Dear Parents,
Whilst many of us were enjoying the long weekend, our D2 students have been putting in their final revision before their written exams begin tomorrow, Monday. Meanwhile our M5 class is spending this week on work experience in placements in Moshi or towns such as Dar es Salaam, Iringa, Arusha, Mwanza or Bagamoyo. Next Friday and Saturday many of our D1 students will be taking IELTS English Language tests to meet immigration and university requirements for their upcoming applications. Congratulations to all those Outdoor Pursuits students who successfully reached Little Meru this weekend.
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PYP Exhibition
  On Tuesday the P6 students presented in five groups to the student population of the school during the school day. On Wednesday they gave the same presentations to their parents and specially invited guests who had been involved in the eight week journey, e.g. members of the community who had given interviews or helped the children with their actions. It was encouraging to see such a large turnout, including parents of boarders who had flown in from Morogoro and Dar es Salaam.
  The students each gave clear verbal presentations, but included lots of extra creative elements, e.g. drama skits, Prezi presentations, student created websites, student created videos of field trips, a recorded song and lots more. Each presentation had its own unique feel. For example the Trees Group chose to present under a beautiful tree and the Nature Group also chose to be outside surrounded by plants. The Nature Group also used solar lamps to light up their presentation which included information about reducing pollution. The Sport, Health and Exercise Group chose to present in the sports hall (Karibu Hall) and asked their audience to play football and basketball.   The Albinos in Tanzania group chose to present in the Peace Hut. All of the display boards were bright and colourful with written texts, artwork, photographs etc.
The students all did a wonderful job of collaborating and inquiring with their teammates throughout their Exhibition journeys. They also carried out superb actions to help make our world a better place. These included teaching the P4/5 class about cells and genes, planting nine indigenous trees on campus, teaching the P1/2 class how to recycle rubbish into crafts, teaching sports each week to infants of our school workers,   picking up litter at school and on the beach, creating web sites about deforestation, albinism and animal abuse to raise awareness, starting a petition about the consequences of pollution, making a book about wild animals to go into the school library and by encouraging people to sign a pledge to not buy ivory. The students feel passionately about their issues and therefore many of their actions will continue into the future in one form or another.
  I would like to thank all of the parents, students, guests and teachers who came to witness the Exhibition Presentations held this week.
Kate Schermbrucker
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Brownies: Garage Sale
  SAVE THE DATE! On Saturday, June 6th the brownies are holding a garage sale in Karibu Hall from 10am til 12.30pm. If you are leaving Moshi this year, this is an ideal opportunity to sell unwanted items. Tables will cost TSh 20,000 and should be paid for in advance in the school office.
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Primary Origami Club
 The Origami Club has been busy! Last week they were learning about the Japa-nese holiday Kodomo no hi (Children’s Day). They celebrated by making samuri helmets and carp flags just like many children do in Japan this time of year. Thank you so much to Mie Oizumi and Saki Saiki for all of their help with Origami Club.
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Solar Lights
  One of our D2 students, Valentina, initiated her own project to raise funds to purchase solar lamps for school children. Recently, as a result of her efforts, many solar lamps were distribued to children at Orkeeswa School. They have written as follows:
Many of our students often walk over an hour to and from school. This means that they might get home from school one hour before dusk and leave the next morning well before sunrise. With no electricity in their homes, their study time is limited to what daylight hours they have available.   These incredible new solar lights give students the chance to study even after dark, something they are extremely appreciative of.
When passing out the solar lights we gave first priority to students with the most need, and rather than give them out for individual students to keep we decided to implement a check-out system so that students can borrow the lights for a given amount of time and return them, thus maximizing their usage amongst our students.
One of our students, Husna (Form One), said: “Now I can go home and help my mother make dinner and still be able to study. The new solar light lasts for a long time so I am able to study as long as I want, which is good because we have exams coming up.”
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Music Notes
  As we get into the heart of the fourth quarter, PYP musicians are not only continuing their development of music literacy but also looking at other ideas in music, that link to the new units of inquiry in each of their classes. P1/2 will be focusing on teamwork, especially as it relates to singing and dancing together. P3 will take a look at the resources that the planet gives us and how they are used for instruments in all parts of the world. P4/5 will focus on musical innovations: both in terms of specific instruments that were affected by the Industrial Revolution and in terms of musical styles and genres around the world. Finally, P5/6 will focus on their body and how the choices they make while singing and/or playing instruments can affect their ability to perform and long-term health. It is sure to be an informative end to our school year in PYP music!
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MYP Science
In M1 we have been studying Physics this quarter. Students have been learning about fuels, different forms of energy and also different energy resources. This culminated with an impassioned class debate about the best future energy resource to supply Zanzibar with electricity; students took different roles to represent different pressure groups (fishermen, resort managers, conservationists, bankers, …) and there were some excellent exchanges of opinions and ideas around the room. The winning proposal was to build a barrage that uses Tidal Energy to generate a sustainable energy supply for the island. We will now be studying the Sun as the main source of energy for our planet and linking this to our place in the Solar System.
  This quarter we are studying waves and their uses and applications; this includes Sound and Light and usually makes for an interesting programme of study that students enjoy. So far we have been investigating the property of reflection and students are now undertaking a practical investigation into the phenomenon of refraction, which will be assessed as part of their MYP level grades. We will end the quarter by studying the Electromagnetic Spectrum and its applications, with particular emphasis on the uses of waves for communication.
M5 are studying Matter and learning about the subatomic building blocks that make up everything in the known Universe. Students have learnt about the historical context of ground-breaking research that discovered the Structure of the Atom. We are now looking at current research in Particle Physics and considering the implications and benefits it contributes to our modern lifestyles. Students are writing an extended essay on this topic as part of their MYP assessment. We will finish the Semester with a look at Nuclear Fusion processes in stars, considering the assertion that “We are all made of Stardust”.
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M3 Arts Field Study
  Last week, our drowsy Monday morning started with a short drive through a snug village after which we arrived at Weru Weru campsite. Upon our arrival, we were greeted with warm sun and freshly cut grass that quickly woke us up. After swiftly putting up our tents we sat under a beautiful tree providing shelter from the burning heat. We spent the morning breaking the ice between the two campuses by small games and lots of socializing. We set off to different workshops during which we covered Drama, Music and Visual Art. Over the next two days, we spent the workshops drumming, singing, improvising, acting and making art.
  In the evening, we sat on the grass playing cards and football. Our over-excited classes were kept well managed by Ms Anine, Mr. Campbell, Ms Kellerman and Ms. McNeil. Our mouth watering meals were cooked by the one and only Saleem assisted by us, the students. Even though we slept in wet tents and worked in the pouring rain, we had a memorable experience that united both campus’ M3 classes through various art forms, disciplines and skills.
Malaika and Harold (M3)
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ITGS in the Diploma
  The D1 ITGS (Information Technology in a Global Society) students just finished studying IT systems that utilize models and simulations. Students learned practical skills using spreadsheet software to create mathematical models using real-world data from The data students used raised some fascinating social and ethical questions.
Students finished up the topic by completing an exam that emulated an ITGS paper 2. This was a valuable experience for the students as they prepare for D1 exams later this term.
Currently, students are currently learning about IT systems in business. Most recently, students researched employee monitoring systems. The students presented their findings to the class. Using what they learned from the presentations, students created an acceptable use policy for a medium-sized business in which they justified how and why employee monitoring systems would be used. The social and ethical issues surrounding employee monitoring systems is a very engaging topic for the students to discuss.
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Private Parties
  Although the school organises celebrations for the D2 graduation, the students have usually additionally opted to arrange their own private parties off-campus. These are likely to be on 23rd May after the official ceremony. These student-organised parties are not school events and we cannot, as a school, take responsibility for them. Invariably, there is alcohol available at these parties and minimal, if any, adult supervision. We are concerned about the inevitable, and potentially serious risks that arise from these situations, particularly for many of the younger students who frequently receive invitations to attend and we have endeavoured to deal with such issues from an educational point of view in our Life Skills lessons. We also need to be especially confident that parents are aware of the nature of these events, and are happy with their own children’s involvement. We would therefore offer the following requests and guidelines.
For parents of boarders:
Boarders staying in school that weekend will NOT be allowed to attend any unsupervised parties. If boarders do want to attend, they can only do so if their parents agree and they have been taken out of the school’s care by staying with another family for the weekend. Even if you have already indicated on the Parental Consent form that your child may sign out to friends at weekends, we would like to further confirm that it is acceptable on this particular weekend. If you have children intending to sign out for this weekend, could you please contact us with that confirmation? You may contact either the boarding parent or Mrs Bango on by whatever means is most convenient (telephone, letter, email or fax). Boarders will be expected to remain in school for the weekend if we have not heard from you before MONDAY, MAY 18th.
We would also suggest on this occasion, that you contact the host family directly to discuss what you feel would be appropriate arrangements, curfew etc for your children on the evening of the party.
For parents offering to host boarders:
Boarders signing out on these weekends will need to sign out for the whole weekend from the Friday afternoon until midday on the Sunday, although they may of course attend the Graduation Ceremony if invited. We would suggest that before you take on the responsibility for the guest students over this period, you are confident of their own parent’s expectations in terms of curfew, supervision etc.
We do not in any way wish to curtail the students’ opportunity for well-deserved celebration on these occasions, but we are concerned for their safety and their parents’ full consent and understanding.
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Diploma News
  Monday May 4th is the start date for the three weeks of official IB D2 exams. We were pleased to observe how focused and organized the class of 2015 students were in terms of studying and soliciting advice from DP faculty. ISM IB DP exam results will be available to graduates as of 6 July. This week the DP Coordinator will provide each D2 student with a username and pin code that will enable them to access these results.
Friday May 15th at midday is the cut-off point for any family member of D2 student who wishes to buy a Graduation dinner ticket (Tsh 27,000). As this is a family event, we cannot accommodate friends at this event. The Grad dinner will start at 6:30 pm on Friday May 22nd. Parents of D2 students are invited/requested to help – if possible – with the decorating of Karibu Hall on the morning of Friday May 22nd as from 8:30am. This is always a wonderful tradition where D2 family/parents decorate the venue in which their son/daughter in the D2 will graduate on Sat afternoon May 23rd.
D1 end-of-year exams will start on this coming Monday May 25th. This is a reminder that all members of the ISM DP class of 2016 agreed to the Diploma Retention Policy which stipulates, ‘At the end of the D1 year, all full diploma students will be expected to have a minimum of 24 points (obtained by adding the end-of-year examination grades from their six subjects excluding ToK and EE). Any student achieving fewer than 24 points (or fewer than 12 HL points) at this stage will be required to take re-sit examinations before the start of the D2 school year in subjects and at times and on dates set by the Diploma Programme Coordinator. If, after the resit examinations, the total points score is still less than 24 points (or HL points are below 12), the student will be required to reduce their programme of study.’
This week as part of our accreditation process ISM IB DP faculty worked diligently on aspects of our self-study including discussion/team activities on international-mindedness and the IB learner profile.
Feedback this week of ISM graduates since 2011 was overwhelmingly positive on their perception of their IB DP study. One wrote: “Yes! I believe the IB program has taught me self-discipline and prepared me well for university studies” while another commented, “throughout both IB years, the teachers were extremely supportive… I felt like they really cared about how you were doing – never missing the opportunity to ask how you were doing… It felt like I was not just another student statistic to them but a person.”
D1 parents should – if possible – schedule a trip to Moshi for the parent-teacher conferences on the last day of school – Wednesday June 17th – and kindly ensure that your son/daughter is back on time for the start of the new school year 2015-2016 for the first day of classes on Monday August 10th.
Six United World College Maastrict D1 students on a project-week visit to ISM led a stimulating thought-provoking questions as D1s grappled with some of the deep questions raised at:
The media coverage of the IB/A-Level debate is addressed in this UK Daily Telegraph article comparing the IB and A-Levels – Breaking out of the confines of A-levels with the IB
In the spirit of altruism and international-mindedness, several D1 students are embarking on a fundraising effort to support the victims of last weekend’s devastating earthquake in Nepal.
Feel free to contact us if there are any questions or concerns regarding your son/daughter’s program of education in the IB DP.
Rick Fitzpatrick – DP Coordinator
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Early Childhood
  On Wednesday I will be leaving for a PYP Science workshop in Dubai. Ms Patricia will be responsible for the class for the rest of the week and Ms Kacey on Monday 11th May. I will be back in school on Tuesday 12th May.
Unit of inquiry
This week we will go on a light hunt round ISM, observe shadows and find out what causes shadows. The children will also test materials that let in light and that block light(transparent and opaque) and sort accordingly. We are still thinking about how we use light and adding to the list as we discover new ways.   Last week Rhea thought of how light is used in Diwali so this week we have some parents coming in to talk about how they use light in their celebrations.
The children will continue to work on their light books. They are also writing about a school day as they sequence the pictures they drew last week.
EC2 will continue to work on long vowel sounds finding out about Mr E, Mr O and Mr U. EC1 will find out about the sound l and make a light mobile.
Work on time will continue. We will also revise 2D and 3D shapes. Number work will involve some work on ordinal numbers, estimating and conservation. As usual we will develop mental maths skills during our calendar time and in small groups.
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P1/2 Preview
 Information for Parents
We were excited to visit the Primary Exhibition this week. The P6 students presented to our class and the rest of primary everything they had been learning over the past eight weeks. It was a good opportunity for our children to see what the end of primary school looks like.
We also got an opportunity to visit the P4/5 class on Thursday. They presented to us what they have been learning about the human body. It is exciting to see all of the collaboration happening on campus.
 Literacy Focus for the Week
This week we will focus on comprehension. We will use Venn diagrams to help us compare and contrast stories. The children will also make their own Venn diagrams. We will also continue to read in our reading groups.
Maths Focus for the Week
We will continue to work with large numbers this week. The Group 1 children will work on place value and adding to 20. The Group 2 children will work on double digit adding. Then we will transition into learning about capacity. Children will compare containers and learn about measuring capacity.
 Unit of Inquiry
We will begin our last unit of the year this week. Here is some information about the new unit:
Central Idea: In the workplace, people share responsibility towards a common purpose.
Lines of Inquiry:
- importance of working as an effective team
- individual roles and responsibilities
- how systems are organized
What to Bring to School
Children need a hat for playtime and a healthful snack every day.
Monday: Library (return your books)
Wednesday: PE (please send proper shoes and house shirt)
Thursday: PE (please send proper shoes)
Friday: Show and Tell
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P3 Preview
 Last week in P3 we have been busy telling the time. Using analogue clocks, the children have shown that they are able to tell time to the nearest 5 minutes, and can match these to digital clock faces. We have enjoyed reading Dinosaurs and all that Rubbish by Michael Foreman. In role of the Dinosaurs or The Man from this story, the children have written letters (of complaint and apology) to each other. It’s a great story for helping us to tune into our next Unit of Inquiry which is all about Sharing the Planet.
This week we are putting together a short assembly for you to watch on the morning of Friday the 8th of May, at 7:35am. You are very welcome to join us, outside (or possibly inside) the P3 classroom. We will be writing postcards, and continuing our work on telling the time during the week. Our Central Idea is: Our planet has limited resources that are unevenly distributed. The children are already quite excited by this unit, and they are looking forward to finding out more.
What to bring to school
Hat , Water-bottle , Communication book (everyday please).
Monday: PE. Homework will be set.
Thursday: PE and Library.
Friday: Spelling and mini-multiplication test. Homework due in.
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P4/5 Preview
 Information for Parents
We have wrapped up our study of the human body and are excited to enter our last unit of the school year. Students did a great job teaching the P1/2 and P3 students what they learned about various human body systems. I was amazed at how well the students communicated with their audience and at how they included all of the key concepts of the unit in their presentations.
Language focus for the week
Most students are finishing their stories, so our focus is on the editing part of the writing process. Students are identifying misspelled words and working on using correct punctuation. When students are finished, they will conference with the teacher and then type their stories.
 Maths focus for the week
Our final study of the year will be learning about fractions and decimals. We will begin by learning about unit fractions. We will model unit fractions and compare them to make observations about patterns that we see. We will also learn about equivalent fractions and how to simplify.
Unit of Inquiry
Our last unit will focus on innovations. Our central idea is: Innovations allow us to discover different ways to meet our needs and solve our problems. Our lines of inquiry are: The process of innovation, the impact of innovations on society, and innovations since the industrial revolution. We will start tuning in next week by learning about what innovation is and how it is different that invention.
 What to bring to school:
A hat for playtime and a healthful snack.
Tuesday: PE (wear trainers and house shirt)
Thursday: Library (bring books)
PE (wear trainers and house shirt)
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P5/6 Preview
 We are sorry to say, ‘Goodbye and a big thank you,’ to Ms Kacey who has been teaching our P5 students for the past 2 months whilst the P6 students have concentrated on their Exhibitions. From Monday the twenty five P5/6 students will recombine and be taught in Room 15 by Ms Kate for their final unit of the academic year.
New Unit:
Trandisciplinary Theme: Who we are
Central Idea: Our health is affected by the choices we make
The Week Ahead
Monday: The P5/6 students recombine | Library Session | Homework will be set
Wednesday: PE Lesson (swimming has finished)
Friday: Homework due in | PE Lesson
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International School Moshi
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