Dear Parents,
To start developing our house spirit for the new school year, we will have a House Spirit Day on Monday (see below). Our M1 students are also getting ready for their CampCraft trip next weekend. Meanwile all classes, clubs, CAS activities and sports are into a regular schedule now.
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House Spirit Day
  Our first whole school SPIRIT Day this year will be a House Spirit Day on Monday 24th August. We will all go to the Field after registration for some House Fun during Assembly time in the morning.
All students should come to school in their HOUSE colour or HOUSE T-shirt!
Each person wearing their House T-shirt/colour will get a House Point which goes on the Thermometer and contributes to the HOUSE Cup!
PE kit that day is appropriate as the whole school will be on the field!
T-shirts are available to buy at Reception.
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Outdoor Pursuits
  Student registrations and payments for this semester’s trips were due to have been received by yesterday. However there are some places remaining, so if your child wishes to join any Outdoor Pursuits trip this semester, please ensure that he/she regsiters and pays the appropriate fee very soon. Payments can be made by MPesa to 0767-534766. Details of trips and charges were published in the August 8th newsletter at
Most of our M1 students will be joining their Arusha counterparts next Saturday for a 2-day trip exploring camping and the various skills and expectations associated with such trips. The following weekend from 3rd to 6th September, or more advanced mountaineers will be tackling Socialist Peak on Mount Meru.
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Saturday Tennis Lessons
  We are lucky to have Charles back with us again this school year, offering group tennis lessons for a 5 week session (August 29, September 5, 12, 19, 26). The cost of this program will be TSh 75,000. Lessons will not be available during that time as a drop-in program, but you will need to commit to the 5 weeks. Should you wish to join in for less than the 5 weeks, you can start at a later date but then must pay for the rest of the sessions through September 26.
9:00am -10:00am – 7-12 year olds
10:00am – 11:00am – 3-6 year olds
11:00am -12:00pm – 13-18 year olds
4:00pm-5:30pm – adults
If you wish to book private lessons with Charles, he can be reached at 0757 606766.
If you wish to join this program, please contact Marika Farrell at . Payment must be made to Marika before you may join the program.
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Music Notes
 Greetings from the Music Room!
Now that we have finished the second week of school, our MYP students are in full swing with their first units of the year. M1 is starting an exploratory unit entitled “The Toolbox for Creativity”. They will be uncovering music from all over the world to see what elements are common between all of them and how these are used as tools to create any type of music. Musical Legends is the topic of the M2 unit; by the end of the unit, each student will be an expert on a musical legend of their choice and will give a presentation to the rest of the class. M3s have also commenced an exploratory unit, however theirs is focused on the music of a culture that they have chosen as the one they identify with most. Controversial music is the topic of study for the M4 musicians; specifically they are looking at how specific music elements are used to create music that pushes conventional boundaries. Finally, our M5s are taking a quick trip to time to examine the six eras in Western Art Music history and identify musical changes that have occurred, specifically coming from the needs of the musical audience.
Our Private Music Lesson Program has had a successful first week. Currently, we have teachers to offer lessons on: guitar, drums (kit and traditional), and piano. There are still available slots, so feel free to stop outside Room 12 and sign your child up on the bulletin board. Musically yours,
Susan Kellerman
ISM Music Teacher and Program Coordinator
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  Dear Swimmers and Parents,
The Varsity Team try-outs have now completed their first week of training, just as the sun has warmed the pool to ideal training temperature. Our focus for this week has been to focus on one stroke per day, breaking down the components of each stroke into drills that will soon become embedded in the long term cognitive and muscle memory of each athlete. We changed things up a bit with relay practice, starts and finishes as a reminder of what racing feels like.
All swimmers received handbooks with goal sheets that they completed. These goals will be reassessed every month, and form the basis for what each individual thinks about every practice. Swimming is a thinking sport, and goals serve as a reminder of that!
Upcoming dates:
Wed 9 Sept 2015 – Test Set #1 – see handbook for more details
Sat 12 Sept 2015 – Arusha vs Moshi @ Arusha Campus – Bus leaves @ 630am, Returns @ 1pm.
Fri 25 Sept 2015 – Sun 27 Sept 2015 – TZ National Championships (Short Course) @ Zanzibar – Costs to be sent to parents via email for approval.
Varsity Athletes Trying-Out: Aselya, Sally, Roos, Freddy, Alicia, Chris F, Kyle, Shawn, Silipa, Lianne, Hope. Ndashi, Sanne, and Maria B.
See you in the pool!
Coach Sabini, Coach Mary, and Coach Sullivan
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Primary Boys’ Football
  Please note that from Thursday, 27th August the Primary boys’ football will run from 2.00 to 3.30pm.
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Primary Clubs
 This photo is taken from the primary Sparkling Elephant Club
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D1 Orientation
  The D1 orientation was a two day course in which D1s get prepared to start Diploma. This 2 day course is to help D1s understand what is expected from them and what they need to expect. Throughout these two days a lot of advice was given to the D1s from teachers, D2 students and a few successful adults. The first day was a preparation for all the classes, teacher came and gave presentations of what’s to come in the year ahead, and that yes, D1 will be hard and should be take seriously. Plenty of advice was given from the D2s to the D1s; there was advice given that was mentioned several times: do not procrastinate about having a goal. The D2s didn’t hesitate in telling their story of the mistakes they have made that affected their performance or schoolwork; they were honest and very helpful.
The second day of orientation, the D1s went on a surprise field trip to VETA and Dekker. VETA is a school very different from our own, where people who don’t have the opportunity to go to college or who didn’t quite make it through school go to VETA to make something of themselves. VETA gives you the opportunity to develop building, electrical, carpentry, computing and tailoring skills. Along with those five courses it is mandatory to take the extra classes such as English, math, life skills, engineering, drawing and entrepreneurship. On the second field trip the D1s went to Dekker flower farm and there they learnt about growing plants and the three stages the plants go through, up until they get shipped away. Later that day 7 panellists came to talk to the D1s about success, what is success and how to get there. They gave their own life story about how they feel successful and that success can come in different ways, that sometimes success is a blessing in disguise. All 7 panellists agreed that in order to be successful you need to have a goal, passion and grit. Grit is to have that passion that stamina to reach your goals. Without grit you won’t reach your goal. We all see failure as a bad thing and we won’t be successful but that’s not it at all. If you fail it just means you have to push yourself harder and it gives you a chance to reflect and evaluate your decisions. “The ability to do comes from inside”
Zan, Rachel and Lydia (D1)
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Language Acquisition
  At ISM we offer language acquisition courses (also previously known as language B courses) in English, Swahili and French both at MYP and DP level. The aim of language acquisition courses is to gain skills in an additional language with the long-term ultimate goal of becoming multilingual. It also encourages students to develop an awareness and understanding of other cultures.
  At MYP level, students are placed in phases according to their level of proficiency in the target language. Phases 1 and 2 are for emergent communicators, phases 3 and 4 are for capable communicators and phases 5 and 6 are for proficient communicators. Programmes are designed to work on and develop all four skills: reading, writing, speaking and listening. The pathways to DP are multiple with phases 4, 5 and 6 allowing a smooth transition from MYP to DP group 2 language acquisition courses. MYP students continuing on to the DP will have developed not only an inquiring and reflective approach to language learning but also multiliteracy skills that they will be able to apply and extend in their DP language courses.
At DP level, the group 2 courses are divided in two language acquisition courses : ab initio and language B. The language B course is offered at higher level or standard level. Both courses aim to develop students’ receptive, productive and interactive skills.
Alliance Française partnership
  The Alliance Française (French cultural centre) of Arusha is organising partnerships with local schools. This year, ISM is starting this collaboration with Alliance Française. This means that Alliance Française will organize special workshops and activities for our students learning French. A different and exciting opportunity to develop their skills in French!
As ISM is now a member of the Alliance Française, students have free access to the library and the Culturethèque, an online library offering a large range of multimedia resources such as audio book, movies, documentaries and media.
As members, students can also benefit from discounts on the Alliance courses (50% discount to register to the DELF and DALF, internationally recognized diplomas awarded by the French Ministry of Education to certify the competency of candidates from outside France in the French Language).
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Valérie Veillon
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Late Start Day
  During this semester we will be completing the self-study that we began last January in preparation for our acreditation visit from the Council of International Schools, Middle States Association, and International Baccalaureate which will take place in 2016. As part of the self-study process, our teachers are committed to spending time in various committees to analyse all aspects of the school and work towards school improvement. In order to facilitate this, we reserve a few extra hours on one morning per quarter for teacher work.
On Friday, 4th September, our classes will start at 10:35am. Day students will not be expected to come to school until that time. (Note tht EC students may stay in school until 12:35 that day).
We apologise for any inconvenience this late start may cause, but believe that it is important time required to ensure a valuable self-study.
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Diploma News
  This week D2 students are working intensively on the final touches for their 4,000 word Extended Essay which had been assigned in March 2015. On September 9th the full draft is due. Thereafter, supervisors will provide feedback and the EE final version is due on November 3rd.
D1 subject course selections appear to be nearly set though the three-week drop-add period-change period ends on August 30th. It is critical that D1 students select courses that match their ability to succeed. Parents’ collaboration in this is vital.
Earlier this month we received the CAS audit final report stating “Overall impression from the submitted documentation it is noted that a well-developed and highly effective CAS program is in place”. A hearty congratulations for this success goes to Ms. Ingrid Chavez the CAS Coordinator whose array of after-school options is impressive and fully meets the IB learning-outcomes based criteria. The afternoon CAS activities follows hours of rigorous academic study and provides balance to the lives of our young adults in the DP. Moreover, we hope it prepares them for adulthood in terms of a life-long commitment to service and healthy living through exercise.
Collaborative work remains a key element of DP subject teaching as was the case with an engaging team-project in the DP History classes this week where we studied Britain’s conflicting promises during the First World War.
Internationalism remains at the center of the IB’s mission and is evident across the spectrum of our courses. We DP teachers facilitate the students’ learning in these pivotal last two years of secondary school and we have the responsibility – among many – to prepare students for a globalized world.
Within D1 Life Skills classes this week, we further addressed the issue of academic honesty and students viewed and dialogued about avoiding plagiarism and watched this award-winning video by IB students –
The end-of-first quarter parent-teacher meeting date/time is set and DP parental attendance would be invaluable. Please try to make it. Friday Oct 16th at 10:35am. Again, feel free to contact me should you have any questions or concerns about your child’s education in the ISM Diploma Program.
Rick Fitzpatrick – Diploma Coordinator
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Early Childhood Preview
  Dear Parents,
It was lovely to see so many of you at the teacher meeting on Wednesday. I hope you found it an informative evening. For those parents who couldn’t make it, please read the handouts coming home this week in your child’s folder. You will also notice a tree in the outside area of our classroom. Please ask for a label so that you can write your hopes for your child this year at school.
Unit of inquiry
This week we will brainstorm the question, “Where do we learn?” and begin to make a list of all the learning that takes place in our lives and where it happens. Many thanks to those parents who have already sent back the information about what the children have learnt to do at home. This could be learning to dress themselves or building a lego model. It doesn’t have to be a formal lesson such as swimming or riding.
  This week we will introduced the letter sounds c and d. In Letterland these sounds are made by Clever cat and Dippy Duck.
EC1 children learn the letter sound, the shape of the letter and the character name in Letterland. They also help to find objects beginning with the sound and look for the letter in words. When children are ready they practise forming the letter correctly. Every letter sound will be accompanied by an action and rhyme to help the children remember the letter sound. Art activities also help the children to learn the letters. We will start our ‘Sounds Museum’ this week so please send objects in beginning with a, c, or d and we can add them to our museum. Please let me know if you want these objects back soon or if we can keep them for the Semester. EC2
Children who know many sounds already are beginning to practise word building, starting with CVC (Consonant, vowel, consonant) words first. They will think about rhyming words this week through listening to stories and rhymes.
Much of our language work this week will be integrated into our unit of inquiry. Children will look at photographs of our various learning areas in the classroom, trying to answer the question, ‘What do you learn there?’ We will also continue to read books about Spot the dog and make individual Spot books.
This week we will make a class graph showing the favourite learning areas in the classroom.
EC1 will continue to develop number sense to 5/10 depending on the children’s ability.
EC2 will continue to develop number sense to 10/20+ also depending on their level of ability.
Please remember
Monday and Friday is PE and children should wear their PE shoes and house T-shirts.
Tuesday and Thursday is Library and books should be returned on these days.
All children need a spare set of clothes and a spare pair of indoor shoes to be left at school at all times
School T-shirts should be worn everyday for school.
Many thanks and have a great weekend
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P1/2 Preview
 Information for Parents
Thank you for your attendance at our parent orientation night. I am looking forward to a good partnership with all of you to ensure success for your child this school year.
This week we have a special assembly on Monday. Children should all be in their house T-shirts that day. We will play some games together with the rest of the students at ISM and earn points for our houses.
Language focus for the week
This week our Group 1 children will be working on beginning sounds. Our Group 2 children will be working with short vowel sounds. Of course, all of the children will be reading every day.
Maths focus for the week
The Group 1 children will be working with numbers up to 12 this week. They will make numbers with toys and other manipulatives, draw numbers, and write them as well. The Group 2 children will be working on number bonds for 9 and 10.
 Unit of Inquiry
Last week we spent time learning about how important it is to exercise. The children created their own exercises and shared them with the other children in the class. This week we will continue to explore (and participate in) exercise, and we will learn about being healthy by getting enough rest.
What to bring to school:
A hat for playtime and a healthful snack.
PE (wear PE shoes and a house T shirt)
Library (please send your books in the library bag)
PE (wear PE shoes and a house T shirt)
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P2/3 Preview
 It was wonderful to meet so many of you on Wednesday evening. Thank you again for taking the time to come to the Parent Information Evening.
Thank you also to all the parents who are reading with their child for 15 minutes per day and then writing a comment in the yellow contact book. This really helps the work we do in class. The yellow contact book can be found in your child’s homework packet. Comments should include the name of the book, the pages read and how your son/daughter managed. Please continue to encourage your child through positive praise.
Last week the children enjoyed observing the features of Tinga Tinga paintings and thinking about what made them unique to Tanzania. They brainstormed their thoughts about particular paintings onto paper. They each made a plan and then started to design their own pictures. This week we will get on to some painting which I know the children are looking forward to.
  In IT (Information Technology) lessons the children really enjoyed playing maths and English games on the BBC Bitesize website. These are a fun way of developing basic literacy and numeracy skills, e.g. ordering numbers, telling the time and spelling. It also helps the children practice keyboard skills and mouse control.
In PE (Physical Education) the children have been learning how to throw properly – underarm, overarm and overhead. These skills are in preparation for the ISM Primary Sports Day coming up later in the semester.
Transdisciplinary Theme: Where we are in place and time
Central Idea: Tanzania has its own unique identity
This week we will be exploring some of the unique features of Tanzania.
English focus for the week: ‘th’ words
Maths focus for the week: simple fractions
What to bring to school every day: A hat, a water bottle and a healthy snack.
The Week Ahead:
Monday: Spirit Day (wear house t-shirts) | Homework will be sent home (due in Friday) | PE lesson
Tuesday: Library session
Wednesday: Parent Information Evening starting at 6.30pm
Thursday: PE lesson
Friday: Homework due in
NB: Swimming sessions will not start until the weather has warmed up next month.
Kate Schermbrucker – P2/3 Teacher and PYP Coordinator
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P4 Preview
  I would like to thank the parents that came in for the Information evening. It was great to meet you and share targets for the new school year. One of the questions that came up was how many girls and boys we have in P4. At the moment there are 10 girls and 11 boys.
Over the week, the students have become more confident with the routines and are quite successful with following the essential agreements. We have been receiving artefacts from the class families and it is just awesome to hear the stories behind these valuable items.
  We have been looking at how archaeologists use ancient artefacts to learn more about the past. We also had a chance to think of our favorite everyday things and what life would be like without them.
In the coming week for our Unit, we will take a closer look at practices and traditions from the past and what these have become in the present day. We are taking a look at Ancient Civilizations as our guide. It would also help to share stories about your childhood with your child and share photos so they could see how things have changed.
  We have had a chance to use number lines and hundred square charts to help us in solving real life problems using all the operations. We will continue with this in the coming week to enhance our critical thinking skills and accuracy.
Language Arts: We will continue to use the different conventions of writing; punctuation, capitalization and using correct spellings and grammar.
We continue to focus on using adjectives to describe objects, events, and experiences. We will use pre-writing as one of the writing traits to help us organize our thoughts and ideas.
I have asked students to bring in board games that they wish to use in the games center. With time, we will create games and they will have a variety to use for different purposes.
Have a very lovely weekend!
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P5 Preview
 Information for Parents
The children have settled nicely into our classroom routines and are digging into our unit of inquiry. We will have a house assembly on Monday. Students should wear their house T-shirt to get a point for their house.
Language focus for the week
One of the goals for P5 students is to read a variety of genres. We will take a look at what some of the different types of literature there are and use the characteristics to identify genres. We will learn about different types of sentences and review the use of capitalization and punctuation.
 Maths focus for the week
Students are further developing their ideas of multiplication and division. We will continue to explore our “big idea” that multiplication and division are different ways to solve the same problem. We will investigate equal groups, work on solving real-life scenarios, and develop our own problems that reflect division.
Unit of Inquiry
This week we will focus on making connections to the stories that we read. We will be doing an author study on Kevin Henkes. Please feel free to send in any books that you have at home written by him. Students will then trying to make connections that they have to one of the books, or connect some of the characters and ideas from the different stories. We will also do a group writing activity to see how we each form different thoughts and ideas about the events that happen within a story.
 What to bring to school: A hat for playtime and a healthful snack.
PE (wear PE shoes and a house T shirt)
PE (wear PE shoes and a house T shirt)
Library (please remember to bring your books)
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P6 Preview
  This week P6 have been researching and reading about famous people who have inspired others and who might be considered heroes. In groups we had fun discussing and debating which of the Learner Profile words and attitudes would best fit certain celebrity quotes. We have compared different biographical accounts and practiced our note-taking skills. Using our notes, we made timelines showing facts about Nelson Mandela. In maths we have practised rapid recall of multiplication and used these basic facts to complete more challenging calculations, including division.
 Unit of Inquiry: We look to heroes to show us who we can be. Next week the students will continue researching possible heroes, and will be inquiring into the qualities that these people have.
Maths focus: Place value and the number system. Multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000.
Language focus: Biographies. Students will read biographies about people from different times and places. They will answer questions and present understandings of their reading to their peers as both written and verbal presentations.
Note for Monday: House T-shirts to be worn please for Spirit Day.
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International School Moshi
PO Box 733 Moshi, Tanzania
Tel: +255 27 2755005
Fax: +255 736 605320
Mobile: +255 767 534766 |