Dear Parents,
We have had a very successful start to the new school year welcoming about 75 new students to the campus as well as our many new teachers. It is always amazing to me how smoothly everything gets started despite the many new members of our community who are learning about the school. Last week our D1 class had a two-day orientation programme before starting their diploma classes; our MYP students had a day’s introduction to the MYP and the various subjects they will study; we held a CAS Fair to introduce secondary students to the various creative and service activities on offer as well as a sports introduction afternoon; and our primar students selected their clubs activities. Al Primary Clubs and Secondary CAS activities and Sports will start this Monday afternoon.
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Secondary News
  We have had a smooth first week in the Secondary and all the new students and staff are quickly settling into the flow of the school. This past Thursday the secondary students attended a CAS (Creativity, Activity and Service) fair and should be currently signing up for different activities using the provided Google Document. The club and sports activities will be starting on Monday the 15th.
On Thursday, 25th August we will be having a Parents’ Night for the MYP (M1-M5) and DP (D1-D2) parents starting at 6:30pm. If you have questions about the different programs or would just like to learn more in general, we invite you to attend.
In a related area, on Monday, 12th September we will be having a UK University Fair starting at 2pm for Students in M5-D2 and their parents. Stay tuned for more details and a list of the 20 universities scheduled to attend.
In the next 4 weeks both our Outdoor Pursuits and class interdisciplinary trips will start. On August 27th the M1 students will have their introductory Campcraft OP trip. Our class trips will start with the M4 students from both Moshi and Arusha heading to West Kili on September 6th. Full details of the Outdoor Pursuits trips will be sent to parents next week.
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Primary: Meet the Teachers
  We are looking forward to seeing all the parents of primary day students on Thursday 18th August for our start of the year meeting. We will meet in Room 6 at 18.30 and expect the event to be finished by 19.30.
First I will give introductions and explain how we organise the Primary School and tell you more about the IB Primary Years Programme (PYP). Then you will go to your child’s classroom to meet their teacher who will tell you all about herself and how she organises her lessons etc. This will be a general session and not a chat about your child. If you wish to arrange an individual meeting about your child, then please email the teacher directly.
Kate Schermbrucker
Head of Primary / PYP Coordinator
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Director Search
  Dear Parents, As you know, our director, Bob Horton, will be leaving us at the end of this school year next June.
We have retained the services of the Council of International Schools (CIS) to manage the search for a new director. Pauline O’Brien from CIS will be visiting our campuses this week to learn more about the ISM community. To help her gain an understanding of what type of candidates will be a good fit for us, she will be meeting with teachers, staff, student and parents. We would like to invite Moshi parents to meet with her on Wednesday, August 17th from 11:30-12:30.
We hope that you can join this important discussion. Please let us know if you can make it, as we need to ensure we have adequate representation of all stakeholders.
Email RSVP to:
Sarah Rubinstein, Marius Jacobs, Ingrid Chavez, Carolynn Fischer (Search Committee)
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Boarding News
  Boarders reported back to school for the new year on Monday, 8th August. We have a number of new boarders in all dorms, and they are all trying to find their way. The returning boarders are already settled. We thank parents for making arrangements for the smooth return of the boarders. The boarding team has started work earnestly and we hope the quarter will run smoothly.
The MYP boys dorm has a new boarding parent, Mr. Delali Ocloo, who also teaches Mathematics in Secondary school. He can be reached on e-mail on . His phone number is +255 763 464 914. Mr Delali will be assisted by Robert Mboya who continues from last school year.
As mentioned in the newsletter earlier, we will not charge students for transport to and from KIA on the scheduled opening and closing days. However, we will continue to charge for transport on other days.
Parents are reminded to download and fill Parent Consent forms for this year. This can be found on our website at:
Please return the consent forms to your child’s boarding parent or to Rosemary Bango .
A number of weekend activities are planned this weekend, including the usual town trips, sports like basketball, dodge ball, and a disco.
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  Please can we urgently remind parents of secondary students that their child is required to bring the correct type of calculator to school. Many students have returned without calculators and now need to purchase these.
All students in D1 and D2 are required to have a Graphic Calculator for use in Mathematics, Science and other classes. We strongly recommend the purchase of a TI-84 calculator and all teaching on the use of calculators will be based on the TI-84. If you do not yet have one of these, they are for sale in school at a price of US$150 for a black and white model, or $170 for the colour screen model. Please send your child with sufficient money to purchase this (in US$ or TSh) or send an email to me at if you wish to have this cost invoiced to you through the school’s accounts office. Payment can also be made to 0767 534766 via MPesa (please do not use a different mobile money system). If paying by MPesa the black-and-white calculator costs TSh 330,000, and the colour calculator costs TSh 374,000.
Students in other secondary classes need a simple calculator (M1-M3) or scientific calculator (M4 & M5). The school does not sell these, but they are easily available for purchase in Moshi town. If you need to send money to your child to purchase a calculator, you may also use MPesa to send funds (see above). Please follow any MPesa payment with a text message to clarify the payment.
May we also remind parents that all students in M4 and above are also required to bring a laptop to school for use in classes.
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Who Do I Contact?
  Often it is not clear who you should contact if you have a question or a concern. I hope this guide may help you.
Area | Name/Title | Contact Details |
Boarding: An issue about your child | His/her boarding parent | Please exchange contact information with his/her boarding parent |
Boarding: A wider concern | Rosemary Bango – Head of Boarding | 0689 772346 or |
Boarding: Travel Arrangements | Rosemary Bango – Head of Boarding | 0689 772346 or |
Primary: Your child’s education | His/her class teacher | All teachers can be contacted by email using an address in the form |
PYP Curriculum Matters | Kate Schermbrucker – PYP Coordinator | |
Primary: A wider concern | Kate Schermbrucker – Head of Primary | |
Primary Clubs | Kate Schermbrucker | |
Secondary: Your child’s education | His/her tutor or subject teacher | All teachers can be contacted by email using an address in the form |
Secondary: A wider concern | Bob Cofer – Head of Secondary | 0762 326385 or |
IB Diploma Matters | Rick Fitzpatrick – Diploma Coordinator | |
MYP Matters | David Ochieng – MYP Coordinator | |
CAS Activities | Ingrid Chavez – CAS Coordinator | |
Sports Activities | Scott Hibbard – Head of PE & Sports | |
Outdoor Pursuits | Isaac Foya – OP Coordinator | |
Music Lessons | Mary Pantlin – Music Teacher | |
Routine Accounts queries | Accounts Office | |
Special Fee Arrangements | Keiron White – Head of Campus | 0767 534766 or |
Policy issues concerning the whole school (not specific to your child or to the Moshi Campus) | Bob Horton – Director | |
Any other matters | Keiron White – Head of Campus | 0767 534766 or |
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Sports News
  Karibu and welcome to a new sporting year at ISM. Sport is a vital part of student life here at ISM. Some of life’s important lessons, such as victory and being a part of a team are learned through participation on an ISM Sports Team. We strive to instill in our students the core values of our program: excellence in effort, sportsmanship, teamwork, self-discipline and dedication.
At the moment it has been an excellent start to the sporting season here at ISM. The Season 1 sign up form has gone out to students and parents, the practice timetable has been organized, and the students, and coaches are ready to get started on Monday August 15th.
Please click here to view the practice timetable:
The season is packed full of opportunities for the students to practice and play games, one important document to have is the Friendly and NTAA Schedule of Events. Please note you can find these events marked on the school calendar, but it is always good to have a copy for yourself.
Please click here to view the Friendly and NTAA Schedule of Events:
As the season and year progresses please keep up with all the info, news, and sports reports by reading the Moshi Campus News.
I look forward to a great sporting season and year. Go Leopards!
Scott Hibbard Head of Sport and Physical Education
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Music Notes
 ISM Musical Instrumental Programme for Primary and Secondary Students.
We are pleased to announce that the ISM music team will be offering Piano, Drum, Guitar, Bass, Vocal, Saxophone, and Clarinet tuition for this quarter. Please sign up outside the music department to secure a place for your child. Lessons cost 19,000 tsh per half an hour session.
The department will be focusing on expanding our instrumental tuition over the year to provide not only individual lessons on a wide variety of instruments but ensemble collaboration and group teaching opportunities during these individual sessions. Playing with others makes all that personal practice worthwhile. It’s what helps to encourage young musicians to overcome hurdles, develop fine musicianship, collaborate with new found friends and discover the true magic of learning a musical instrument.
We are currently looking for more instrumental teachers in the community to broaden our fantastic team of music tutors here at ISM. If you play an instrument to a good standard and have an interest in joining our dedicated, collaborative and professional program please contact Mrs Pantlin at the music department.
Mary Pantlin, ISM Music Teacher
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Swimming News
  Dear Swim Parents & Athletes, The following athletes have decided to try-out for the Varsity Swim Squad: Sanne, Shawn, Alicia, Sally, Emily H, Maria B, Sil, Chris F, Christine, Susanne, Silipa, Lianne, Nandi, Laura, Oshin, Luke. These individuals will attend workouts for one month, undergoing a rigorous stroke analysis, fitness tests, all the while showing their capacity to be a member of a team. The Varsity Team roster will be announced on Fri 9 Sept 2016.
The coaching staff would like to wish all swimmers and swimming families the best of luck during this challenging time. We recognize the sacrifice made for the benefit of each athlete and our program. In particular, we would like to recognize the boarding parents who often have several athletes in their homes. Workouts are as follows: Mon-Thur – 0530-0700 Sat – 0800-1000.
M1s and M2s will be given alternate days to attend workouts after the first two weeks of the tryout.
Junior Varsity Swim Team members will begin workouts next week. This is for advanced swimmers only.
Swim workouts are as follows:
Mon – 2-3pm – must be registered through the primary club registration
Tue, Wed, Thur – 1:30-1:50 – optional drop-in for advanced swimmers only
Sat – 10-11am – Sabini will be running a football workout from 9-10am
Please contact Coach Ryan with any questions you may have. Many thanks to all parents and boarding parents for your ongoing support.
Coach Ryan, Coach Sabini
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Primary PE and Sports
  We have had a great first week in primary PE!
Students will be engaged in mixed games and learning about Athletics and the different sports within Athletics (i.e., running, jumping, and throwing). We will always spend time outside, so children will be guided by their class teachers and teaching assistants to wear hats and bring water bottles to PE class.
We have had a few questions about appropriate footwear for young athletes. Shoes that are designed for running are the best for PE classes, and they are useful for many sports and surfaces. Shoes with spikes or cleats, like those meant for football, should be kept for football (soccer) only as they can cause injury on court surfaces. Football club is on Thursday, and Football in PE lessons will start after Athletics.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions about appropriate PE attire or footwear – – for PE lessons or for sports clubs.
Stay tuned for an exciting announcement about primary house competitions in the next few weeks!
Ryan Sullivan, Primary PE
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Netball for Adults
  Parents, teachers, volunteers, would you like to play NETBALL? – Come join us!
WHEN: Every Wednesday 7.30-8.30 a.m
WHERE: Tennis courts at the International School Moshi.
SKILL: All levels are welcome. Enthusiasm is the only requirement.
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An Evening of Elephants & Bees
  ISM is a supporter of the Sparkling Elephant Project – a global awareness campaign about the conservation of elephant populations. This announcement is to promote a fundraising dinner to be held in Moshi by the Elephant Embassy:
An Evening for Elephants and Bees – change of date and ticket price! Last minute announcement to our elephant ambassadors and followers: we would like to notify you that the date for our fundraising dinner ‘An Evening for Elephants’ has now incorporated the ‘BEES’ and changed DATE to Friday, 16th September
The Elephant Embassy, together with its advocating project: The Sparkling Elephant in collaboration with ISM have joined forces with a ‘bee’ being Mama Nyuki from ‘Jasmjin Honey’; the hotel training school: ‘More than A Drop’; the Chinese restaurant: ‘Mr Feng’ and with the elephant wine ‘Balance’ from Red & White. All under the accounting roof of ‘Mustansir’s Concept’!
Tickets for the gala dinner are NOW going for $25 per person.
Note: Ticket cash points and final venue for the gala dinner will be announced via Tangaza, Arusha Mailing, the ISM Newsletter and our Facebook pages by next week.
All proceeds will go towards supporting students from ISM to take part in the Moshi Road & Awareness March outside of Moshi to join forces with the Global March for Rhinos and Elephants initiative on 24th of September 2016. The students, together with their Sparkling Elephant ‘Tumaini’ on wheels, will advocate for elephant conservation through governments schools along their way.
We are #GenerationElephant
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School Fees
  As you will know, it is school policy to expect payment of school fees for each quarter on a date before the start of the quarter. If we have not yet received your child’s fees for this quarter, you will have been advised by our accounts office. In this situation it is likely that we will not allow your child to attend classes and we will need to arrange to send boarding students home. To avoid this difficult situation, please do ensure that fees are always paid before the due date specified on invoices.
If you anticipate difficulty in paying school fees and would like to reschedule payment dates, please contact me on before the due date for payment so that we can discuss possible arrangements.
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Diploma Updates
- The forty-six students in the D1 orientation participated in an engaging, team-building focussed orientation program. Highlights included the fascinating panel discussion led by six professionals in the ISM Community who dialogued on the topic of ‘success’ and the rural Kibosho field trip to a successful agri-business.
- Most DP students listened to the intriguing conclusions of UMass Amherst Professor Doug Hardy’s Mt Kili Glacier study (Contact Mr F if you would like to see the lengthy and informative power-point that was presented).
  Upcoming Events:
Monday Sept 5th – Complete 4,000-word EE draft due (D2).
D2 coursework deadlines over the coming months in many D2 classes and each D2 student should closely follow the D2 deadlines sheet shared by Mr F and as posted on the ManageBac calendar.
Rick Fitzpatrick, DP Coordinator
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Early Childhood Preview
  It has been a happy and busy first week in EC. All the new children as well as returning children settled into the class well and it has been a remarkably calm week, getting to know each other and the routines of the classroom.
Please check the class timetable this weekend so you are aware of PE and Library days. Library bags and books only have to be returned on library days. I will let you know when swimming starts, but until then we will have a regular PE lesson on Friday as well as Tuesday. Please make sure your child is wearing a House T-shirt, comfortable shorts or trousers (preferably not jeans) and PE shoes on these days. Boots, sandals, crocs or flip flops are not appropriate footwear for PE.
Unit of Inquiry
Our central idea is ‘Recognising our own and others’ differences can help us grow and appreciate one another.’
Last week we spent some time thinking about how we are similar and different as we got to know each other. We will continue to think about our similarities and differences this week; the languages we speak, our families, what we like to do, our favourite toys, etc. We will also think about our feelings and emotions, for example how we feel to be at a new school or back at school after the long holiday.
  Please could you send your child in with a favourite toy on Tuesday 16th August, prepared to say a few words about why it is their favourite. We will also talk about our favourite colours and make a graph to show this information. I will use the story “Chidi Only likes Blue,” an African Book of colours to help us with our discussion about why we like certain colours and what they remind us of.
Maths Focus
As part of our maths inquiry we will be investigating how tall we are using our big blocks to measure with. We’ll start a growth chart to enable us to see how we grow through the year. Children will also be working on number sense through songs, puzzles and games. This will be differentiated to suit the needs of individual children. I am still assessing the new children in their numeracy skills.
Language Focus
Language in the PYP involves speaking and listening, reading, writing, viewing and presenting. We will read stories to help the children explore feelings and emotions. They will draw pictures of their present feelings about school and use puppets to role play these feelings. Our work on phonemic awareness will begin using our Letterland Scheme. I will talk more about this scheme at our meeting on Thursday evening. We will introduce all the letter symbols and their sounds to the new children and EC1 children. I will also continue to assess language skills to plan differentiated activities for groups of children. EC2 children will be working on word building of CVC words.
Have a wonderful weekend
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P1/2 Preview
Information for Parents
It has been an exciting and busy week in P1/2. The children settled in quickly, learnt about each other and have shown great enthusiasm towards all school activities. I am delighted to have such a motivated and creative class!
Our PE lessons take place on Mondays and Thursdays. Please make sure your child comes prepared to school wearing trainers, shorts and House T-shirts. Swimming lessons will not start until October.
We have our library session every Tuesday. Please make sure your child brings in borrowed books on Tuesdays to return them and get new ones.
A parent evening will be held on Thursday 18th August at 6:30pm in room 6. I hope you can attend this meeting to learn more about our class routines, activities and how you can support your child’s learning at home.
 Unit of Inquiry: Friends
The children were very excited to play the “Wonder box” game where there were pictures and objects in the box with one thing in common with each other. We had amazing thinkers in the class working out the connection between them and finding out our new Unit.
We also made a “Silly Friend Soup” together. The children demonstrated a great understanding about the ‘ingredients’ needed to make and maintain good friendships such as love, caring, sharing, sticking together, helping each other, playing and having fun.
The children were involved in fun activities that helped them to practise and recognise numbers ordering up to 20. They enjoyed counting forwards and backwards and learnt a few songs that supported counting.
We sing songs, learn rhymes and listen to stories every day. This week our stories were about friends. We also made puppets and had great fun using them in our Puppet Shows about friendships.
This week we made our Essential Agreements. The children brainstormed some brilliant ideas about what rules should we follow to have a positive, safe and happy learning environment. Please pop in and take a look at our poster. P1/2 have also made some amazing drawings of themselves agreeing to follow these class rules.
You can also look at our self-portraits displayed outside the classroom. The children also wrote about their likes.
What to bring to school every day: A hat and a healthy snack.
The Week Ahead:
Monday: | PE lesson, Homework will be sent home (due in on Friday), Primary clubs begin
Tuesday: Library session
Thursday: PE lesson, Parent Meeting
Friday: Homework due in
Ms Andrea
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P2/3 Preview
 What a great and busy first week in P2/3! The children are settled into class and are getting to know each other. following:
 Classroom Essential Agreements – the children brainstormed together to create these agreements, and have been working hard in order to follow them.
PYP Learner Profile Attributes – we have outlined the PYP learner attributes in class, and the importance of these attributes to the students at ISM. We will be working throughout the school year to help the students understand, and achieve these attributes.
 Math – The students have worked both individually and in groups created posters to explain what knowledge students had previously learned about math and why they were “math experts”. The children set year-long math goals.
Writing – The class developed writing routines, and brainstormed ideas of what it takes to be a writer. The focus this past week was to write a personal narrative.
   The Week Ahead:
Monday: Primary Clubs Begin (14:00 – 15:00)/Homework will be sent home (returned by Friday)
Tuesday: Physical Education Class, students need to be prepared with proper clothing (House T-shirt, gym shoes, hat and water bottle), and Library Day
Wednesday: Just a regular day
Thursday: Back to School Night at 18:30
Friday: Physical Education Class, students need to be prepared with proper clothing (House T-shirt, gym shoes, hat and water bottle)
The Week Ahead in the Classroom:
Unit of Inquiry: People make choices that affect their well-being
Line of Inquiry: Elements of Healthy Living and Exercise Nutrition
Key Concepts: Responsibility
  Math: Continue Number work and time
Language: Continue Personal Narrative and a Reading Assessment will be given to find out each students independent reading level
Please find a list of essential items to bring to school every day: hat, water bottle, healthy snack.
Homework Folder, and indoor shoes and spare change of clothes are recommended.
Finally, a reminder regarding Back to School night, will held on Thursday August 18th at 18:30.
Clare Hibbard P2/3
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P4/5 Preview
  We had a great first week in P4/5. We worked hard to design our classroom and worked in groups to research and devise a plan to ‘pitch’ to our classmates. We considered our needs and have decided on a design which we are testing out at the moment. We have discovered that it is important to reflect on our process and be flexible to create a workspace that is comfortable for us all.
Unit of Inquiry – Transdisciplinary theme: Who we are. Our central idea is with rights comes responsibilities. This week the students were encouraged to consider what it would feel like if the things they see as their ‘rights’ were taken away from them (e.g. playtime). What would they do? Would they be confident enough to speak up and speak up? Our first lines of inquiry focus on the rules by which people live and the connection between rules and responsibilities. Key Concepts: function and perspective.
Attitudes: appreciation and respect
Language Arts – Our focus is the use adjectives and ‘stretching’ our sentences to make them more descriptive.
Math – Next week we will looking at different properties of numbers; half, double, more than, less than and before and after. We will be also reviewing our number bonds to 10 and 20.
Coming up:
Monday -Homework given out & Clubs begin!
Thursday – Meet the Teacher from 18.30 – 19.30
Friday – Homework collected in.
Remember to send in a water bottle and hat (No hat = no play).
Julie Bowen
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P5 Preview
  We have had a busy and fun week in P5 getting to know all about each other and establishing our expectations for the year ahead. The children have started a self portrait, made posters about themselves and interviewed their classmates. We have completed some introductory maths activities on shapes and numbers that are important to us.
Homework will be assigned on Monday, 15th August. Your child will bring home a homework packet on Monday and it should be returned to school on Friday. The packet will include a levelled reading book for the week ahead and your child will also bring home some books from the library.
Looking at the week ahead in Maths we will focus on revising addition skills. We will share different strategies and apply our knowledge to problem solving.
  In English Language the students will complete an independent piece of writing as a baseline to compare future work against. We will discuss the features of successful narrative writing and apply them to our own narrative work. The children will set themselves writing goals.
We will start our Unit of Inquiry and consider the different reasons that people migrate. We will use maps and the internet to look at where migrants come from and go to. We will integrate co-ordinates into this work and will plot points on grids and maps.
Afternoon clubs will start next week. Your child should have brought home a slip of paper detailing which clubs he/she is signed up for.
I have emailed out a copy of the P5 timetable showing when specialist lessons will take place. If you did not receive that email please can you let me know as it means that your name is not currently included in my P5 parent email group and I will need to add your contact information.
I look forward to meeting many of you at the back to school night next Thursday at 6:30pm.
Monday: Library – please send in any finished books so your child can exchange them.
Tuesday: PE, French, Music – make sure you wear running shoes.
Wednesday: Swahili
Thursday: French
Friday: Swahilli, PE, Music – make sure you wear running shoes and bring your homework folder back to school.
Deborah Mills
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P6 Preview
 The first week was exciting. The children were so happy to be back and I really enjoyed getting to know them. We set our essential agreements and had great opportunities to settle into the new academic year.
In the coming week, the students will get into the geographical aspect of their unit and do some work involving map skills. They will be learning about a country they or someone they know lived in, and will study the geography of that country. This will be extended to their I.T. lessons where they continue the research and write a short report.
In Math, as an ongoing unit, we are focusing on the number system and the language in Math. We will be solving word problems involving all four operations so they can learn the vocabulary that goes with the different operations. Our integrated Math unit is data handling where the students collect, analyze, interpret and present data.
In Language the students are focusing on a number of stories as they make connections between the different texts they read with their own experiences. Many of them have lived in a country other than their own, and all of them have friends or family members who have migrated or immigrated to another country. We are putting together all those experiences as they learn to write a memoir.
The students will get an interview sheet. They can choose to interview someone here in Moshi or through video call if the person lives in a different location. Kindly give them the support they require. If you have any questions you can send me a note through the homework book or through
 Curriculum Evening:
I look forward to meeting with all the parents this coming Thursday where I will share more about the program, routines and expectations in P6.
New Student: We welcome Mohammad from Palestine. He is very knowledgeable, confident and humorous. He is a joy to have in P6.
Ms Cathy- P6 Class teacher
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International School Moshi
PO Box 733 Moshi, Tanzania
Tel: +255 27 2755005
Fax: +255 736 605320
Mobile: +255 767 534766 |