Dear Parents,
Our M5s had an interesting week last week with their Work Experience. Some enjoyed it a lot, others had some unexpected experiences, but all learnt from the week. Both D1 and D2 students began their written exams last week and will continue during this week. Many of the older students are looking forward to the Graduation weekend on 24th May – please carefully read our advice to parents below.
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PA Meeting
  The next Parent Association Committee meeting is on Monday, 12th May. If you would like to have a cup of coffee and chat with the PA Committee members, you are invited to do so from 8am to 8:30am in Bob Horton’s office.
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HPV Vaccination
  If you have a daughter in Moshi Campus aged between 9 and 13 years, you should have received an email last week advising you of the Ministry of Health’s vaccination campaign that will vaccinate girls in this age range at the end of this week to protect against cervical cancer. Please contact me on if you did not receive the email and require more details.
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Margaret Sanders Scholarship
  Congratulations to Lulu Kessy, a student in M5, who has won the Margaret Sanders Scholarship awarded by the Association of International Schools in Africa (AISA). This award provides funds for her full participation in CAS activities and school trips as well as funding school equipment and testing requirements throughout her diploma programme in ISM. For more details, see
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D1: University Admissions Tests
 TOEFL: Due to a number of incidents involving cheating in tests in the UK, all versions of the TOEFL test of English language are no longer recognised in the UK for visa or university entry purposes. Students planning to study in the UK who are not EU citizens and native English speakers must therefore take the IELTS test for entry purposes. The TOEFL paper-based test is still accepted in the USA and Canada. We will be testing in school on 31st May. Registrations have now closed, although it may be possible to add a late registrant in the next day or so if I am contacted immediately. IELTS: About half the D1 class took IELTS English language tests in school yesterday. Their results will be published in 4-6 weeks time. ACT and SAT:Registrations for the ACT and SAT tests (required for entry to US universities only) to be held in school in June, have now closed. Late entries are still possible on payment of an additional fee.
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MYP: M3 English A
 M3 English A Animal Rights unit: This quarter our English A class has been considering how persuasive language can support an argument. Through the lens of Animal Rights issues we have been analysing how organisations get the message across. We have been reading texts as well as looking at how media manages their propoganda on an issue. Our most recent videos have focussed on selling the idea of vegetarianism which has shown a range of perspectives regarding the treatment of animals and why people eat meat. Not all our students have converted to vegetarianism yet but they are certainly more informed about the journey of the meat from a clucking chicken to the lovely meal on the table! We will also be looking at animal protection and why animal research is deemed necessary. Through comprehension exercises and utilising persuasive language the students’ language will be enhanced to be more sophisticated both in their written and verbal English. Our final assessment is to create own Animal Rights video presentation. We are delighted next week to have a guest-speaker, one of our own parents is a conservationist working in Africa, Dr Teresa Sylvina has herself worked in a laboratory where animals were tested and we look forward to hearing about her work and understanding another perspective of Animal Rights. Totty Aris
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MYP: M5 History
  An in-depth historical investigation of a World War II battle is the focus of each M5 student’s work in history. Determining a focused research question and plan for their investigation is the first step and has been completed. This coming week these M5 History students will focus on the summary of evidence on their battle and then they will work on a critical evaluation of the sources they have used and this serves as a wonderful exercise in source analysis. Rick Fitzpatrick
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MYP: M3 Arts Trip
  From Monday to Wednesday last week, the M3 class, from both campuses, went on an Arts trip to WeruWeru lodge. We went camping at a lovely camp ground and had to cook our own meals. We did get to eat in the lovely restaurant on the last night. After the delicious food we got to watch a movie in the conference room. We had different activities that we did throughout the three days, like Music, Drama, Dance and Visual Arts. In 6 different workshops, we learnt about how we can use the environment to make artworks (which was very interesting), we did African drumming, made our own dances and plays, and did watercolor and textile painting. On the last day, we took a walk and did some photography of the coffee farms on the way.   Another major thing that was very nice was that all of us interacted with the other campus and we all loved each other’s company. We had free time so during those fun times, we played football or threw around a frisbee. Sometimes we just hung out and chatted. Overall this was a very fun and educational trip with lots of inspirations. We had a wonderful time and we learnt a lot about the different arts. The M3 class would like to thank all the teachers who made it possible for this trip to happen, and we also thank the ISM staff who were with us on the trip. Another special thank you goes to Sameer, Bo, Jack and Pieter for their great bathroom mopping skills. In school spirit, Nathalie Haller and Sara Kruidering
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Private Parties
  Although the school organises celebrations for the D2 graduation, the students have usually additionally opted to arrange their own private parties off-campus. These are likely to be on 24th May after the official ceremony. These student-organised parties are not school events and we cannot, as a school, take responsibility for them. Invariably, there is alcohol available at these parties and minimal, if any, adult supervision. We are concerned about the inevitable, and potentially serious risks that arise from these situations, particularly for many of the younger students who frequently receive invitations to attend and we have endeavoured to deal with such issues from an educational point of view in our Life Skills lessons. We also need to be especially confident that parents are aware of the nature of these events, and are happy with their own children’s involvement. We would therefore offer the following requests and guidelines. For parents of boarders: Boarders staying in school that weekend will NOT be allowed to attend any unsupervised parties. If boarders do want to attend, they can only do so if their parents agree and they have been taken out of the school’s care by staying with another family for the weekend. Even if you have already indicated on the Parental Consent form that your child may sign out to friends at weekends, we would like to further confirm that it is acceptable on this particular weekend. If you have children intending to sign out for this weekend, could you please contact us with that confirmation? You may contact either the boarding parent or Mrs Bango on by whatever means is most convenient (telephone, letter, email or fax). Boarders will be expected to remain in school for the weekend if we have not heard from you before MONDAY, MAY 19th. We would also suggest on this occasion, that you contact the host family directly to discuss what you feel would be appropriate arrangements, curfew etc for your children on the evening of the party. For parents offering to host boarders: Boarders signing out on these weekends will need to sign out for the whole weekend from the Friday afternoon until midday on the Sunday, although they may of course attend the Graduation Ceremony if invited. We would suggest that before you take on the responsibility for the guest students over this period, you are confident of their own parent’s expectations in terms of curfew, supervision etc. We do not in any way wish to curtail the students’ opportunity for well-deserved celebration on these occasions, but we are concerned for their safety and their parents’ full consent and understanding.
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Outdoor Pursuits
  Congratulations to the OP group who climbed to Mawenzi Hut and have returned to Moshi this afternoon. The next two trips are to Little Meru (16-18 May) and to Uhuru Peak (28th May – 1st June).
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U Penn Glee Club Concert
  On Sunday evening May 25th at 6:30 pm ISM will welcome 44 undergraduate students from the acclaimed “Glee Club” (ie Singing Group) from the University of Pennsylvania ( We are looking forward to a fabulous evening of tremendously beautiful entertainment in Karibu Hall listening to lovely sounds of this singing group. Do not miss it! There will be refreshments at the intermission. This event will serve as a donation-only fund-raiser for our ISM DP scholarship program (
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End of Year Departures
  If your child will be leaving ISM at the end of this semester, we will be sorry to see him/her go. However there are many applications for new places in the school and a number are on a waiting list if places should arise. If you have not yet done so, please advise me on if your child will be leaving, and do so BEFORE Friday, 16th May. Withdrawal after that date may incur liability for an additional six weeks’ fees in lieu of adequate notice. If you are still uncertain, please explain this in your email.
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Overdue Fees
  All fees for the current 4th quarter of this year were due to have been received by 1st March 2014. If you have not yet paid all of these and have not made agreed alternative arrangements, your child could be asked to leave school after next week. Please do check your fee status and ensure that all amounts have been paid in the next couple of days. If you have any questions about fees, please contact our accounts office on .
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Diploma News
  The first five days of the D2 IB official examinations (May 5-9) have gone smoothly as has the first of six days of the D1 end-of-year-examinations. ISM DP teachers prepare our DP students as effectively as possible for these exams. The dedication and professionalism of our DP teachers is apparent every day and oneexample typifies this. While setting up the D2 exam rooms on Thursday evening for Friday’s examinations I was impressed when I observed in one classroom our Math Standard level teacher providing an extra-help session to fifteen students in advance of the D1 exams. This ‘going beyond to help our students’ attitude of Ms. Leno is among the many factors why our ISM DP is flourishing and we already have 44 students confirmed for the incoming August new class of students. We will have to cap our enrolment for D1 next year at 50 and it is quite possible we will reach that figure fairly imminently. Hence, please spread the word to colleagues and friends who may have a son or daughter who would like to have their child enroll in our exceptional ISM DP program. D1 students attended on Wednesday morning the informative presentation of Dr Robin Worth, Harvard University’s International Admissions Director.
She highlighted that good grades, decent scores on standardized tests, highly personalized application essays, and extensive extra-curricular involvement all contribute to making today’s most desirable students at the campuses of top universities worldwide. Robin also took time during the morning break time to convey her appreciation for the work of ISM teachers that has enabled Harvard to tap ISM for a DP student each of the last three years. Parents of D1 students would be wise to mark their calendars and aim to be present for the June 20th parent-teacher meetings. It will extend from 10:35am to noontime and follows the whole school assembly at about 9:15am. This another update on Graduation weekend that is only two weeks away: a) Friday May 23rd – Graduation Dinner at 6:30 P.M at AMEG (ISM pays for the graduating student and the parents) Any families of D2 students who will be bringing additional guests must purchase the tickets (Tsh 22,500 each) by Monday May 16th. b) Saturday May 24th at 2:00 P.M. – Graduation c) Saturday May 24th at approximately 4:15 P.M. – Graduation Teain the ISM Director’s Garden – snacks, graduation cake and juice. As in past years, it is the ISM tradition that the ISM D2 class mothers/fathers who lead the way in the decorating of Karibu Hall for the Saturday afternoon graduation events. Can I have a confirmation via email please from any other parents who can confirm that they will participate? Did you know that “…the IB does put you significantly ahead in the global race for the best universities….Marks: 10 out of 10.”(Financial Times, 10 May 2008)? You too may find this article worth reading – Problem solving skills: The value added by maker spaces – DP parents would do us a great service by encouraging their sons/daughters to get enough sleep as this article – sadly matches the reality for too many ISM DP students who unwisely and despite our advice to the contrary stay up far too late. Feel free to write me with any questions, concerns or any constructive criticism. Sincerely, Rick Fitzpatrick Diploma Programme Coordinator
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Primary Notelets
  Apologies to all our students in the rope jumping club. We hit a few transport issues and misunderstandings . The students did get lots of exercise playing games but so far not much skipping. However I am pleased to confirm that this week we are confident the session will happen as planned 2-3pm. Muffins for Mums & Dads – join us on 19th May to celebrate Mothers’ & Fathers’ Day. Karibu Hall 7.45 am. Totty Aris Deputy Head of Campus
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Early Childhood Preview
  Last week we were very lucky to celebrate ‘Children’s day in Japan’ with Kairi, his Mum and her friends. We were very grateful for the beautiful origami cards and snacks. Unit of Inquiry Our new unit of inquiry ‘Art Attack’ is well under way with the central idea, ‘Expression through art takes many different forms.’ The lines of inquiry are as follows
- Expression through art
- Different art media
- Art Interpretation
  The teacher questions that will guide the inquiry are as follows;
- What is expression?
- What are the different art mediums?
- How and why do we interpret art in different ways?
Last week the children produced artwork to the sound of different classical music pieces and attempted to portray how it made them feel or what image they had in their head as the music was playing. The art folders have been started and are filling up fast with the children’s masterpieces. The children also worked cooperatively to produce a group painting, which proved to be a lot of fun for everybody. This week, the students will try their hand at a unique form of art called splatter painting in the style of Jackson Pollock. This is a fun activity that can be done individually or in a group setting. The children will also continue to work cooperatively to produce group paintings and come up with original works of art. If time we will start some clay sculptures.  Language
- New children will be introduced to the sound p made by Peter puppy.
- EC1 children will work on word building of CVC words
- EC2 children will work on their recognition of high frequency and sight words
- EC2 children will write their own poems based on a piece of artwork.
Numeracy Last week the students practiced counting and number recognition. This week EC1 will build number towers to help them count to ten and recognize numbers. They will also practise counting with each other and taking turns with a fun dice game. EC2 students will practise counting on from 1-20 with a fun activity that has them filling in the missing numbers. They will also devise their own survey, collect data and choose a method in which to represent the data as we didn’t get this done last week. We will focus on capacity when playing in the sand tray.  Important dates for your diary Please note that the EC assembly is this Monday, May 12th at 7.35am On Monday May 19th the primary will be holding a special assembly in honour of Mums and Dads in Karibu Hall at 7:45am. On Tuesday 20th May we are going on our field trip to the Cultural Heritage Centre in Arusha, followed by a visit to Arusha campus to spend time with the EC children there and have our lunch. |
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P1/2 Preview
 Unit of Inquiry – Art Theme – How we express ourselves Central Idea – There are different ways to express our ideas and feelings. Lines of Inquiry: 1. There are many types of artists. 2. Elements of art and design. 3. Expression through the arts. 4. Art appreciation. We will kick off this unit discussing ‘What is an artist?’. (painter, dancer, sculptor, musician). We will learn about the elements of art and design: line, shape, colour, value, texture, form and space.  Muffins for Mums and Dads Assembly You will receive an invitation to attend a special assembly in Karibu Hall, Monday 19th May, 7.45am. Please come! Language focus for the week Write a recount of the weekend. Children will be encouraged to use the language of time. (First, Next, Then, After that, The next day…) Sentence and word level work will also focus on descriptive language. Write a poem about senses Handwriting: Patterns, own name, numerals and words with an igh and y spelling pattern. We will also continue to work on capital letters. Some P2 children will learn to join letters together. Phonics – Group 1: Long vowel sounds, ie as in tie and y as in cry. Group 2: air as in chair and ear as in pear.  Maths focus for the week Mental skills will focus on counting on and back from any number. Quick recall of addition facts of 10 and 20. Link addition and subtraction facts. Doubles, near doubles and halving. All children will learn about data handling. We will sort and organise information in different ways such as tables, graphs and Venn diagrams. Art We will focus on the elements of line and shape.  What to bring to school: Everyday: A hat for playtime, a healthy snack, water bottle and reading folder. Timetable: Monday New reading books and homework packets including spelling lists will be issued. PE (wear your house T shirt and shorts for PE in the hall) Tuesday PE (wear your house T shirt and shorts for PE in the hall) Thursday Library (Bring library books in your special library bag to return and then choose new ones) New class reading books will be issued. Friday Spelling Test
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P2/3 Preview
  Last week P2/3 worked incredibly hard on their informational posters about Tanzania to wrap up our unit of inquiry. The students were asked to pick four topics that we have studied this unit and write an informational paragraph about each. They were also asked to fill out a blank map of Tanzania, labeling some of its important features as well as labeling the countries that border it in East Africa. In addition to our posters, the P2/3 students have been continuing their work on prefixes. In Maths we have been working on tally charts and bar graphs. Here’s a look at our upcoming week: Unit of Inquiry This week we will begin working on our next and final unit of the year. This unit we explore how living things adapt to their environments in order to survive. We will do this by looking at how plants, animals, insects, and human beings have adapted over time in order to survive in their specific environments. It’s going to be a very fun and exciting unit with lots of opportunity for exploration! Maths P2/3 spent last week working together on tally charts and bar graphs. The students will demonstrate what they have learned so far by conducting surveys of their own and recording their findings first in a frequency table and then in a bar graph. Language Arts As we begin our unit on adaptation we will also begin to look at poetry. We will look at some different kinds of poetry and learn how to write our own poems. P2/3 will also begin looking at suffixes of words and how both prefixes and suffixes change the meaning of words. Reminders: Monday: Library, please bring books back. Homework sent home. Wednesday: PE, please remember to bring a hat and sneakers. Thursday – We will most likely not be swimming for the rest of the quarter as it is quite cold in the morning during P2/3’s allotted time. So, please bring a hat and sneakers as we will still have PE on Thursdays. Friday – Spelling test and return completed homework.
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P5/6 Preview
  This week we looked at number sequences including the famous Fibonacci sequence which we integrated with Art. The children concluded the week in small groups sharing their new found knowledge. In Language we have worked extensively on the application of grammar including commas, apostrophes and speech marks. We began our new unit with an engaging activity which saw the children trying to make sense of a number of coloured images portraying diverse pictures ranging from an alien to George Bush to a ‘vegan’ Lisa Simpson and a woman walking under a ladder. These prompted a vigorous and healthy discussion.  UOI – Beliefs Central Idea: People’s beliefs influence their behaviour The children will begin to look at beliefs they currently hold, beliefs they have held but subsequently changed and consider how these have influenced their behaviour. Reading, Writing and Drama In writing we will begin to look at how to write short persuasive pieces justifying one’s opinion or belief. These will lead to short debates in small groups trying to persuade others to change a point of view. Spellings will focus on silent ‘c’.  Maths This week we will be focusing on time; reading, writing in analogue and 24 hour as well as looking at time zones around the world and understanding the differences between them and why they exist. P.E. – is on Wednesday. Swimming will once again be on Thursday. Library – Will be on Monday. Please remind your child to bring their books for exchange.
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International School Moshi
PO Box 733 Moshi, Tanzania
Tel: +255 27 2755005
Fax: +255 736 605320
Mobile: +255 767 534766 |
If you wish to meet with either Keiron White (Head of Campus) or Totty Aris (Deputy Head of Campus), you are welcome to make an appointment to do so at any mutually convenient time. We also have an “open door” time each week during which parents are welcome to drop in without an appointment:
Keiron: Tuesdays 8am-9am
Totty: Fridays 8am-9am |