Dear Parents,
Thanks to all who worked so hard to organise yesterday’s Talent Show. It was a great success and we saw some amazing talent (and some less amazing talent) on display. Congratulations to all and esecially to the Parents’ Association for all their efforts.
We are now into the final week of the school year. Our D1 students will spend the next two days focusing on the Theory of Knowledge and will then spend a full day discussing their Extended Essays. Our Middle Years students have three MYP Focus Days – details below. We then enjoy a secondary sports day on Thursday before the final assembly and parents’ meetings on Friday, 17th June.
Sadly we will be saying goodbye to many teachers at the end of this week. Details of our leaving teachers are given below. We are also bidding farewell to some departing students and families who we will miss from the ISM community next school year. Please join us at the assembly at 8:45am on Friday in Karibu Hall to see some student performances, congratulate those students receiving recognition or awards, and say farewell to all leavers.
Please note that there are no Primary Clubs or Secondary CAS ativities this week.
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MYP Focus Days
 June 13-15: There is excitement in the air in the Secondary School at ISM. It’s not just that the summer holidays are almost upon us. Students in M1-M4 and their teachers are looking forward to taking part in Project Based Learning this week. Project-Based Learning is what we refer to as our MYP Focus Days. This is an innovative approach to learning that teaches a multitude of strategies that are critical for success in the 21st century. Students drive their own learning through inquiry, as well as work collaboratively to research and create projects that reflect their knowledge. From gleaning new technology skills, to becoming proficient communicators and advanced problem solvers, students benefit from this approach to instruction.
From June 13-15, students will work in small, multi-grade groups to formulate, explore, research, create, and present 3 different daily projects.
Cardboard Challenge – Teams are invited to build anything they can dream up using cardboard, recycled materials and imagination. Teaches valuable 21st century skills like critical thinking, resourcefulness, perseverance, and teamwork.
Minecraft – Teams will work together to create a model of ISM campus on Minecraft. Students will each have their own computer and everyone will be working on the same project.
Marble Roller Coaster – Students build their own small-scale model roller coasters using pipe insulation and marbles. During the design of model roller coasters, students encounter many of the same issues that real-world roller coaster engineers address. In order to build working roller coasters, students must recognize the constraints placed on their designs and the design of real roller coasters by the fundamental laws of physics.
Invent-A-Game – Teams will work together to create an active sports type of game and then teach to a PYP class. This will involve imagination, creativity, and a link to a development in skills – using any/all equipment available.
Crime Scene Investigation – We can use what we know about the scientific method to solve a crime. Once evidence is collected, it must be organized, analyzed and interpreted. Each team will have a list of suspects and use their information so investigators can make an appropriate conclusion. Students will then follow up by creating their own crime scene.
City of the Future – Build a scale model of A City of the Future. In the research, teams need to take into consideration all aspects of a city (sanitation, infrastructure, buildings, etc). Teams will then make their own out of any materials they can find.
A Myth for the 21st Century – Teams will write their own modern day myths. Their myth will incorporate myth elements found in Greek Mythology, introduce a character that has either god/goddess or hero/ heroine attributes and explain a modern day phenomenon, event or situation in today’s culture. Teams will present their myth, through whichever medium they prefer. Build, perform, draw, etc.
I am not a Plastic Bag – Teams will do research on the dangers of plastic bags, and will go into Moshi to get some interviews with shopkeepers. Teams will create an advertisement against the use of plastic bags. Teams will also design and decorate their own recyclable bag.
Book Trailer – In the spirit of movie trailers, book trailers allow students to create video advertisements to entice new readers. Not only do these projects ensure that students have a firm grasp on the story’s plot, setting, theme and main characters, but they also provide an opportunity to address persuasive writing as well as digital literacy concepts like copyright and publishing.
Daily Schedule: 7:30am – Tutor time 7:40am – Groups meet in their rooms 7:45am-8:00am – Discussion of project, roles for the day 8:00am-9:00am – Research time 9:00am-10:15am – Development of project (creating, building, etc.) 10:15am-10:35am – Break 10:35am-12:35pm – Completion of project, start of presentation 12:35pm-1:30pm – Lunch 1:20pm-2:00pm – Finish presentation and set up in K-Hall 2:00-2:30pm – Exhibition of the day 2:30-2:45pm – Clean up
In the future, ISM students will enter a workforce in which they will be judged on their performance. They will be evaluated not only on their outcomes, but also on their collaborative, negotiating, planning, and organizational skills. By implementing PBL and our MYP Focus Days Program, we are preparing our students to meet the 21st century with a repertoire of skills that translate to the workforce. Moreover, PBL projects are often impressive, grand undertakings created and presented with ultimate pride and care.
Creativity, collaboration, research, deeper learning, mentorship, leadership and more – what a great way to end the year!
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Inter-House Sports
  On Thursday June 16th, ISM will be having our last Secondary Inter-House event of the year. Mawenzi, Kibo and Meru will compete against each other in Capture The Flag, as well as Basketball, Volleyball, Football and Ultimate.
| Junior (M1-M2) | Intermediate (M3-M4) | Senior (D1) |
07:40-08:10 | House meetings and Capture the Flag Planning |
08:15-09:25 | Capture the Flag |
09:30-10:15 | Football | Volleyball | Basketball |
10:35-11:20 | Volleyball | Ultimate | Football |
11:30-12:15 | Basketball | Football | Ultimate |
12:25-13:15 | Lunch |
13:20-14:05 | Ultimate | Basketball | Volleyball |
14:05-14:15 | House point total and trophy presented to winning house |
Students will be outside all day, so please send along a hat, sunscreen and water bottle.
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Primary Netball & Rugby
  Our Primary Team will be going to Kennedy House on Tuesday, 14th June for the finale games of the season. They have improved throughout the season and we can be very proud of our players. We are very grateful to Coach Maria who stepped in to help out at our own tournament last week.
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Friday Arrangements
  On Friday, 17th June we will be holding a full school assembly in Karibu Hall from 08:45 to 10:15. Please join us in Karibu Hall for this final celebration assembly where year group awards and subject certificates will be handed out. We will also have a chance to say farewell to our leaving students and teachers. Primary children will leave school at the end of assembly at 10.15.
Secondary parents are invited to parent-teacher meetings to discuss reports and progress from 10:35 to 12 noon on Friday. If parents or primry children are attending the Secondary Parent Teacher consultation then they are welcome to leave their children in Room 4 with the Teaching Assistants.
There are no clubs in the final week. A big thank you to our parents, Noah and Michael for helping out in our primary clubs programme.
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  On Thursday, 16th June, all our students’ reports (both primary and secondary) will be published on ManageBac for you to view or download in pdf format from there. We will not be issuing reports on paper this semester, except by special request. All parents should have received their login details for how to access ManageBac. If you have not received these or are having any difficulties with access, please contact Grace on .
I would encourage you to log in and become familiar with the site, so that you have no difficulties later when reports are issued.
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Leaving Teachers
  At this stage of the school year it is always hard to say goodbye to the teachers who have worked well here in ISM and will now be leaving us:
Jennifer and Larry Anton joined ISM in 2014 and have been the P1/2 and P5 class teachers teachers this school year. They have had a significant impact on our primary school and will be sadly missed by many of the children they have taught.
Geoff Buck also joined us two years ago with his wife Stephanie. Geoff has won much respect as a knowledgeable Physics teacher and he has also taught diploma Mathematical Studies and worked as the Head of Science.
Elena and Joel Gullickson have worked in the Mathematics and Design & Technology departments for the last two years. Elena has taught Math classes throughout the secondary school whilst Joel has taught both MYP Design and DP Information Technology in a Global Society (ITGS) as well as being the Head of Design & Technology and the Head of Theory of Knowledge.
Susan Kellerman joined the Moshi Campus in 2014 as our Music teacher, teaching the full range of classes from lower primary to IB Diploma. She has done much to develop Music thoughout the campus.
Sarah and Noah Ssengendo also joined us two years ago. Sarah has taught two different classes in primary and provided strong support for her class’s P6 Exhibition this year. Noah has done much to develop primary sports and pave the way for a specialist staff position in this area in 2016/17.
Coenie Wesselink joined us in January 2014. He has been a well-respected member of the Mathematics Department as well as leading the department as its head. For two years he stayed in Kijana with his wife, Val, who worked hard there to care for the diploma girls.
Merijn Mook is leaving ISM after 3 years where he has been the only teacher to regularly travel between Moshi and Arusha so as to teach Dutch on both campuses.
Marika Farrell has been both the MYP Coordinator as well as the Sports and PE Coordinator for the campus. She has been in ISM for three years and has successfully juggled both demanding roles.
Anine Pier joined Moshi Campus five years ago as our Visual Arts teacher and she has worked hard to develop the MYP Visual Arts programme as well as to guide five years of diploma students through their Art Exhibitions.
Totty Aris also joined us in 2011 with her family, then as the Head of Secondary, but later combining this with the Head of Primary position when she became Deputy Head of Campus. As well as leading all three teaching programmes on the campus, Totty has been at the forefront of many assemblies and school events, whilst still teaching an M3 English class and continuing her work in drama productions. She will be sorely missed in the coming year.
We wish all our leaving teachers the very best for the future as they move to new schools and new areas of the world. We hope that they will remember ISM and Tanzania and be ambassadors for this school and this country wherever they may be.
We also bid farewell to all the others who are leaving ISM this week, be they students, families, assistants, volunteers, or anyone who has helped us in the school and been members of our community.
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School Year 2016/17
  We have had an excellent recruitment season this year and are very pleased to welcome a strong group of new teachers who will be joining us at the end of July in preparation for the new school year. You will find many details of our incoming teachers at, but may need to enter a password to access this page (please contact the Head of Campus for this).
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From the Dep. Head of Campus
 Dear Parents of Primary Children,
A personal thank you from me. It has been a real pleasure working with our primary children, they are a delightful bunch of individuals who clearly thrive in our small school. I have been so proud of all their achievements and watching them develop throughout the past 5 years and every “Gathering” is a reminder of what great kids your children are. I will certainly miss our little chats as they pass me by. I would also like to take this opportunity to commend out teachers and teaching assistants who do a fabulous job of looking after the children on a daily basis but have also help our primary school be very IB!. I am very pleased that Kate Schermbrucker is taking over from me, there is no doubt she will be a thoughtful and caring Head of Primary who will continue to take our primary school forwards.
Dear Parents of Secondary Students,
After 5 years as Head of Secondary this is a very sad farewell as the ISM spirit is well and truly ingrained in me. Not many people can say they love going to work but I have genuinely enjoyed being at ISM every day. Especially when I see Kili, then I always knew it would be a great day. I have been fortunate to have worked with great teachers who have innovative ideas and regularly go above and beyond the call of duty. A special thank you to my leadership team with whom I have worked so closely as we have tried to keep the school moving forward. Thank you to all the students for their respect and enthusiasm and thank you to the parents for your faith in what we do.
Totty Aris
Deputy Head of Campus
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Year Book 2016
  One of our CAS groups has been working hard to produce a Year Book for this school year and the printed copies have now arrived in school. Almost every student in school is represented in this book.
Please purchase your Year Book from Reception at a cost of only TSh 22,000/-. It will serve as a wonderful reminder of your child’s year in school.
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Summit Magazine
  Our annual Summit Magazine will be available for free distribution this week and each student will be given a printed copy to take home. If you would like a sneak preview of the June 2016 Summit magazine, please go to:
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M3 English
 M3 English Language & Literature Animal Rights Unit
Every year the M3 L&L English class tackle this unit and every year it is different. The MYP is all about inquiry and the students have had many opportunities to consider how animal issues are presented in the media through advertising and persuasive videos. The class have discussed the ethics behind animal testing, vegetarian life choices, meat-farming, poaching and cruelty to animals through a range of texts and videos. Analysing the persuasive language was the next step which finally led to the class themselves creating an animal rights video. This year the videos made were of a high standard, using footage from the internet, referencing correctly and ensuring that the commentary tackled the animal right’s issue persuasively. An exemplar was Pearl’s video:
We were also very grateful and pleased to have had a guest speaker. Marlies Gabriel, the Sparkling Elephant Campaigner came to talk to us about her life story as an animal rights activist. This was both enlightening and inspiring, especially in terms of understanding what can be done to support the elephant population here in Tanzania.
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M5 Ceremony
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Boarding News
  We have just one week before we close for the year. School closes on Friday 17th June. Once more, we want to remind parents to send us transport details for the boarders. We thank those who have already given us this information, or those who have already sent us tickets for travelling that day.
As mentioned in our newsletter last week, from August 2016 the school will no longer be making a charge to transport boarders to/from Kilimanjaro Airport on the first day and last day of each quarter provided that we are given travel details well in advance – for next quarter these days are on 8th August and 7th October. However we will still charge for airport pickup/drop-off on other days.
Quite a number of our boarders started fasting this week for the Muslim Holy month of Ramadhan. They eat supper slightly later than other boarders during this period and we will provide food for their breakfast in the boarding houses early every morning. We wish all the best for this period.
This weekend we had a number of activities planned for the boarders. This included the usual town trip on Friday afternoon. The same afternoon we had a Talent show organized by the PA, and boarders were welcome to attend. Other activities include an outing to a restaurant in town, a movie night and different sporting activities. On Sunday evening, we shall have the boarders’ end of year dinner in the dining hall.
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Kilimanjaro Nature Photos
  Congratulations go to the top winner – Diploma student Sakina Nazarali (1st place – left) and Secondary School Math Teacher Coenie Wesselink (2nd place – below) for their exceptional and now award-winning photos as voted by a student selection committee! ISM also expresses its appreciation to the event sponsor – AMEG Lodge –
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  Dear Swimmers and Parents,
The swim team capped off their year with our last competition of the very long season, a home meet on one of the most beautiful Sundays Moshi has seen in a very long time.
The music was loud, the water, cool, and smiles were on the faces of both parents and swimmers alike as the curtain fell on the careers of three of our key athletes. Leaving members include Kyle, Freddy, and Aselya, three standouts who will be missed, but who will hopefully continue to swim next year.
The event was named the First Annual Interclub Swim Meet and Family Dinner, and after the competition, varsity athletes and families met at AMEG Lodge for dinner and goodbyes. Special thanks was given to Noah Ssegundo, Mary Fitzpatrick, Sabini Tema, and Marika Farrell for all of their assistance and support for the program. Also to the Campus Management Team whose continued financial support for sports programs and willingness to invest in facilities has been the cornerstone of our program’s development. And to parents, be they of day students or borders, who believe in the program we are building at ISM.
We resumed workouts late last week, but only dryland, taking a break from the pool for cardio and strength work on land, while also having some fun as a team. Swimmers returning next year are encouraged to attend a swim camp in the summer, but all will be given programs to follow that allow for dryland and pool fitness workouts. Please remember that your competitors will be working out throughout the break, making it more and more important to maintain all the fitness you gained this year.
I wish everyone a safe, restful, and happy long break. You will return in good form and ready for the season if you find that critical balance between hard work and rest.
Yours in the pool,
Coach Sabini and Coach Ryan
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The Year Ahead
  During the school holidays, the school office will be open on Mondays to Fridays from 7:30 to 5pm, but only limited services will be available as many staff will be away on leave. Of course, throughout the holidays you can still contact us by email.
Our D2 diploma results will be released on July 6th and we wish all our graduates the very best for those results.
New teachers will arrive in late July and all teachers will spend the first week in August with various in-service activities and preparations for the new school year. D1 re-sit exams take place on 7th and 8th August for those students needing these. Boarders return on Monday, 8th August and our classes all start on Tuesday, 9th August.
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Sparkling Elephant Project
  Those who were able to attend Kili Fair or join us for the PA Talent Show will know of the work being done by the Sparkling Elephant Project to raise awareness of the plight of elephants.
The SEP khangas are arriving in Moshi on Monday morning. These are perfect gifts for all the families to take home during their summer holidays and also for the many families leaving Moshi and moving on to their next destination. The sale of the SEP khangas will assist in raising funds for the anticipated journey of our life size elephant statues and ISM students from Moshi to Dar ( 21st – 24th of Sept ) to participate at the Global March for Elephants & Rhinos ( GMFER ) and to engage with local schools and students along the way as we are #GenerationElephant. These khangas will be on sale at ISM Reception.
We still have tables to be sold for the gala dinner and are hoping to encourage the ISM community to be part of this big social fundraising event on the 19th of August at the hospitality school & restaurant: More than a Drop. Each dinner seat automatically qualifies to take part at the raffle. At this stage we have a list of prizes from as big as a fly in safari of 6 days in the Northern Tanzania Safari Circuit ( The safari is for 2 people and the flight is for 1 person ); a weekend in Zanzibar at a prestigious lodge and many other prizes from big to very small. The dinner tickets are being sold for US$ 55 per person.
Sadly there is a fault in the SEP T-shirts sold at Kili Fair. We are refunding the money paid to anyone who bought these T-shirts.
Marlies Gabriel –
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Diploma Updates
 D1 Geography students conducted field research in Moshi Town recently in preparation for their coursework assignment. D1 History students have also commenced their historical investigation research on a topic of choice.
Given that the Extended Essay first draft (full version) is due shortly after our return from the long break, it is imperative that parents of D1 (soon-to-be D2) students remind and encourage their sons/daughters to do considerable work on the EE throughout the holiday.
D1 Physics, Chemistry and Biology students conducted experiments last week on their field research trip to a campsite near the ISM Arusha campus while D1 ESS students did the same in the vicinity of the ISM house on the beach at Pangani.
Key dates:
Monday June 13th – Wed June 15th – Theory of Knowledge/Extended Essay Days for D1 students
Thursday June 16th – Final D1 reports published on ManageBac
Thursday June 16th – Inter-house Secondary Sports Day Competitions
Friday June 17th Last day of school, whole school assembly & Parent-Teacher conferences
Sunday August 7th – Monday 8th – Re-sit Exams for DP students whom the DPC has advised must re-take certain exams due to poor results on the May 2016 end of year examinations.
Monday, August 8th – Boarders return.
Tuesday August 9th – First day of school for the 2016-2017 Academic Year
DP-related web-links:
Learn more about the IB from its IB World magazine and here is the link to the most recent edition:
Read more global IB DP statistics at
Rick Fitzpatrick, DP Coordinator
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Early Childhood Preview
  We are looking forward to welcoming the parents of EC to our art show on Tuesday at 10.35am. The children are looking forward to sharing their artwork with you and explaining all the different art media they have used. On Monday we will finish preparing for the art show and finish our summative assessments where the children will reflect on the unit and in particular their favourite art medium. We have some portfolio pieces to finish too. The children are continuing to reflect on their goals to see what has been achieved and what still needs to be carried into the next school year. In Maths we will finish work on time and 3D shapes and continue with some problem solving.
We are looking forward to a music group coming to lead a musical story telling session on Monday too. On Thursday we will have an end of year class party. Please look out for the sign up sheet on Monday for a food or drinks contribution.
  This is the last newsletter of the year and I want to say what a wonderful year it has been, with a fantastic group of children. I would like to thank Ms Stephanie for volunteering this year. She has made a valuable contribution to the class and we wish her all the very best in her new posting in Bangkok. Many thanks also to our hard working teaching assistants Ms Grace and Ms Alice and of course Ms Mary. We have a great team in EC and I am looking forward to another exciting year next school year with the EC1s (soon to be EC2s!) and the students who will be new to ISM.
  On Wednesday the present EC2s will visit P1 for a short time in order to get a flavour of what is to come in August.
On Friday there will be a whole school assembly after which the children will be free to go home (at approximately 10.15) If you have to attend the parent teacher conferences after the assembly for an older sibling we will be happy to look after your child.
Many thanks to all parents for your wonderful support this year.
Have a wonderful holiday
Warm regards
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P1/2 Preview
 Information for ParentsHere is what you need to know for this week:
No homework this week.
No clubs this week.
June 14 – Library bags will be collected.
June 16 – Portfolios sent home
June 16 – Class party
June 17 – Last day of school – 10:15 dismissal
Thanks so much for a great school year. I am so proud of how well the children have done this year. It has been fun to see them grow, and I’m thankful that I got a chance to teach such a nice group of kids. My family and I are moving on to a new home in the States, but we will definitely remember our time here fondly. We wish all of you and your children the best for the future.
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P2/3 Preview
  This week the children have been working on their summative assessment task in the IT suite. In small groups they have designed and created a Prezi presentation on the Internet. Each presentation explains the benefits of trees and the negative effects of deforestation. This is a subject which they have become increasingly passionate about as the unit has gone along. The children will complete these next week. They will also add their final pieces of work and reflections to their portfolios.
At the end of the semester we will sadly have to say goodbye to Mary, who is going to live in Uganda, and Jay, who is going to live in Zambia. We wish them all the best in their new schools.
  I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all the P2/3 families who have been so supportive this year. I have especially appreciated having so many of you come in to speak and share your unit related knowledge with the children (both of Townes’ grandparents, Tavari’s dad, Fedya’s dad, Imani’s mum and Aiden’s dad). This has certainly added an extra element to our inquiries. Thanks also to Jay’s mum for letting us camp at Ameg Lodge and Pippa’s dad for running so many fun clubs.
I would also like to thank Ms Catherine who has been such a patient, helpful and caring teaching assistant. She has been an invaluable support to the students and myself throughout the year.
Please could parents send their child in with an extra bag on Thursday, i.e. to take home portfolios, exercise books, indoor shoes, pencil cases etc.
The Week Ahead: Please return all ISM reading books and library books this week. There will be no homework or clubs this week.
Monday: PE lesson
Tuesday: Library session
Thursday: Class party | Student reports will be published on ManageBac
Friday: Primary School finishes at 10.15am after whole school assembly
Kate Schermbrucker
P2/3 Class Teacher and PYP Coordinator
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P4 Preview
Highlights of the weekThe week ended on a high note with the ISM Leopards Talent Show. Wow! P4s did us proud. We also had a beautiful gathering with cards presented and very moving words said to the leaving teachers and students. From our class we will be saying goodbye to Elijah Swai (leaving for the UK) and Jelte Beukeme (leaving for Holland for a year). We will miss you both.
  I would like to appreciate all the parents for their never-ending support. We would like to say special thanks to Mrs Lindsay (Paige’s mum), for taking the P4s through a creativity lesson where we used flowers for various crafts. Also to Mr. Fitzpatrick (Dominic’s dad), who always helped out with ideas on different resources we could use during different units. Mrs Oizumi (Nina’s mum) for thinking of us during various Japanese celebrations and bring the children treats.
Focus for the coming week
Monday – P4s will be joining a musical group; Daraja Ensemble from University of Maryland, who will be leading a workshop and tree planting action. MYP Focus project- we will be learning from some older students as part of their MYP project.
Tuesday – some P4s will be going to Kennedy House for Rugby and Netball tournaments.
Wednesday – Summative Assessment and End of unit celebrations- kindly allow your child to dress formally for the end of unit presentations (they will be attending a UNICEF summit ?).
Thursday – Class party, each child should try and bring snacks to share with other members of the class.
Friday – end of year assembly
I would like to wish all the leaving members of staff and students; safe travels and all the best in their new endeavors and to all continuing families, safe travels and happy holidays.
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P5 Preview
Information for Parents
We have reached the end of our year! The children have made amazing progress over the last two years and I am so proud of them. I will really miss the students, they have made my time here very special. I will always have a special place in my heart for ISM and Tanzania and have enjoyed working with your children during my time here.   I hope you have a relaxing summer break. There is a netball/rugby tournament on Tuesday that several students are participating in. Don’t forget to send them with the necessary shoes, etc. on that day.
Language focus for the week
We will review our reading goals and reflect on the progress that we have made this year. We will also review samples of our writing from the beginning of the year and the end to identify improvements, as well as things that we still need to work on.
Maths focus for the week
We will continue to review previously learned topics.
Unit of Inquiry
  I have included pictures of the students’ bulletin boards. All three groups did an excellent job and created very different, informative boards. Next week we will share our boards with the class and reflect on the unit. We will add the last few pieces to our portfolios and take them home!
What to bring to school: A hat for playtime and a healthful snack.
Monday: PE (please wear house T-shirt and trainers)
Thursday: We will have an extra PE lesson this week (please wear house T-shirt and trainers)
Friday: Early Dismissal (children are released at 10:15)
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P6 Preview
  This week the P6 students got a taste of life as a MYP student as they spent Monday following the M1 timetable, and did CAS/Sports up until 6pm. They are now more prepared for and excited about moving up to M1. The students completed their Camp Journals and completed their final reflections for their Exhibition unit. We have been learning about what changes happen to both the female and male body during puberty. We have explored emotional changes, and conflicts between adults and friends, through drama.
Next week is the final week of the year, and Primary school for the P6s. We will be talking more about puberty and the importance of keeping clean, eating and exercising well.
As well, please take note of the following:
No clubs or homework.
Tuesday – some of the students will be taking part in a Netball/Rugby tournament at Kennedy House.
Thursday – Class party day. Each student to contribute something for this party (drink/food/napkins/cups etc). There is a sign-up sheet in class which the students have been filling in. Please discuss this at home. Please do not send too much food in. The students will be bringing home their folders on Thursday too so students should bring not-too-full bags.
Friday, 9:00-10:15am – Whole School Assembly in Karibu Hall. One of the items for this assembly is the P6 Ceremony where certificates are awarded to the P6 students and they will sing a song together on stage. The students decided that they would like to dress up for this final day, wearing something more formal. You are most welcome to attend.
 School ends at 10:15 on Friday.
Reports are sent electronically this time via managebac. You should have them in your inbox by Friday 17th June.
We say goodbye to Merel, who will not be at ISM next year. However, we wish her a fantastic time in Europe and look forward to seeing her back soon.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for being so supportive of your child’s education throughout the year. It has been a pleasure working with this particular class of young people and I do hope that our paths will cross again in the future. I am moving back to Kampala with my family, and we are all taking fond memories of ISM with us. The students have my email address and are very welcome to stay in touch.
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International School Moshi
PO Box 733 Moshi, Tanzania
Tel: +255 27 2755005
Fax: +255 736 605320
Mobile: +255 767 534766 |