spelt incorrectly in the children’s writing and age appropriate sight words i.e., was, there, are.
We will look at questions words and the spelling patterns of them.
Reading we will work on skip and return. This strategy is good when they can read all the others words around the tricky one. They will read the sentence and skip over the tricky word and then go back and reread the sentence again.
Useful websites:
Thank you for all your support and have a wonderful long weekend.
Clare Hibbard P2/3
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P4/5 Preview
This week we helped P2/3 present their assembly and the children showed great confidence in writing and presenting their lines. We are looking forward to our own assembly coming up Friday, Oct.28th.

In Language we have been writing opinion pieces on topics such as Albinism and our focus has been on inclusion. We are learning the importance of self and peer editing and looking at how good feedback helps improve work before it gets ‘published’. We are aiming to use more complicated language in our writing and developing an understanding of the importance of grammar in reading aloud and in our own writing.
In Maths, this week we looked at fractions on the number line and examining equivalent fractions. We have done this using playdough, lego and shape tiles. The students have worked through developing some solutions to some real world problems and working together to design some real world problems. They have learned that collaborating and building on the ideas of others often brings about a workable solution.
 U of I: We talked about how pictures are important when conveying a message. We reflected on our work and made improvements where needed. We began to plan our action for next week. Ask your child for details.
Head lice are back so please be sure to lice check your child every few days until they are eradicated (metal combs/the safe Lyclear formula can be purchased at Sables pharmacy in Arusha). Also see our fact sheet at
Please bring/send in an old white sheet (let us know if we can cut it up) or a set of white clothes if possible.
We are looking to borrow a few sticks from brooms and mops for our ‘action’. They will be returned next week.
Julie Bowen, (P4/5 Teacher)
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P5 Preview
 Delhem celebrated his birthday on Tuesday. Many happy returns to Delhem.
This week Mr. Rick Fitzpatrick visited the class to talk about his migration experiences. Mr. Fitzpatrick has lived in many countries but focused on his move to Belize in 1985. He prepared a very interesting and lively presentation including music, dancing and slides. The children enjoyed it immensely. Many thanks to Mr. Fitzpatrick for taking the time to come and visit us.
Language Arts
The children have been busy publishing their, “Where I’m From” poems which are now displayed outside and inside the classroom. The children have also started publishing their migration stories and we will add these to our class library. Next week the children will start to write some Kenning poems.
In maths this week we have focused on the strategy of drawing a table to solve a word problem and have continued with our work on measurement. Next week we will review look at area and perimeter and will complete some more problem solving work using the strategy of making a list.
Our current UOI on migration will end on September 16th. We have identified a summative assessment activity for the end of our UOI. The children will choose a person who has migrated (either Mo Farah, one of our visiting speakers or a subject of their choice) and make a visual aid that will show the geography of the migration, the push and pull factors and the effects of the migration. The children have decided the success criteria for the activity. We will allow time in class for this activity next week.
There will be no lessons on Monday due to the holiday. I hope all of our families who celebrate Eid enjoy the festival. I look forward to seeing the children back at school on Tuesday (please note that the children will have PE on Tuesday and should wear appropriate footwear.) As we will miss our library session on Monday we will visit the library on Tuesday to exchange our books.
The week ahead
Monday – holiday
Tuesday – extra library session, P.E.
Friday – swimming
Deborah Mills, (P5 Teacher)
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P6 Preview
  The P6s have had an active week completing their bookmarks which they have made using Aboriginal Art. We also had a great time with Elijah and Mirriam Mwashayenyi, (Kudzai’s father and mother) who came to share their migration story. It was pretty amazing to take a virtual tour with them to the largest sand dune in the world on Namib Desert, see the bushmen of Botswana and learn from their migration experiences.
  In Language Arts, the students have been through the writing processes and have published their work. We have also been reviewing the tenses in our whole language activities and working on various areas in their reading responses.
In Math the students have been developing different strategies to calculate area of rectangles or squares with a missing side. Next week, will look at the number system, particularly multiplication of whole numbers and others will work on multiplication of numbers with decimals.
  In the coming week, students will be finalizing their Summative Assessment tasks and preparing for their presentations which will happen on Friday, September 16, 2016. Parents are welcome from 10:35 to 11:35 a.m. TheP6s will be sharing their understanding of the Central Idea and lines of inquiry as well as assess themselves on how they used the IB Learner Profile and attitudes during this unit.
Cathy Wambua, (P6 Teacher)
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International School Moshi
PO Box 733 Moshi, Tanzania
Tel: +255 27 2755005
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