Congratulations to our Class of 2016 graduates who completed their days in school yesterday in a colourful and memorable Graduation Ceremony. All 41 graduates enjoyed a dinner on Friday night with their families and teachers. They were then all recognised individually for their talents and achievements in the Ceremony on Saturday afternoon, and we then welcomed all guests and graduates to tea in the Director’s garden to close off the event. We wish all our graduates well as they look forward to their IB Diploma results on 6th July and then step into the next stage of their lives.
Special congratulations also to our award winners:
Herieth Sebugwao for the Academic Progress Award
Lisa Matay for the Academic Excellence Award
Felicity Aris for the Chibber Award, and
Revogatus Tesha for the AISA Award for Excellence,
and to all those graduates who contributed to making the day a success, through their decorations of Karibu Hall, their organisation of events, their singing on stage, or their wonderful speeches.
 Thanks to the Kilimanjaro Regional Commissioner, Hon. Saidi M Sadiki for sharing this ceremony with us and speaking to our graduates. It was indeed a pleasure to welcome him to ISM.
Thanks also to all the parents, teachers, support staff who worked so hard to make the event such a success. We hope to publish a full set of photographs by the end of this coming week and these will be freely available for families to download and print.
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M5 Work Experience
  Our M5 students will have no classes or activities this week as they instead spend the week working in a company or organisation they have selected. This work experience week is a great opportunity for students to learn a bit about what various jobs entail and what working life may be like.
We are hoping to organise a careers workshop on Thursday, 2 June for our M5 and D1 students:
The objective behind this workshop is to give our students an opportunity to hear from guest speakers about their career journey. Our students aren’t all aware of the many opportunities and types of jobs available to them in the future and it would be helpful for them to hear how the speakers progressed through their own career paths, including studying at university, applying for jobs, changing jobs etc. If you would be willing to give up some time between 7.35-10.00 on Thursday, 2 June we would be delighted to welcome you to join the panel. We are hoping for a wide range of careers. Please email: if you would be willing to talk to our students and answer their questions.
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D1 Exams
  Now that the D2 and M5 students have all completed their exams, the D1 students start internal examinations on Monday. These are a crucial set of assessments for our D1 students that focus on the whole first year’s work and a successful performance is necessary for progression to D2 in August.
Many D1 students from both campuses will also be taking TOEFL tests in school next Saturday. This Test of English as a Foreign Language is required by many universities (particularly in North America) prior to entry. There are still two places available for late registrants.
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Wear It Wild!
 On Friday, 27th May, the Primary School will be celebrating Wear it Wild day. This is a normal school day, but we all dress up as wild animals!
Wear it Wild is WWF’s annual event. In workplaces, schools and homes everywhere, people will be donning wildlife-inspired fancy dress to raise awareness of endangered species.
  Since 1970, populations of wild species have fallen by half. Without the tireless efforts of conservation organisations like WWF, iconic species like tigers, elephants and rhinos could become extinct in our lifetimes.
We’re not going to let that happen. Taking part in Wear it Wild is a great way to raise awareness – and have fun too.
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Boarding News
  This was the D2 graduation weekend, and there was quite a lot happening in Boarding. The graduates have now cleared from the boarding houses. On Friday evening there was a dinner hosted for them with family and staff at AMEG Lodge. On Saturday afternoon the graduation ceremony took place in Karibu hall from 2.00pm. The D2 boarders are expected to leave the boarding houses this weekend at their convenience.
This weekend, we have not allowed other boarders to sign out of school, unless special arrangements were made by their parents in advance. However we still had the usual town trips on Friday afternoon. Other activities to engage the boarders included a basketball tournament, baking with different age groups, a water balloon fight, “capture the flag” and “fear factor”.
A number of M5 boarders have travelled home this weekend for a one week work experience. Other will have their work experience in Moshi and so will be dropped and picked every day.
A reminder to parents that school closes on Friday 17th June, and borders return to school on Monday, 8th August. Kindly let us know the arrangements you have for your child in good time. Returning boarders may leave things in the dorm store that they do not need to carry home. The items will be packed and labelled before they are kept in the store.
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PA Talent Show
  As an end of year celebration of our school community the PA is organising our very own ‘ISM Factor!’ on Friday, 10th June from 12:30pm to 5pm.
It will be an open mic extravaganza with a (kind-hearted!) judging panel, teacher-student quiz, BBQ, and the excitement of seeing who (teachers, students or parents!!) is the most talented group of our school community!
So, look out for the sign up sheets, dust off your routines, and prepare for a fun afternoon in fine ISM spirit.
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Brownies’ Garage Sale
  The Brownies group is getting ready for their Garage Sale in Karibu Hall on Saturday, 4th June from 10am to 12:30. If you are leaving Moshi this summer or would just like to have a good clear out of your belongings then this is the event for you. To book a table for this event, please pay TSh 20,000/- at Reception in school.
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Tennis Success
  International School Moshi emerged overall winners of the inter-schools tennis championship held at Arusha Gymkhana Club last weekend. ISM Moshi Campus collected 225 points and was followed by ISM Arusha Campus with 210 points, Braeburn came in third place with 185 points, followed by St Constantine’s and Jaffery International School.
Our primary students played extremely well:
In the 8 and under category Swantje was girls’ champion and Mary was runner-up. Sahil S, Jay, Sahil C and Fedja reached the boys’ semi-finals and played against each other; Jay and Fedja came through to the finals and Jay won. Jack was also runner up in a keenly fought final for the 10 and under category.
  We also had some successes in the senior competition:
Batian won the 14 and under category, Joshua narrowly lost a tie-breaker against the 16 and under winner, and Nora was the girls’ 18 and under champion.
Overall it was a great team effort and Moshi thoroughly deserved the trophy. Congratulations to the players, and thank you to the parents who travelled to support our players; it was a long but rewarding weekend for the both the students and the parents.
This event was also covered by the national paper The Guardian – you can read their article at
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Big Birding Day
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Middle Years Drama
  We are planning to take a group of students from M1 to M3 to the ISTA Festival in Muscat on 8th-11th March 2017. ISTA (International Schools Theatre Association) festivals bring together students from International Schools around the globe to experience the beauty of researching, devising and performing to an audience, a guided small group ensemble in just three days. The students are grouped with others from different schools and assigned to an ISTA artist. (These are professional actors, directors and producers and theatre practitioners from around the world). The students get a first-hand experience in drama outside the conventional classroom approach. There are also a variety of workshops and other learning activities that the students engage in during the three day workshop. The out and about tour also gives the students an opportunity to explore the beauty of Muscat. It is a refreshing and rewarding experience that we think our students would gain from immensely.
If your child is presently in P6, M1 or M2, or will be joining M1-M3 in August, please consider whether you would like him or her to take up this great opportunity . A detailed letter will soon be sent to individual parents about this. If you would like your child to participate in this trip you can make further inquiry by emailing Mr George Juma on the email .
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  At the end of this semester in June, all our students’ reports (both primary and secondary) will be published on ManageBac for you to view or download in pdf format from there. We will not be issuing reports on paper this semester, except by special request. All parents should have received their login details for how to access ManageBac. If you have not received these or are having any difficulties with access, please contact Grace on .
I would encourage you to log in and become familiar with the site, so that you have no difficulties later when reports are issued.
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Diploma Updates
 The ISM DP graduation for the forty-one members of the class of 2016 on Saturday was a great success with one parent remarking: “Our son has changed and matured immensely over these two years and we are grateful for all ISM has done to make this happen” and another stating: “The international education in the DP that our daughter has made her so interest in learning and understanding the world and we appreciate so much what ISM did for her.”
Friday evening’s graduation dinner at AMEG Lodge was according to collected comments from those in attendance: “lovely”, “a wonderful family event”, a “beautiful ceremony and the students’ video provided a sense of both the diversity of the graduating class and the caring environment in which they did their DP study.”
 Recent speeches by all D1 students in Life Skills about what their passion is…were outstanding and a pleasure to hear. It would be wise to dialogue with your son/daughter in the D1 class about their speech.
Key dates:
Monday May 23rd through Tuesday May 31st (at 10:15) – End of D1 Year Exams
Thursday, May 26th – ISM Arusha Campus D2 Graduation
Saturday, May 28th – TOEFL tests for D1
Sunday June 5th to Thursday June 9th – D1 ESS Pangani Trip
Tuesday June 7 to Friday June 10, 12am – D1 Science Trip – Group 4 (Olasiti)
Sunday, June 5 – Thursday, June 9: D1 ESS trip to Pangani
Tuesday, June 7 – Thursday, June 9:  D1 Physics/Chemistry/Biology Field Study to Olasiti
Saturday, June 11th – ACT tests for D1
Monday June 13th – Wed June 15th – Theory of Knowledge/Extended Essay Days for D1 students
Thursday June 16th – Final D1 reports published on ManageBac
Friday June 17th Last day of school, whole school assembly & Parent-Teacher conferences
Tuesday August 9th – First day of school for the 2016-2017 Academic Year
Rick Fitzpatrick, DP Coordinator
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Child Protection
  In common with many other international schools, ISM teachers and others have been working over the last few months to develop a Child Protection Handbook to ensure that we can provide a safe, collaborative and caring environment. The handbook has now been ratified and is available to view or download at
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Early Childhood Preview
 Unit of Inquiry
Many thanks to Janieck’s Mum, Gelske for organizing an amazing outdoor art morning on Thursday. Please have a look at the EC Google Community page for wonderful photographs of your child making art from materials found in the garden. Why not try this at home? You will be amazed what can be achieved with rocks, leaves, sticks, flower petals, seeds, nuts and branches.
If you would like to organize an art activity with the class please let me know.
  Our trip to the Cultural Heritage Centre was a great success! The gallery has a wonderful variety of art and the children enjoyed the experience of finding out what each art piece was made from, discussing what the art piece was about and thinking about why they liked or disliked it. After the gallery visit we went to Arusha Campus and had a picnic with the EC children and played in their wonderful playground.
  Next week we are going to be focusing a little more on Art Interpretation by looking at art posters and books and carrying out individual thinking routines. The children will choose their favourite either from the pictures we have in class or from the photos we saw at the Cultural Heritage Centre and talk about what they see, think, feel, wonder, what it reminds them of and what it makes them want to do.
Our art projects will focus on the use of more natural objects as well as newspaper, string, crayon and paint (to produce wax resist pictures) and playdough.
After reading the book ‘Colour me Happy’ the children will respond to the book through drawings and writing to explain how colours can describe our moods. We are still working on our class book, which should be complete this week.
Assessments are ongoing.
3D shape hunt in the school environment
card games to develop number sense
Upcoming events
On Friday 27th May your child should come to school dressed as an animal for ‘Wear it wild day.’
EC and P4 will be leading the assembly on Monday 30th May at 7.45am in Karibu Hall. You are very welcome to come to this event.
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P1/2 Preview
 Information for Parents
I need to change the time for our Author’s Tea. The children brought invitations home which said 9:30 to 10:30, which is what I think I also originally emailed to you. However, I need to change that to 9:00 to 10:00. Please be here at 9:00 to insure that you do not miss your child’s reading. The date remains the same – Wednesday, 25 May.
This is a very special day in P1/2, so I am asking the children to dress up. The children should not wear ISM T-shirts. Instead they should dress up in their finest. It would be smart to send a set of clothes for the children to change into after the Author’s Tea is over. That way, they won’t spoil their clothes when they go outside to play.
Thanks for your support of this event. We will see you all on Wednesday.
We will celebrate “Wear it Wild” day on Friday, 27 May. Please have your child dress as an animal, or wear something with animals on it.
 Language focus for the week
As the children have grown in their reading ability, it is time for them to do some more reading on their own. This week I will have them read directions and follow them. This will look different for each child since we have many different reading abilities.
Maths focus for the week
We will finish up our work with number patterns. Then we will begin to further explore adding and subtracting tens and units. Group 2 children will add and subtract with both manipulatives and with numbers on paper. The Group 1 children will just focus on the concept of adding and subtracting tens and units by working with manipulatives.
Unit of Inquiry
We will finish working with the art that you sent in to class this week. We will then send that home. We will also keep working on expressing ourselves through drama.
What to bring to school: A hat for playtime and a healthful snack.
Monday: Wear proper clothes and shoes for P.E.
Tuesday: Bring your library bag.
Friday: Wear proper clothes and shoes for P.E.
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P2/3 Preview
   There has been a great buzz of excitement in the classroom as the students have been working in groups to produce their information books. They have all been very motivated to carry out research. Each group has started to create the title page, contents page, chapters, glossary, index and back cover. They are working so well in their groups and have sensibly allocated jobs to each group member. Some students have even stayed late at school as they want to collect even more data to include in their books. They have become fascinated by the issues; deforestation and glaciers (including Kilimanjaro); drought and desertification; global warming and rising sea levels; and The Rift Valley and plate tectonics.   They are now starting to notice the connections between all these issues. It’s interesting to watch them make links and figure out answers to their questions. There is a great deal of learning taking place.
The P2/3 children have been very interested in the P6 Exhibition work going on. On Thursday several members of the class helped the P6 Pollution Group with their action by choosing to come to school in a more environmentally friendly way. Next week we will spend some minutes each morning stretching to wake up our brains and our bodies. This was an action suggested by the P6 Health Group. My class are really keen to take part.
 Unit of Inquiry:
Transdisciplinary Theme: Sharing the planet
Central Idea: Human survival is connected to understanding the continual changing nature of the earth.
This week we will continue to work on our information books. We are looking forward to Simon Mtuy coming in to speak to us about changes he has noticed on Mt Kilimanjaro over the past decades. Last week Aiden brought in a photograph of the mountain’s glaciers and explained how much they have shrunk.
Mathematics Focus: addition and subtraction (2 and 3 digit numbers)
English Focus: Sentence structure, paragraphs, writing for purpose.
What to bring to school every day: A hat, water bottle, a pair of indoor shoes and a healthy snack.
The Week Ahead:
Monday: PE lesson | Alliance Française with P3 French students | Homework will be set
Tuesday: Library session
Wednesday: Simon Mtuy talk
Thursday: PE lesson
Friday: Wild Animal Spirit Day | Homework due in
Kate Schermbrucker
P2/3 Class Teacher and PYP Coordinator
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P4 Preview
 Information for parents
The P4s had a great time with a group of P6s as they learned the game “Snowball” using scrap paper. It was very interesting to see the children play, learn and solve problems together. They created some posters together for the P6 action; spreading awareness against pollution.
Language Arts – the P4s have done a fantastic job writing up their persuasive essays. In the coming week, they will have fun with sequencing jumbled up parts of stories and instructions. They will also explore suffixes and practice using them in their everyday language.
 Math – we are going to explore plane shapes using flip (reflection), turn (rotation) and slide (translation).
Unit of Inquiry – the children will continue to explore how rights are viewed in different cultures and in different parts of the world. We will also look at how different the lives of rural and urban children and inquire into some benefits and challenges of growing in the two settings.
  Kindly note – our swimming lesson for this week will be on Tuesday 11:15 a.m. to 11:55 a.m. This is due to a French workshop the children will be having during our swimming time on Monday. We are excited to have some visitors from Alliance Française, Arusha coming to run some activities with the students.
Friday 27th May is “Wear it Wild” Spirit Day. Your child may come dressed as an animal of their choice.
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P5 Preview
 Information for Parents
This week we will have a spirit day on Friday. Children are encouraged to “Wear it Wild” and dress up in an animal theme. This goes along perfectly with our cur-rent unit of inquiry, so I have that they will all participate!
Language focus for the week
We will continue our study of revising this week. The students will write a short narrative about a special time with a family member. We will focus on sentence starters this week and how varying our word choice can add more interest to our writing.
 Maths focus for the week
We will begin our personal timeline project this week. This is a great way for students to study elapsed time and think about their own changes and adaptations throughout their lifetime.
Unit of Inquiry
Students will work together this week on a big project. Each group will be assigned a habitat. They will need to decorate a bulletin board to look like that hab-itat. Then they will research various plants and animals that live there and create them to add to the board. Each plant/animal will need to have a card with it that explains the adaptations that they have to allow it to survive in their environment. I think they will have a lot of fun with this one!
What to bring to school: A hat for playtime and a healthful snack.
Monday: PE (please wear house T-shirt and trainers)
Thursday: Swimming (Please bring swim kit)
Friday: Library (please return library books)
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P6 Preview
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International School Moshi
PO Box 733 Moshi, Tanzania
Tel: +255 27 2755005
Fax: +255 736 605320
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