Dear Parents,
I hope that you are all enjoying holidays with your family. This newsletter carries some news for the new school year and also some news from the last week of last term.
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Summit Magazine
  The Summit magazine was published earlier this month, but unfortunately hard copies were not distributed to all students before they left. You can download and read the 2015 edition of the Summit Magazine at We will distribute hard copies to all at the start of the new school year in August.
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Fees for 2015/16
  I would like to remind you that the first instalment of fees for 2015/16 is due by this Wednesday, 1st July. We are in the process of appointing a new fees administrator in school and will this year be strict on charging surcharges if fees are not received on time. Students whose fees for the first quarter have not been received will be unable to start school in August.
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Handbooks and Forms
  Last week you should have received by email a number of handbooks and/or forms for the new school year. These are all also available to download as follows:
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Leaving Teachers
  At the final assemby of last term we were very sorry to say goodbye to the teachers who have left Moshi Campus this month:
Alastair Brandon has been with ISM for nearly twenty years and has taught English and Theory of Knowledge throughout this time.
Joyce Semiono first taught Swahili in ISM in 1986 and has been a part-time teacher in school since 2006.
Nainkwa Mvungi has taught Swahili in PYP, MYP and Diploma and has been employed at ISM for over 20 years.
Rafael Holt joined ISM in 2011 and has taught Chemistry and Environmental Systems & Societies.
We wish them all the very best for the future.
At the assembly on 17th June, we also said goodbye to our retiring Maintenance Supervisor, Paulo Mbando who leaves ISM after having started work in the school in 1971. During 44 years in the school, Paulo has contributed an enormous amount and helped to bring ISM to where we are now.
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Teachers for 2015/16
  Some of our new teachers have posted details of themselves at We look forward to welcoming David Hagen (English, Individuals & Societies), Linda Kileo (Swahili), Doreen Ogello (Chemistry, Environmental Systems & Societies, Life Skills) and Catherine Wambua (P4 Class Teacher) to the campus next term. We also expect to be welcoming two additional Swahili teachers.
Details of which teachers will be teaching which classes in 2015/16 are given at
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Calendar for 2015/16 and 2016/17
  Many of the planned events for the coming school year have now been added to the school’s Google calendar. You can add this calendar to your own Gmail or Google account by going to Google Calendar, and adding the ISM Public Calendar owned by It is also visible at
A PDF file of the next six months of the calendar is attached to this newsletter. Also attached are the dates of the school calendar for 2016/17.
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D1 Resit Examinations
  The school has a policy which states that D1 diploma students need to obtain a minimum of 24 points on their end-of-year examinations to be able to continue as full diploma students in D2. Those students who have missed reaching the minimum number of points will have the opportunity to resit their examinations on 8th and 9th August 2015. If your child is in this position, you will already have been contacted by the Diploma Coordinator. Resit examinations cannot be rescheduled to another date.
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IB Blog – Dr Kumari
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Outdoor Pursuits
  Dear OP Enthusiasts! Congratulations on passing your levels this year, and moving on to the next level. For those of you who have completed Level 4 and plan to do the Summit trip starting on September 1st, remember to buy some warm clothes on your holiday. You will definitely need them! For the others as well, be sure to buy any personal hiking equipment which you need and which may not be available from the OP store.
There are many trips planned for the next school year:
- Campcraft for M1 – 29-30 August
- Level 1B – South Pare (13-15 May), North Pare (26/27 September)
- Level 1 – Mandara Hut – 7/8 November
- Level 2 – Little Meru (5-7 February), Usambara Mountains (3-6 December)
- Level 3 – Mount Hanang (13-15 February), Base of Mawenzi (19-22 November)
- Level 4 – Ngorongoro to Natron (20-24 January), Socialist Peak (2-5 October)
- Level 5 – Uhuru Peak via Rongai Route – 1-6 September, 26 April – 1 May
These are the trips that will happen next school year. Check them out and have a great holiday. Thanks, Isaac Foya, OP Coordinator
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Tennis Camp
  During this school break, tennis coach Charles is running a tennis camp at ISM on the Moshi campus. This is planned to take place during the week of 29th June – 4th July. Any interested participants please either contact coach Charles directly or collect a form from reception in the school office. Contact Charles Stephen: 0757 606766
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Primary Clubs
  A special thanks to a few parents who helped out last semester and gave up weekly time to support our Primary Clubs programme. We are especially grateful to Noah, Nick and Keli.
This coming school year our primary clubs will start in the second week on 17th August. If there are any parents out there who would be willing to offer their time for a primary club for quarter 1 please email
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Primary Netball
  In the last week of last term, our primary students played netball against Kennedy House (Usa River). Congratulations to the ISM winning team!
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P6 Graduation
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MYP Focus Days
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Secondary Sports Day
 Congratulations to Mawenzi!On the penultimate day of school, we had a fun end of year Secondary Sports Day, with Capture The Flag and different sports for each age group. At the end, Meru came out on top for the sports day. Adding all the points together over the year for all ISM House Events, Mawenzi was declared the overall champion for 2014/15!
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Horse Show – Usa River
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D1 Science Field Study

On Monday 8th June all D1 students of Biology, Chemistry and Physics travelled to Arusha to join with their counterparts from the ISM Arusha Campus. The students all made camp at a site nearby and followed a 3 day programme of Science practical work. On the first day, Biology Students undertook fieldwork in the woodland and swamp around the campsite, whilst Physics students carried out practical investigations in the Arusha campus laboratories. The second morning Biologists continued their fieldwork, whilst Physicists visited a nearby Wind Turbine workshop where they were shown the processes involved in designing and manufacturing the turbines and the internal workings of the generators.
  Following this the students split into groups and began to plan their “Group 4 project” – this is a required aspect of all the experimental science courses that requires students from all three scientific disciplines to collaborate on an investigative project and present their findings to their peers. The campsite proved to be an ideal location for this, the theme suggested to students was “Sustainability” and they enthusiastically applied themselves to their work over the afternoon and following morning. Students gave some great presentations of their investigations and results and all of them satisfactorily completed the necessary requirements of the project. In the evenings, the students played games such as ‘Capture the Flag’ and ‘Sardines’ which they greatly enjoyed and which reinforced the collaborative spirit between campuses. The evening campfire was a place around which the less active students and teachers all gathered to relax and chat. Altogether a great trip for forty students and four science teachers. Special thanks to Dr MacIvor for taking the lead role in organising the complex logistics of this trip.
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Diploma News
  The two-day D1 Theory of Knowledge (TOK) special workshop on the challenging TOK essay took place on Friday 12th and Monday June 15th. Then, D1s shared their Extended Essay with peers in presentations on Tuesday morning June 16th prior to the Sports Day.
Boarders should return on Sunday August 9th and all DP students should be ready to start school at 7:30am on Monday August 10th. Parents should make it a habit of ensuring DP students are present for all school days so please do not arrive late or remove pupils early as this is detrimental to their DP education.
A wonderfully diverse group of fifty-four new DP students will join us in August as members of the ISM DP class of 2017.
Given that the EE first draft (full version) is due shortly after our return from the long break, it is imperative that parents of D1 (soon-to-be D2) students remind and encourage their sons/daughters to do considerable work on the EE throughout the holiday.
Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.
Rick Fitzpatrick – Diploma Coordinator
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Early Childhood News
  Many thanks for all the support you have given your child this year in EC. I very much look forward to welcoming back the younger children in August, and wish all the EC2s every happiness and success in P1. I look forward to hearing all about them next school year as they move to the next stage in their learning journey.
I hope you all have a wonderful holiday.
Ms Annalee
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P1/2 News

What a great school year! Thank you so much for welcoming me and my family to ISM and to Moshi. I appreciate all of the parent support that I received this year. I hope this was a positive year for your child, and I am excited about the growth I see in all the children. While of course I am enjoying a holiday, I am excited about getting started up again next school year.
Larry Anton
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P3 News

The children all had the experience of teaching another primary class in the last week. They all came back from this with big smiles, feeling very proud of themselves so I believe that this was a great experience for them. We have had a series of writing workshops with the children all engaged in making their own books. They were allowed to choose what their book subject was to be and we ended up with a range of fiction and non-fiction books on themes such as football, horses, camping and mermaids! Also, we have learnt how to do crosswords and Sudoku puzzles.
We said Goodbye to William Stouffer as he goes back to school in the US for the next academic year. He has been a well-respected member of the class, a fantastic friend to all and he will be missed in P4. We wish William and his wonderful family all the best for the future and hope that they come back to visit one day.
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P4/5 Photos
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P5/6 Photos
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