Dear Parents,
Last weekend our M1 students enjoyed their Campcraft trip and gained a strong insight into the challenges of joining the Outdoor Pursuits programme. This weekend many of our teachers are spending 2½ days on a wilderness First Aid course –  a requirement for our teachers leading OP trips, so as to ensure that we also have some of the skills needed to lead our many trips. Also this weekend our Basketball and Football teams are travelling to Orkeeswa School in Monduli for the first sports challenges of the school year. Last Thursday we all experienced the partial solar eclipse here in northern Tanzania – thanks to Kate Schermbrucker for this photo taken in school in Moshi at 11:50am.
Next weekend the Parent Association will be holding their annual picnic (see below). Our M4 students will away for field study during the week, and on Saturday some students will be taking ACT tests in Moshi, whilst our Arusha Campus hosts the Triathlon events.
 Teachers practising their first aid
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PA Picnic
  Welcome to the 2016/17 ISM school year! With a few weeks under our belts to settle in, the Parents’ Association (PA) has organised an afternoon out for all ISM families and teachers at the lovely TPC River House where we can chat and meet together with a BBQ (and some vegetarian snacks), drinks and some delicious baking to follow. The PA will be selling these refreshments for a small charge so that we can continue to fund even more (is it possible?! I hear you ask!!) exciting events later in the year. We will plan an entirely optional game of rounders (child’s and older folk’s baseball) and there is a pool too.
To get there, follow the directions on the TPC website
And to give your baking skills a chance to shine….contact me on . We hope to see many of you there on next Sunday, 11th September from 12.30-4.30pm.
Anna and Priya.
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Primary News
 Next week, P1-6 students will be starting to consider the summative assessment tasks for their current unit of inquiry. Their teacher will guide them through, but also give them ownership over the type of assessment tool they use, e.g. a rubric, a checklist, anecdotal notes etc. The types of assessments vary from unit to unit and are normally very stimulating and exciting for the students who get to draw conclusions relating to their unit.
  You may have noticed the new gate and pathway at the back of the primary classrooms. This was created to make it easier for children, parents and staff to move around back there.
Perhaps you have also noticed some work taking place on the playground. We are creating safe zones around the play equipment. This is something that teachers and parents have been calling for. After considering a number of options we have found a good quality solution to the problem. We are looking forward to having safe zones around all the swings and climbing frames shortly.
  I would like to remind parents that they are expected to collect children earlier on the days when they are not doing clubs, i.e. at either 13.05 or 14.00 for P1 – P6 students. Please also collect your child promptly on club days, i.e. at 3pm. We cannot provide childcare after this because teachers and teaching assistants have other work to do and meetings to attend. We thank you for your cooperation with these matters.
On a similar matter, please could we ask you to arrive in plenty of time for the start of the school day when you are bringing children to school. Supervision in the playground starts at 7am. Classes begin at 7.30am. As I am sure you realise, children make a more positive transition from home to school if they have had some minutes to play and chat with their friends, rather than if they are dashing into the classroom late.
Please could parents ensure that their child’s name is written on their hats, food boxes, water bottles and t-shirts. These are the kinds of items which can be left around – and often look similar to others. It would be a big help to the teachers and assistants who want to reunite the items with their owners. Please also note that we have a Lost and Found at the main reception desk. If your child has lost an item they can search for it there.
In the holidays we had some extensive work done to the Early Childhood classroom. As you have seen, we have now created an enclosed indoor and outdoor classroom space which the EC children have really been enjoying. They can now work and play safely both inside and outside; choosing where to go and therefore being more independent with their learning. This has undoubtedly improved their learning space and experience.
Kate Schermbrucker, (Head of Primary)
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Secondary News
   As we move into September everything is now happening. Last weekend we had our first OP trip and the second is on September 17th. As well, this Saturday we have our first sports competitions.
Our Secondary students are also starting their grade specific trips this month with the M4 trip on Tuesday and the M5 trip towards the end of the month. For the D2 students the ACT will be offered on September 10th and Mr. Rustad will also be back on campus this week in preparation for the university fair visiting us on the 12th of September.
For our parents in Dar es Salaam, there are three university presentations that they may be interested in attending:
Saturday, September 10th from 9:30am to 4pm at the Serena Hotel – UK University Fair (same as at the campus)
Friday, September 16th at 10am at American Embassy – Duke, Northwestern and Vanderbilt
Sunday, September 18th at 2:30pm at the Golden Tulip Hotel – Columbia, Dartmouth and Princeton
Bob Cofer (Head of Secondary)
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Boarding News
  The boarding team has planned various activities this weekend. Among them a trip to Moshi town on Friday afternoon. The M1-M4 trip is supervised, while the M5 to D2 trip is unsupervised. Later in the afternoon, there was football on the top pitch and a Karaoke session in the evening. On Saturday, 3rd September, a number of boarders left for Orkeeswa for a friendly U15 basketball and U19 football tournament. In the evening there is an MYP party in Kivuli dorm and a Diploma party in Kijana dorm. Church trips have been organized for Sunday morning, and students are encouraged to attend. In the afternoon, different teams have Basketball and football tournaments.
Parents have started making enquiries about the dates for the October break. We shall break on Friday 7th October in the morning. Boarders are expected to return to school on the 16th of October.
Rosemary Bango, (Head of Boarding)
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Director Search
  Earlier this week, CIS posted the vacancy announcement for the Director position which will become vacant when Bob Horton leaves in July 2017. You can view it at
The closing date is September 23rd and the time line for the process is as follows:
Long list provided by | | October 10th |
Review of finalists | | From 15th October – 21st October |
Finalists ISM visit | | 25th October – 3rd November |
Appointment | | December 1st |
This time line is not set in stone as we may have to adjust the final visits depending on the availability of stakeholders.
Search Committee
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M4 Field Study
  This week the M4 students from both campuses will be travelling to West Kilimanjaro and camping there whilst undertaking an inter-disciplinary study which will include biomass (biology) and statistics (mathematics). They will be away from Tuesday, 6th to Friday, 9th September.
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M5 Symposium
  Every year, the M5s hold a three-day symposium on teamwork and leadership, hosted by ISM teachers who guide students from both campuses through activities designed to reinforce skills needed to be strong role models. This year’s symposium will again take place at Marangu Hotel from September 21st to 23rd. Letters about the trip have gone home to boarding parents and the parents of day students. Please see the letter for more details.
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M5 Personal Projects
  The M5 students have had two formal sessions on the Personal Project with the MYP Coordinator, Mr David Ochieng. They have done their draft proposals and are scheduled to have their first formal meetings with their supervisors next Tuesday, September 6th.
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M1 CampCraft
 Last weekend the M1 students from both campuses experienced their first Outdoor Pursuits trip and learnt a number of skills that will be helpful to them in the future, particularly if they now wish to join the full set of OP trips.
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D1 Visual Arts
 The D1 Art Class have begun to settle in well to their D1 Visual Arts course working alongside Mr. Horne, their new Art Teacher. They have made a very encouraging start to their D1 Visual Arts studies.
Their first D1 unit of work is based upon the theme of ‘Identity,’ and the D1 students have been hard at work researching the work of relevant artists and designers to help inspire them as they work through the creative process involved in this unit of work.
The students have been studying the ceramic portraits of Sarah Saunders, Amanda Shelsher, Roman Khalilov and the ceramic relief designs of Hilke Macintyre, and will be producing a 3-dimensional or relief final outcome, using paper mache pulp or air-drying clay as their main medium.
The photo above depicts some of the D1 students proudly displaying some of the Process Journal pages that they have created towards this unit of work. Prior to starting the unit the students were introduced to the contemporary journaling of Teesha Moore, which has given them the confidence to work in experimental ways with lots of different media.
Mr. Horne is really looking forward to seeing his students’ final outcomes for this unit of work!
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M1 & M2 Art
  M1 – Students have been involved in understanding the basics of how to create colours and understanding their meaning. Students are embarking on their first investigation into the local tinga tinga art.
M2 – have taken on a surreal investigation where they have tried to capture a dream using the same techniques as Salvador dali. Students have been involved in their personal investigations on how to visualise this.
Anil Jootna
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MYP Design
  Monster Monster Monster!
What a start to the term, students have been fully involved in a range of investigations.
M1 – students have been finding out how to make a local monster cute and cuddly. Pupils have researched different monsters, finding out the similarities and differences. From this pupil have understood what makes an animal cute and research some safety points. Pupils have now got a solid basis where they are able to start to design their very own monsters and bring them to life.
M2- Students have been developing their understanding of the entertainment experience which will meet the needs of the future. Students have looked at existing Virtual Reality sets and explained features of a product using design terminology. Students have also researched how human measurements affect a chosen design. Next term students will be applying appropriate visualisation techniques to conceptualise their product.
M3- Students have been engaged in understanding what makes a lamp attractive. They have been understanding which material are the best considering their properties and technological knowledge. Students will shortly be designing lamps using standard visualisation techniques.
M4- Students have been celebrating the culture of defiance through the investigation of hacktivism and comic books. Students have been involved in an intense design research where they have been thoroughly investigated who their target market is therefore utilising this to their advantage.
M5 – have been involved in investigating their personal products, finding out the needs of a target market and catering for them. Conceptual products have ranged from desktop tidies to magic wands.
All students have shown resilience and fortitude whilst adapting to a rigorous design cycle. I thank them for putting the time into their work. Hopefully their creative thinking will enable them to develop designs which are befitting of their efforts helping them realise concepts into tangible products.
Anil Jootna
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Secondary Music Pop Choir
 “Even the most talented artist can never overcome the advantages of an education without singing” Zoltan Kodaly (1954)
Pop Choir are three weeks into rehearsals and are making excellent progress on some basic technical issues developing a solid singing technique. We have been looking at how to make the best possible sound, experimenting with breathing techniques, tone quality using the Italian vowels to carry the sound, projection, and harmonising melodic phrases in 3rds and 6ths.
Practising is a very important part of learning a musical instrument and a commitment for life. Follow these 6 tips for good practice and remember 5 minutes a day is better than nothing at all. We need to train our muscles like an athlete would train to run a marathon.
1. Practice makes perfect- Daily practice leads to lifelong enjoyment.
2. Practise slowly- The brain cannot absorb information at a fast pace.
3. Phrase by Phrase- Practise the hard bits and not just the bits you like.
4. Regularly record yourself- listen with an analytical ear, the tape recorder never lies.
5. Listen to the masters- find recordings of your pieces being performed by the experts.
6. Don’t give up! Find determination to get over your hurdles, playing an instrument or singing is a skill that takes time and patience to develop.
Pop Choir rehearse on a Thursday afternoon from 3.00-4.00pm and will be performing their first gig at The Sparkling Elephants Charity Dinner on Friday, 16th September (see below).
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Diploma Individuals & Societies
D1 Geography: The class is off to a great start, with eager students focusing on the main agent behind the changes in the earth’s resources; and that would be People. We are starting with the core topic on Population dynamics – the trends, growth, policies as well as Global issues for the Higher Level students by firstly looking at how globalization is measured. They are also being introduced to geographical skills vital for an IB diploma geography learner.
D2 Geography: The students have submitted their first draft of the Geography coursework, the Internal Assessment (IA) and will be working on the final draft due on the 27th of Sept 2016. The IA amounts to 20% of the HL student’s final grade and 25% of the final grade for the SL students. They are also completing the SL topic on Urbanization and the HL sub section of environmental change as well as Political Change later in the quarter. See the class working on a class project.
Hazel Ndong’
The DI Economics class has gone through the first unit on an introduction to Economics. It was interesting for most students as they have not studied the subject before, and had thought that Economics was about money. Now they understand that it is more about the allocation of scarce resources with alternative uses. In an attempt to get to know the students and to build their confidence, the class was involved in a group activity, where different groups made presentations on different topics such as emerging markets, UNDP and the World Bank. The class has done one formal test on the topic.
D2 Economics: The class has tackled Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply and how macroeconomic equilibrium is influenced by demand-side and supply-side policies. They did a test this week on macroeconomics. The students have also handed in their first commentary, a component of internal assessment. They will work on the second commentary this quarter.
Three students are writing their Extended Essay in Economics. They are expected to hand in the first draft on Monday 6th September.
Rosemary Bango
 D1 Psychology seems to have started with great enthusiasm and especially from the learners who are eager to explore and analyze data. They have shown great curiosity in trying to understand and explain human behavior! The focus so far has been on research methods; experimental and non-experimental methods as well as looking at different studies that have been done in these areas.
Ben Kiema
 D1 Global Politics students are studying ‘Power, Sovereignty and International Relations’ and the theoretical concept of legitimacy. During one lesson a recent Newsweek magazine article was assessed in terms of the legitimacy and controversy that was created Google’s decision in how it named certain entities, bodies of water and countries on its Google Maps such as when the UN does not recognize its sovereignty (ie Palestine)? []. Another lesson focused on the controversial legitimacy-related matter of the People’s Republic of China’s   (Beijing and mainland China) decades-long non-recogntion of the Republic of China (Taiwan) [] The best discussion (see photos) though focused on the article that raised questions on the legitimacy/legality of the now two-year long Operation Resolve – the US-led multinational coalition’s military actions to defeat the non-state actor – Islamic State in Syria and the Levant (ISIL) through the use of targeted air strikes on ISIL’s area of influence. []
Rick Fitzpatrick
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MYP Individuals & Societies
 M1 Integrated Humanities: The focus for M1 students has been on Ancient Greek Civilization. The students have been involved in different tasks requiring them to think, analyze and respond accordingly. Students are curious to find out about Greek mythology and the truth behind it. The connection between such ancient civilization and modern societies; it’s still a mystery to them! They can’t wait to find out about the legacy of Ancient Greeks!
M2 Integrated Humanities: The M2 class has embarked on the study of the history of East African coast with particular attention to Pangani in Tanzania as well as study the causes and impacts of coastal processes and features. The unit includes a curriculum interdisciplinary study to the coast that has been postponed to quarter 3 (Jan 30th to Feb 2nd). The students will in the end answer the question; “What physical forces and human actions have an effect on, and are affected by coastal landforms?”
M3 Integrated Humanities: The M3s on the other hand are studying Exploration with a focus on the Age of Exploration, of the 15h and 16th centuries. Students will conduct research and also create model displays of their presentations. The legacy of the Columbian Exchange will be investigated and in the process of the learning, students will also examine historical evidence from different angles.
M4 History: The class has been looking at World War 1 and its relevance to them, as a generation of the 21st century. The learners have been involved in different class activities in trying to understand the concept of World War 1. Currently students are working on a group task that will not only promote collaboration among them but will give them an opportunity to share their ideas with their peers.
M5 Geography: The class has been studying the economic angle of Development – “The haves and the Have Nots”. The main issues being, how to reduce the gap between the rich and poor, measures of development, post MDG and to create awareness about the new Global Goals for Sustainable Development and participating in the world’s largest classroom during the week of September 19th this quarter. They will engage in several activities that will be highlighted later.
Ben Kiema and Hazel Ndong’
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Sports News
Sports practices are going great, and watching the various practices on a daily basis has been exciting for me. I am really pleased with the direction our program is going. Keep up the good work students and coaches.
As mentioned in last week’s newsletter all secondary students must participate in at least one sport during Season 1. Most students have responded to the email regarding participation, if you have not please do so at your earliest convenience, if not restrictions can be imposed to those respective students.
Our first sporting fixture of the year was on Saturday September 3rd. Our U15 Boys and Girls Basketball teams, as well as our U19 Boys and Girls Football teams travelled and participated in the Orkeeswa School Friendly Tournament. Those students who were selected were informed by the coaches. Check back here next week for the results, pictures and results.
In the effort to improve the House System at ISM, as part of the Student Council Assembly on Monday September 5th there will be a House Meeting. During this time each house will be able to select students to represent the house as captains in various areas (activities, creative, social and sport). We will also be looking for teacher representatives to help guide the students.
As always keep up to date with the NTAA Schedule of Events, please click here to view the Friendly and NTAA Schedule of Events:
As always the ISM Sports Department wants to advertise two excellent afterschool activities, so please find below information regarding tennis and horseback riding. Tennis Lessons for beginners, intermediate and advanced players with Coach Charles. Those students and parents who are interested in arranging lessons are kindly requested to contact him at 0757606766.
Horse riding is also available and those interested need to contact Mr Priva at 0758053280 for more information regarding times, prices and requirements. As the season and year progresses please keep up with all the info, news, and sports reports by reading the Moshi Campus News.
Go Leopards!
Scott Hibbard, (Head of Sport and Physical Education)
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Swimming News
  Varsity Tryout swimmers shifted their attention this week to backstroke and breaststroke, with all workouts incorporating drills and sets to focus on these two strokes. There has been a very good feeling in the pool, despite the early hour, and signs that swimmers are slowly returning to their old fitness levels.
The coaches have spoken to all of the swimmers about the importance of diet, consumption of water, sleep, and quiet, alone time, away from friends to unwind from training. This means balancing many different areas of life throughout the competition year, and often, making some sacrifices to ensure results are optimal. I consider it an investment that will pay-off with top performances, and physical and mental resilience when workloads increase.
All members trying out for the team have been invited to participate in the swim clinic hosted by former British London Olympians and international competition medallists, Joe Roebuck and Amy Smith. A reminder that this visit depends on invited swimmers depositing $125US for 7-9 hours of instruction, by 10 Sept 2016. Visit their website at: On Sept 11, 2016, we will have to inform Amy and Joe if the visit it to go ahead, so please, email ISM Finance today to ensure we do not miss out on this opportunity.
Upcoming Deadlines
Sept 10, 2016 – Lifeguard Payment Due
Sept 10, 2016 – Final Varsity Roster Announced
Sept 10, 2016 – Final Decision about Olympic Swim Clinic
Upcoming Swim Meets / Events
Sat 10 Sept 2016 – Rotary Triathlon – ISMAC – participation optional
Sat 1 Oct 2016 – Secondary Swim Meet – Moshi Campus – tentative
Sun 16 Oct or Mon 17 Oct – British Olympic Swimmers Guest Clinic – Moshi Campus – US$125/swimmer – tentative
Fri 28 Oct 2016 – Mon 30 Oct 2016 – Kenyan Short Course National Championships – Mombassa – cost TBA
Coach Ryan and Coach Sabini
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Primary Sports
  This week we continued our look into the different aspects of Athletics (Track and Field) and how it connects to different sports, activities and interests. Students have deconstructed the way we choose partners and teams on the playing field, to ensure they caring, responsible, and principled during this often confusing process. Students enjoyed the saying, ‘the team is only okay, when the team is okay’, to explain the importance of not leaving anyone out, moving partners all the time, and looking out for others on the team to make sure they have a team.
We focused on throws and running this week, with students working on shotput and discus technique. It was excellent to see teams of two or three students correcting each other’s throwing stance after debating what improvements would move the shot or discus further.
Jr. Varsity Swim team members have been given a letter and an email about the UK Olympic swimmers who have proposed to visit Moshi to host a swim clinic. This will only happen if invited swimmers pay US$125 to attend, before Sept 10, 2016. This is an excellent opportunity that the coaches urge all those invited to attend.
Upcoming Primary Sports Events / Meetings:
Sat 10 Sept 2016 – Rotary Triathlon – Arusha
Wed 21 Sept 2016 – Primary Rounders – Kennedy House – Wednesday players
Sat 24 Sept 2016 – Primary Football – ISMAC – Thursday/ Saturday players
Tue 27 Sept 2016 – Primary Athletics
Sat 1 Oct 2016 – Primary Rounders – Kennedy House – Wednesday players
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The DayCare Centre
 Request for Donated Items for the Daycare Centre
For one of our primary clubs, this quarter, we have been taking a group of P4 – P6 ISM students to lead activities in the Daycare Centre on campus. The ISM children have been both principled and caring when organising PE games and art lessons for the preschool children. All the children and staff have benefited from this experience.
The Daycare Centre is a preschool operated on the   school site to meet the needs of ISM support staff (1/3 of students) and others in the Shanty Town area (2/3 of students). ISM provides the buildings, utilities and two full time teachers. Other education costs are raised from their own fees from those parents. However, they are short of stationery and toys. Many of these items are things that ISM families have in their own homes, e.g. which they are no longer using.
Therefore, we ask, are you able to donate any of the following items for the young children to use in their little school?
  Pencils, colours, erasers, rulers, hose pipe, reading books, colouring books, balls (e.g. football, tennis ball) and toys (e.g. dolls, cars, Lego, frisbee).
If so, please take them to Ms Esnath in Room 1. We welcome your used items, but please ensure they are in good condition.
Thanks in advance for your donations. They will make a big difference to the preschoolers in the Daycare Centre.
Ms Esnath and Ms Kate
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University Planning
This is a reminder that we will be hosting the UK University Fair on Tuesday, September 13th (date changed from earlier announcement).
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An Evening of Elephants & Bees
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Diploma Updates
- This reminder to D1 students (and their parents) is an excerpt from the ISM DP Progression Policy – “At the end of the first quarter of their D1 year, all full diploma students will be expected to have a minimum of 20 points (obtained by adding the reported achievement grades from their six subjects excluding ToK and EE). Any student achieving fewer than 20 points at this stage, or who have fewer than 10 points in their higher level subjects, will be required to undertake a modified programme in consultation with the Diploma Programme Coordinator. All students with 20 to 22 points (or with 10 or 11 HL points) will be warned that they will need to reduce their programme of study if they do not receive a minimum of 22 points (a minimum of 11 points in their higher levels) by the end of the second quarter – this will also be communicated to parents.” (from the ISM DP Handbook 2016-2018)
- Parents are encouraged to regularly access ManageBac to see the details of their child’s DP course topics under study, assignments and grades.
- Engaging lessons typify DP classes in all subject groups and are on display daily. This was in evidence in Friday’s D2 History Harkness-method [] discussion (see photos) on Cold War Crises and in the D2 Swahili A Literature discussion on the KiSwahili translation of Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman. (
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Early Childhood Preview
  Many thanks to all parents who sent in family photographs. Please send a photograph in on Monday if you haven’t already done so. The children are comparing their families and sharing information about what their family is like. We read a wonderful book called ‘The Great big book of families’ by Ros Asquith and Mary Hoffman to get us started.
Next week we will begin to talk about interests/hobbies. If your child takes part in a particular activity outside school such as tennis, riding, dancing, football then please send in something to represent this interest such as a pair of ballet shoes or a football. It may be something that they enjoy doing at home such as painting, playing with cars or dressing up, in which case you could send in a paint- brush, a car or a dress up costume. These items will remain in their museum until the end of the unit.
- Concentrate on speaking and listening within the class group time, remembering to put up hand to speak. Try to use a loud, clear voice to communicate during show and tell and when presenting family photographs. Encourage children to ask and answer questions.
- Continue to develop fine motor skills through threading beads and manipulating small construction toys.
- Letter formation for those who are developmentally ready
- This week we will explore the sounds m and t made by Munching Mike and Talking Tess. EC2s will start to look at CVC words in the in family; pin, fin, kin, etc
  - Drawing and writing about families
- Writing letters to Arusha campus Early childhood class to find out more about them and how we are the same and different
- We will be using to investigate letters. Why not try this programme at home! Don’t forget that we concentrate on letter sounds not names at the moment.
Count by rote through songs and rhymes
Sort and count objects (including 2D shapes)
Match groups of objects to numerals
Begin to explore patterns
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P1/2 Preview
Homework – a quick clarification
 The children take their homework folder home on Mondays, work on Maths, Literacy and Unit of Inquiry tasks during the week and they need to return their work on Fridays. They can bring back their reading books during the week for exchange.
Please remind your children about ‘Show and Tell’: Group 1 on Wednesdays, group 2 on Fridays.
Please encourage your children to bring in Unit of Inquiry related objects (toys, books, art and crafts).
Unit of Inquiry: Who we are.
This week our main focus was one of the PYP Learner profile attributes: communicator. We visited P5 to practise how to be a good communicator.  They were introducing themselves, talking about their favourite things, speaking clearly and confidently in front of the older children. They were great risk-takers as well!
We have also carried on looking at different kind of families, different living environments, living circumstances and life styles. The children then designed their future homes and drew their imaginary families.
This week the children have continued to learn about directions. We moved onto the cardinal directions – north, south, east and west – and you may have heard them singing their directions song. They have also been learning about odds, evens and pairs.
We revised the sounds: ‘g, ‘o’, ‘c’ and ‘k’, practicing correct letter formations and making creative sound related crafts. The children were introduced to the ‘Treasure Box’ phonics game. They really enjoyed sounding out, blending words and deciding weather they made sense or not.
P2 were learning 4 new digraphs: ‘ch’, ‘sh’, ‘th and ‘ng’. They used their phonics knowledge to write simple stories using words with the above sounds in them.
What to bring to school every day:
A hat, a water bottle and a healthy snack.
Indoor shoes please!!
The Week Ahead:
Monday: PE lesson | Homework will be sent home (due in on Friday) | Primary clubs.
Tuesday: Library books
Wednesday: ‘Show and Tell’ for group 1
Thursday: PE lesson
Friday: Homework due in | ‘Show and Tell’ for group 2
Have a fantastic week ahead!
Ms Andrea
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P2/3 Preview
  This week in P2/3 we have improved our organizational skills and the children are becoming more aware of routines in and outside of the classroom. They are also showing that they are responsible learners by changing their home readers and returning homework on the correct day. I would like to thank parents as well for helping your child with this.
I would like to remind everyone that it is very important that children come to school in the correct shoes on PE days and if you have library books that need to be returned please send them to school. Thanks.
Our class have continued to be budding scientists during our ‘Who we are ‘unit. The class observed how germ grows and breed by rubbing our hands on a peeled apple. Over a period of three days we watched and remarked on how the apples form changed. The class made predictions and came up with reasons for these changes.
Class Action:
Making sure we clean our cuts and scrapes well.
Covering cuts and scrapes properly.
Washing our hands with soap and for a period of time.
This week in class:
POI / writing – The children have focused on the line of inquiry: consequences of choices. We looked at and read many fables. The children became very good at identifying the moral / lesson of each one. They focused on one character from their favorite fable and the traits of that character (boastful, jealous, caring). They then either took a fable or created their own and made their own fable story board. The children have done an amazing job in creating and sharing these. They are also going to present them this Friday during our Primary Gathering.
Math – We have looked at the place value of a two and three-digit number and what does each digit mean. We have built, drawn and written these numbers. We have also looked at quick ways to add (ten facts, doubles, rounding 9 to 10). The children have enjoyed coming up with their own question in which to ask others. The came up with excellent ideas and ways to show this information (bar graphs, pictographs, colour coded graphs).
Reading – We have been busily reading our just right reading books and the children are so engaged in what they are reading. Their reading stamina has improved greatly. They are now reading for a longer period of time. We have focused on partner reading and they now have their reading partner in which to read to, listen to and support. We will continue with these and also focus on looking at the pictures for clues when sounding out tricky words and re-reading when we read a word that doesn’t make sense.
 The Week Ahead:
Monday: Homework will be sent home (returned by Friday). If children have any questions about their homework they are encouraged to come and ask me. Home readers should be brought to school and returned home every day. Please note the children are making their own decisions on whether they are ready to change their book.
Tuesday: Library Day. Please return all books.
PE – Please ensure your child has proper shoes in order to run properly.
Wednesday: Homework folder and Home reader
Thursday: Homework folder and Home reader
Friday: PE | Home work to be returned | Primary gathering
The Week Ahead in the Classroom:
Unit of Inquiry: People make choices that affect their well-being
Line of Inquiry: Exploring the connection between balance and our well-being
Key Concepts: Reflection
We will be inviting members of our school community in to ask them about their lifestyle and routines. We would be happy for parents to come in a share what they do to have a balance lifestyle.
Math: Number work (addition to 20), Place value of two and three digit numbers and be able to write, say, draw and build them)
How to read a word problem / number story and solve it using pictures numbers and words.
Language: Writing using complete sentences in their personal narrative. Using capital letters and full stops correctly.
Word work will focus on words commonly spelt incorrectly in the children’s writing and age appropriate sight words i.e., was, there, are.
We will look at questions words and the spelling patterns of them.
Reading we will work on stretch words out using all the sounds we know. Good readers ask themselves does it sound right if they have read a word wrong instead of reading on. This will our focus in guided reading groups.
Please that homework might vary from child to child based on their learning needs and style.
Thank you for all your support and have a wonderful weekend.
Clare Hibbard P2/3
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P4/5 Preview
  We are digging deep into our exploration of rights and responsibilities. In the week ahead we will be looking into our responsibilities as good citizens and communities to protect and fight for the rights of others. We will looking at NGO’s and organizations in the area that are set up to help in these areas. If you are a parent and work for such an organization we would welcome you to come in and discuss this with the class. This really helps make the learning come alive!
  In Math we are exploring beyond whole numbers looking at the connection between fractions and decimals. We are beginning to look at where in the world we see fractions/decimals and the practical need for this understanding. To extend this learning we are discussing the use of infographics in the real world and have used our understanding of fractions to effectively display facts in a modern and relevant way using an online tool called Piktochart.
  In language we are beginning to learn to write persuasively and use hooks and exciting vocabulary to grip the audience. We have review the use of homophones their, there and they’re. We continue to write and share our opinions and thoughts and are reading a range of non-fiction texts and exploring these in class.
In addition to this your children have been introduced to an online story writing tool called Storybird which they are welcomed to use at any time and another called Studyladder which will reinforce learning concepts learned at school. Log in details are in their homework books and can be accessed at home.
Julie Bowen, (P4/5 Teacher)
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P5 Preview
 Paige returned to school this week – we were very pleased to welcome her to the P5 class. Navo celebrated her birthday on Thursday. Many happy returns to Navo. Ms. Kate visited us to talk about her migration from Kenya to England as a child and the children asked her lots of questions about her experiences. Ms. Julie (P4/5 teacher) also came to class and told us about her experiences leaving Canada and travelling around the world. The children have read the Patricia Polacco stories, “The Keeping Quilt” and “The Blessing Cup” which describe Ms. Polacco’s family’s migration from Russia to the United States and the traditions and rituals that the family practice to this day to maintain their sense of identity. This will form the basis of next week’s homework activity.
The children have been busy writing the migration stories of the people they interviewed 2 weeks ago. They have also written poems about the important things in their lives that contribute to their sense of personal identity. They have made pictures of important items and we are sticking these together to make a paper “quilt.” In maths we have been converting meters to kilometers and kilometers to meters. The children have also been using decimal notation to record measurement. In IT we have been using the Mangahigh site to practice place value and rounding skills. We reviewed the Deca Tree maths problem which the class worked on for homework this week and modelled the solution. The children are learning to be logical and organized in their thinking and to persevere in the face of difficulty.
The week ahead:
Language: We will publish our poems and migration stories.
Maths: We will continue with our work on measurement.
UOI: We will consider why migrants are not always welcome when they move to a new community. Mr. Rick Fitzpatrick will visit us to talk about his time in Belize. We would love to have some other parents to come to class to talk to us about the reasons they have moved overseas and their experiences. We will plan our summative assessment activity in preparation for the final week of our UOI.
Monday: Library and take home homework packet
Tuesday: PE – remember your water bottle and appropriate footwear
Friday: Swimming and return homework to school
Deborah Mills, (P5 Teacher)
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P6 Preview

This week the P6s enjoyed watching a part of a documentary about Mohammed Farah (a British distance runner who migrated from Somalia at a young age). It was great hearing their responses as they made connections between the different personal narratives we have read about and their own personal narratives.
In Math this coming week students will focus on decimals as we continue to convert units of measuring length. They will also inquire into strategies to calculate the perimeter or area of shapes when some of the dimensions are missing.
  In Language Arts, the students will publish their personal narratives and add them as part of their Summative Assessment. We will also be focusing on using past tense in writing and looking at main ideas in our reading activities.
In our Unit of Inquiry we are winding up with the third line of inquiry where we are looking at the effects of migration on communities, culture and individuals. Students will also start working on their Summative Assessment projects to demonstrate their understanding of the unit.
Monday: Library- remember to return the borrowed books
Tuesday: French and Music
Wednesday: P.E. (wear your P.E. shoes and House T-shirt, carry your hat and a water bottle) | French and Swahili
Thursday: Music
Friday: Swahili and Swimming (ensure you have your swimming costume, towel and flip flops)
Cathy Wambua, (P6 Teacher)
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