Dear Parents,
Congratulations to our M5 class who celebrated the end of their MYP course in a ceremony last Friday. Pictures of the ceremony are available at
We are now into the final week of the school year and this week has many different activities, ranging from our MYP Focus Days, our D1 Extended Essay and ToK Days, to the Inter-House sports next Thursday. Please see below to read details of these, of arrangements for next Friday, and of plans for the school year 2014/15 ahead.
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MYP Focus Days
  On Monday – Wednesday, 16th – 18th June, all our M1 to M4 students will not be attending regular classes but will instead be engaged in our MYP Focus Days. On each day some students will be travelling to Marangu to undertake a service project there helping to build an orphanage. Others will be engaged in societal and environmental projects on the campus. There will be no CAS or Sports activities this week because of the Focus Days.
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D1 Extended Essays and ToK
  On Monday – Wednesday this week, 16th-18th June, our D1 students will be following a special programme which focuses on Theory of Knowledge, a core IB DP requirement. They will also be working on their Extended Essays to ensure they are up to speed, the deadline for the first draft is when they get back in August.
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Inter-House Sports
  On Thursday, 19th June, all M1-M4 and D1 students will be engaged in our Inter-House Sports Day which will run from 9am to 3:30pm. They will take part in a wide range of activities from basketball and volleyball to ultimate frisbee, tennis, hockey and football. All students are expected to participate. Thanks to the Parent Association who are helping with refreshments on the day.
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  End of Year reports will be issued for all primary and secondary students (except M5s) on Thursday, 19th June. Anybody wishing to have a soft copy emailed to them, should please email . Please note that reports will not be issued to students whose fees for the school year 2013/14 have not yet been fully paid. Library books will also need to be returned before reports are given out.
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Friday, 20th June
  As usual we will have our end of year assembly on Friday, 20th June. This is not only a chance to celebrate the last quarter of the year but also an occasion to say goodbye to our leavers and celebrate outstanding students. Awards will be given each year group for Most Improved student, Top Academic Student, CAS Student & IB Learner Profile student of the year. We will also be awarding certificates for the students who have showed the most commitment and enthusiasm in each subject. After the assembly, parents of secondary students will have an opportunity to meet with teachers for our final Parent-Teacher consultation 10.35-12.00.
Students will be free to leave school after 10:15am on Friday, 20th June. Once again we strongly urge you NOT to arrange for your child to leave school earlier than this. Parents of boarders are asked to let Rosemary Bango know of travel arrangements as soon as possible on
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Leaving Teachers
  It is always very sad to say goodbye to teachers who are leaving us at the end of this school year. On Friday, we will be saying farewell to:
- Matthew Latham: Matt has been a volunteer working in our PE and Sports department this quarter.
- Maggie Farrell has been teaching P2/P3 since Ms Kacey started her maternity leave in April.
- Jolenta Nkya has been teaching Swahili to some of our M1-M3 students this school year, but sadly cannot continue in 14/15.
- Tiana Rozencwajg joined us in August last year to teach French to primary and M1/M2 for two days per week.
- Eric Barrows joined ISM in August 2013 and has been our M1-M5 Technology teacher and our diploma ITGS teacher throughout the year.
- Ruth Barrows will be missed by the middle years girls in Kiongozi who she has cared for this year as their boarding parent.
- Nina Bigg is our P1/P2 teacher who joined us in August 2012 and is now leaving with her family.
- Scott Hawkins has been our P5/6 teacher for the last two years and has also taken on the responsibility of PYP Coordinator in 2013/14.
- Susan Jacob has taught students from Early Childhood through to D1 as the school’s music teacher for the last two years.
- Madeline Leno joined us from Iringa in 2012 and has taught Mathematics throughout the secondary school for two years as well as being our CAS Coordinator.
- Jann Hattle has been teaching the P3/P4 class and has been in our primary school for three years.
- Jon Bigg has been our Physics teacher over the last four years. He has also taught Mathematical Studies and Life Skills and has been the main coordinator for our diploma students studying courses online.
- Anna Malya joined ISM in 1989 and has been the mainstay of the school’s Swahili department through 25 years. She has taught Swahili to beginners (both students and adults) and has taught literature to diploma level. Anna Malya is now retiring but will be living nearby and hopefully keeping in close touch.
- Elly Nkya started work as a teacher in ISM more than 30 years ago and has seen ISM through much of its history. She has recently taught Biology and Integrated Science, but has fulfilled many different roles over her time in the school. Elly Nkya is also retiring but we still hope to see much of her in the years ahead.
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Primary Music
  There are also no Primary Clubs this week. Primary classes will end at 1.05pm every day. On Thursday we are delighted that John Farrell a retired teacher and musician will be joining our primary classes to play his guitar and make music with them.
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MYP Drama
 M5 One-Act Plays
The M5 completed their drama syllabus with an electrifying performance of their One-Act plays on 5th June. This highly engaging unit gave the upcoming performing artists an opportunity to plan, rehearse, perform and evaluate their artistic engagement. It was also an opportunity to try their hand in the technical ide of theatre such as lighting, costumes and props. The evening performance, which attracted an active audience, was an emotional engagement that saw some students step onto stage performance for the first time, while other were doing it almost routinely. There was an array of genres ranging from comedies to serious drama and some complex abstract scripts. In the long run, it was beautifully done and the students were very satisfied with their effort. From the department, we appreciate the parents who had managed to watch the final performance and all those who supported the group.
M4 Monologue Videos
This week the M4 drama class completed their docudrama unit by submitting video performances of their monologues. This was an engaging and collaborative effort of all the members of the class who acted as both technical artists as well as performing artists. The students captured some of the current social issues such as teenage relationships, adoption and identity. We appreciate the support that the students got from home to make the unit successful.
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Horse Show
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Summer Sports Camp
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Fees for 2014/15
  We would like to remind all parents that the first instalment of fees for the new school year 2014/15 is due to before 1st July 2014. Please make arrangements to ensure that fees are received on time, so that your child’s place in the school is assured. If you have any questions about fees, please contact our Accounts office on
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Costs and Charges for 2014/15
  Unfortunately some of our costs are rising and we do need to pass this on in some increased charges for the new school year.
- Meals for day students will not increase in price next year and will continue to cost TSh 5000/- for lunch or supper in the dining hall. Mid-morning snacks continue to cost TSh 10,000/- per week. Meals and snacks for day students on school trips will continue to be charged TSh 17,000/- per day.
- Individual Music Lessons will rise from TSh 15,000/- to TSh 16,000/- per 30 minute lesson.
- Swimming Pool charges for non-ISM parents will be TSh 370,000 (per family per year) or TSh 70,000 (per family per month). Single swimming cards will cost TSh 185,000 for a year or TSh 35,000 for a month. Parents of ISM students may continue to use the school pool without charge.
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Calendar 2014/15
  The school’s planned events for 2014/15 are now published on the ISM Public Calendar. You can view this on the website at, or can add our calendar to your device by selecting this Google calendar which is owned by (Please do not use this address for email).
We look forward to welcoming most of our students back to school in August and to welcoming the new students who will be joining us. The campus will be full again next year after we are joined by our boarders on Sunday, 10th August and when classes start at 7:30am on Monday, 11th August.
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Self-Study Late Starts
  During the 2014/15 school year, we will be undertaking a thorough Self-Study of our school to analyse in detail all our strengths and weaknesses and help us plan for improvement. This self-study process will last about one year and is a pre-requisite for our full accreditation in 2015/16. In order to facilitate the large amount of work that this will entail, we have scheduled four days next school year when we will start classes later than normal. On 28 October 2014, 28 January 2015, 5 March 2015 and 27 April 2015, we will start classes at 10:35. Teachers will be engaged in meetings relating to the self-study in the mornings on those days. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause to families, but hope that the early notice will help with arrangements.
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Diploma News
  D1 ESS, Chemistry and Biology students conducted experiments this week on their field research trip on the Indian Ocean in Pangani at the ISM house there. D1 Geography students conducted field research also this week in preparation for their coursework assignment. D1 History students have commenced their historical investigation research.
All D1 parents should please attend the Friday June 20th parent-teacher meeting as these face-to-face discussions provide tremendous feedback on the student’s progress to date in each class.
  Boarders should return on Sunday August 10th, and all DP students should be ready to start school at 7:30am on Monday August 11th. Parents should make it a habit of ensuring DP students are present for all school days, so please do not arrive late or remove pupils early as this is detrimental to their DP education.
A wonderfully diverse group of fifty new DP students will join us in August as members of the ISM DP class of 2016. World wide there were 121,195 Diploma program candidates in May 2012 from 2,064 schools that were registering candidates. Read more IB DP stats at:
Learn more about the IB from its IB World magazine and here is the link to the March edition:
Feel free to write with any questions or concerns.
Rick Fitzpatrick
Diploma Programme Coordinator
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Early Childhood Preview
What a busy and exciting year it has been! I have thoroughly enjoyed teaching the EC children again this year. It really is a rewarding job. Each day is full of surprises and laughter and I love the great sense of achievement when a child really grasps something new.
  I would like to wish Tsadia and Ella all the very best as they transition back to the US. They have both been a great addition to our class and the learning that takes place there. I would also like to wish Chase, Townes, James, Mithra and Eunice good luck for P1. They are certainly ready for the challenges that lie ahead.
Unit of Inquiry
This week we will continue to look at posters of famous pieces of art and interpret them in our own way. The children have found it fascinating to look at a painting by Kandinsky and each see something completely different. We are also getting ready for the art show on Wednesday at 10.45am. Please try to attend this art show so that your child can show you their art on display and talk about all the different media they have used during this unit of inquiry. Remember that at this stage it is very often the process not the end product that is important for the child!
The children will choose 2 more pieces to go into their portfolios before we send them home next Friday. Younger EC children will continue with the same portfolio next year.
Party on Thursday
We hope to have a party on Thursday to celebrate the end of the school year and say goodbye to our leavers. Please see the food sign up sheet when you drop your child off on Monday morning or at pick up time.
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P1/2 Preview
  The final week…blub blub.
It is the last week of the academic year. I have thoroughly enjoyed my 2 years teaching at ISM. Thank you to parents and carers for all your support. I look forward to returning to England and settling in the city of Newcastle. I will miss Moshi and the wonderful children in my class very much.
Ms Nina Bigg
Final Assembly
There will be a final assembly at 9am in Karibu Hall on Friday 20th June. All parents and carers are welcome. The assembly will end around 10.15am and all primary children are then free to leave.
 Unit of Inquiry – Art
Theme – How we express ourselves
Central Idea – There are different ways to express our ideas and feelings.
Lines of Inquiry:
1. There are many types of artists.
Elements of art and design.
2. Expression through the arts.
3. Art appreciation.
We are learning about the elements of art and design: line, shape, colour, value, texture, form and space. We will wrap up this unit and reflect on our learning. We will look at how artists interpret their own and others work.
 Language and Maths focus for the week
We will engage in some fun literacy and maths activities this final week.
Class Party – Thursday
We will have a class party on Thursday. Could you please contribute some food so we can have a shared snack? I will put a sign up sheet outside the classroom so we get a variety of food brought in. We will play some party games, dance to music and watch a short movie.
Classroom Tidy Up
The classroom will be sorted and tidied next week. Children can bring in a game from home to play with their friends at school. This may be a board game or perhaps a card game.
 Reading Books
School reading books will be collected in on Monday and no more will be issued. Please return all reading books. Thank you.
What to bring to school:
Everyday: A hat for playtime, a healthy snack, water bottle and reading folder.
Monday: PE (wear your house T shirt, shorts and trainers)
Thursday: Class Party (Children can wear their own clothes, instead of a school T shirt. Please bring food to share.)
Friday: Final Assembly – 9am Primary children finish at 10.15am
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P2/3 Preview
 Final Week of School
As we wrap up our school year, I would just like to say that I have really enjoyed working with each and every one of the students in the P2/3 classroom these last few months. It has been a great experience for me, and one I will always remember. Thank you parents and boarding parents for all of your support throughout the year! I will miss everyone at ISM but look forward to my new position as a Primary Teacher next year at Zhuhai International School in Zhuhai, China. I wish you all the best and have a safe and happy holiday!
Miss Maggie
Final Assembly
Friday we have our final school assembly at 9AM in Karibu Hall. The assembly will last until about 10:15 at which time primary students are free to leave.
This week we will be having some fun in Maths class doing some review and playing some maths games.
Unit of Inquiry
We will be concluding our unit on adaptations next week by discussing all that we have learned and explored during this unit. We have done so many fun activities and have gotten a good chance to observe many of the plants and bugs that we have around our beautiful Moshi campus!
Class Party
On Thursday we will have a class party after break. I will have a sign up sheet outside the classroom all next week and I ask that parents sign up to bring a snack or drink for the party. We will have some food, play some games, and watch a movie. Students are welcome to bring in any board games or card games to play in class. Also on Thursday, my dad will be visiting the primary classrooms. He is a children’s singer/songwriter and will be going around singing with the classes.
Please return any reading books by Monday
This week bring in a hat, water bottle, and snack everyday.
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P5/6 Preview
  Last week the children completed their final unit and assessments. We have one more week together before what I know will be some very sad goodbyes next Friday. I am going to miss them all so much after I leave. Next week we will tie up our loose ends, clear the classroom, watch some educational material, have fun and say our goodbyes.
UOI – Beliefs
Central Idea: People’s beliefs influence their behaviour
Reading, Writing and Drama
Children will present their PowerPoint on a chosen figure to the class.
We will continue to look at time zones through the World Cup kick off times.
P.E. – is on Wednesday. Swimming will once again be on Thursday.
Library – All library books should now have been returned to the library.
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International School Moshi
PO Box 733 Moshi, Tanzania
Tel: +255 27 2755005
Fax: +255 736 605320
Mobile: +255 767 534766 |