Dear Parents,
Apologies for the delay in this week’s newsletter. ISM made a presentation to prospective ISM families in Dar on Saturday and we had an excellent attendance. Thanks also to all those current parents who joined us socially in the evening – it is great to know that ISM is maintaining a good reputation and building a solid base amongst families in Dar. Meanwhile our Valentine’s Day activities in Moshi were a great success as was the outdoor pursuits trip this last weekend to the Pare Mountains.
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Long Weekend Holiday
  ISM is having a long weekend holiday from Friday, 21st February to Monday, 24th February inclusive. There will be no classes on the Friday or the Monday of this weekend. Boarders are welcome to travel home for the weekend – however we STRONGLY request that students do not leave school before 6pm on Thursday (20th) and that they return by Monday evening (24th). Students should not miss any classes or activities on other days. Students travelling to Arusha may leave after 4:30pm so as to reach home before dark. Parents who wish their children to travel home are kindly asked to inform the Head of Boarding by Tuesday, 18th February, for purposes of planning, and normal procedures will follow. You can reach the Head of Boarding on . If your child is using school transport to travel to/from KIA, we will charge $30 per student for the trip on Thursday night/Friday morning/Monday only; you will know that the usual charge in mid-term is $60 per student per trip.
For those boarders who are not travelling away from school, we are organising a special boarders’ trip to Pangani. Boarders in primary and in M1-M4 who are not travelling home at the weekend will be required to join the Pangani trip. The trip is optional for M5 or diploma students. Normal supervision/care will be provided for M5/Diploma students who remain in Moshi.
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Kilimanjaro Marathon: Team ISM
  ISM will once again be entering a team for the Kilimanjaro Marathon and 5km Fun Run on Sunday, 2nd March. We hope that many parents, teachers, students and friends of ISM will be able to take part and wear the special ISM T-Shirt for that day. Full details are available to download from Please register soon at the ISM main office. Please contact if you have any questions. PARENTS: We need you to join TEAM ISM. Application forms are in reception for TSh 20,000/- plus an optional donation. All donations go to the ISM Scholarship fund to help us to enrol more scholarship students in future.
STUDENTS: We want as many students to take part in the 5km Fun Run as possible. Collect forms from reception for TSh 20,000/- and join TEAM ISM!
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P3/4 Field Study
  The P3 and P4 students (from both Miss Kacey’s and Miss Jann’s classes) are camping this week at the Kahawa Shamba. They are leaving on Tuesday, 18th February and returning on Wednesday. On camp they will experience a rain forest biome and learn about how the Chagga people interact with their environment. They will be undertaking a Chagga history hike where they will visit some underground caves and a Chagga village.
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Model United Nations
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University of Alberta
  A representative from the University of Alberta in Canada will be visiting the school on Thursday, 27th February and will meet with diploma students on that day.
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Boarders’ Study Hall
  Every evening our secondary boarders have a period from 7pm to 8:45 (M1-M5) or 9:15pm (D1-D2) when they are expected to be undertaking quiet independent study. In the past we have allowed quite a bit of flexibility to students as to where they wish to study, but this has resulted in some situations which are not quiet and less study taking place than we would actually like. We have therefore told all diploma boarders that they must now study in their own rooms (except in special circumstances when they can obtain permission to go elsewhere if there is a well understood need) during the formal study hall time. Our boarding parents are continuing to monitor and supervise this study hall time.
In view of the restriction on our boarders at this time, we must also ask diploma day students not to be on campus during the study hall time.
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PYP Parents’ Meeting
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Leopards Basketball
Our annual Basketball Weekend was conducted as a one day event this year on Saturday, 8th February. It was our privilege to host four guest teams in the girls’ tournament (ISMAC, Kibo, Orkeeswa, and St. Constantine’s), while we put two teams of Leopard Ladies on the courts. Our girls’ teams were faced with challenges with key players being injured and unable to participate. However, this provided a prime opportunity for some of our newer and less experienced players to gain some valuable playing time. Though posting one win during the games our girls played admirably and certainly challenged the competition that was placed in front of them. We congratulate team Orkeeswa for yet another Girls’ championship & THANK YOU LEOPARD LADIES!!!
On the boys’ side we also played two ISM teams. (One was formed rather hurriedly as an invited team backed out at the last minute.) We were able to host six guest teams: ISMAC, Kibo, Mawenzi, Moshi Technical, Orkeeswa, and St. Constantine’s. Our junior boys came up a bit short in each of their contests. But, again the experience gained is extremely beneficial as we move forward. Our senior boys ROCKED the tournament. Playing in four games they only allowed 40 TOTAL points to be scored on them. That, my friends, means they were playing some serious DEFENSE, and DEFENSE wins championships! And, that is absolutely what the the senior boys did… THEY WON IT by defeating a pesky Arusha campus that had defeated us two times prior. STAT LINE from BOYS’ CHAMPIONSHIP GAME v ISMAC (41-27 final): Daniel M: 15 points, 11 rebounds; Siamito: 4 points, 4 rebounds, 1 assist, 1 steal; Twan: 11 points, 2 rebounds, 1 assist; Leo: 9 points, 4 rebounds, 1 steal; David K: 2 points, 3 rebounds, & 1 SWEET assist! THANK YOU LEOPARD MEN!!!
Just last weekend on 15th February, our teams travelled to Orkeeswa school in Monduli to compete yet again. Congratulations to the Boys’ team for winning the championship – winners once again!! (Photo above)
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St Valentine’s Day
  Our St Valentine’s Dinner and Dance went very well on Friday, 14th February. Day scholars joined the boarding community in celebrating the evening. We commend the student council for their effort in making the celebration a success. This photo shows students preparing roses for distribution.
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  Well done to the following seven brownies who completed their advanced swimming badge this weekend; Phoebe, Alicia, Emily, Doris, Zainab, Merel and Lua. Also a big thank you to Mary Fitzpatrick for being the tester for this badge.
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Diploma ACT Classes
  Students intending to apply to universities in the USA will probably need to take ACT tests before they apply. These tests are available both in Moshi and in Dar on a few different dates in the year. We recommend that any current D1 student planning to apply to the USA should take these tests in the 4th quarter. To this end ISM has already conducted a number of ACT practice sessions for our students.
During the Easter holiday from 7th to 11th April, TANSAO will be conducting ACT preparation classes for ISM students who are based in Dar es Salaam. These classes will provide a concentrated practice in preparation for the tests. The fee is US$400 for the five days of classes. Please contact Mr Daryl Rustad directly on to arrange registration and payment as this should be made directly to TANSAO.
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Diploma News
  Three D1 students received awards on Thursday night at the Model United Nations mock debate on the usage of nuclear energy. Titus Rwantare’s content-packed speeches presented in an eloquent way earned him the award of ‘Best Speaker’ while Ashna Singh and David Kapaya were commended for being the second best speakers. Ten diploma students were involved and most have travelled this week for the annual Nairobi MUN conference.
IB DP teachers and students are deeply involved in regular classes and then after-school CAS activities that add such a superb counterbalance.
Moreover, the CAS activities give another ‘real world’ angle to the ISM DP DP education as our students are educated in such a truly holistic manner.
ISM DP teachers value greatly the parent-teacher interaction that occurs at the end-of-each-quarter and we hope you will make the trip to Moshi for the Friday March 28th late-morning incredibly important parent-teacher meeting time that marks the end of the January to March marking period. This also is a reminder to please do not remove your child early – school does not finish until that Friday so please do not book plane reservations before that afternoon! Doing so does negatively impact on your child’s learning!
The D2 Graduation committee continues to meet weekly and is advancing well with plans for the graduation weekend of May 23rd and May 24th. We hope that all parents/guardians and any other family members can make this wonderful event.
ISM Moshi DP teachers continue sharing ideas and information with our colleagues on the Arusha campus who will start their IB DP in August 2014. Should you have particular queries on the IB DP at Arusha please write to the DP Coordinator there Ms. Shannon Howlett ().
1,870 schools worldwide now offer the IB DP – the gold star program for the last two years of secondary school – and you can learn more about the IB statistics at:
The IB’s expansion in Japan is highlighted in this article:
As usual feel free to email or call with any questions/concerns.
Rick Fitzpatrick
Diploma Programme Coordinator
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Early Childhood Preview
 Unit of Inquiry
Last week we planted cress seeds, bean seeds and continued to watch our sunflowers grow. We sequenced pictures of the human life cycle and discussed each stage and the changes that occur. This week we will look at the life cycle of a butterfly in more detail. We will use play dough and a variety of art materials to visualise the stages of this life cycle. As we inquire into different life cycles we will be listing the similarities and differences between them in order to think about our third line of inquiry ‘how living things change over their life time.’
- Sequencing pictures of the life cycle of a butterfly. Younger children will orally explain what is happening and older ones who are ready will write about each stage using simple sentences and labels.
- Sharing non-fiction books about the life cycle of a butterfly.
- EC2 – writing and reading CVC words. Playing games involving sight word recognition.
- EC1 – sorting objects that begin with the same sound.
- New EC1 children will find out about the Letterland characters Clever Cat and Annie Apple and the sounds they make in words.
- The story of the week will be ‘Jack and the beanstalk’
- Our last week of weighing activities
- Ordinal numbers continue to be a focus as we sequence stages of a life cycle; first, second, third, etc
- EC2 will record story problems involving buying flowers and plants in our flower shop
- EC1 will play some new number games involving number recognition, counting and counting objects using one to one correspondence.
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P1/2 Preview
 Guest Speaker
On Wednesday we look forward to Simon Mtuy (Aiden’s dad) coming in talk to the children about his village community. We will compare and contrast with Moshi community. Thank you Simon!
The weather has been rather unpredictable. Therefore we will decide each Tuesday morning whether it is warm enough to swim. So please continue to bring your swimming things every Tuesday. Thank you.
Mathletics is a web-based learning program. It is a powerful learning resource for Maths. ISM is registered with Mathletics and each student has their own username and password. You can use mathletics at home if you have internet. Your child’s username and password is glued to the inside cover of their yellow reading record book.
 Unit of Inquiry: Everything has a Place
Theme – How we organise ourselves
Central Idea – People live and work together in communities.
Lines of Inquiry:
1. Organisation of communities
2. Roles and responsibilities
3. Similarities and differences between communities
We will wrap up the unit this week. We will reflect what we have learned.
Language focus for the week
Write a recount of the weekend. Children will be encouraged to use the language of time. (First, Next, Then, After that, The next day…) Sentence and word level work will also focus on descriptive language.
Write a simple story. (Set in a town/village). Identify a problem and how it is solved in the story.
Handwriting: Patterns, own name, numerals and Caterpillar Letters. (cadgoq)
Phonics – Group 1: Final week of words beginning with s blends, sc , sk, sp and sn.
Group 2: Revise all long vowel spelling patterns. ai, ay, a-e, ee, ea, y, ie, igh, i-e, y, oa, ow, o-e, oo, ew, u-e
 Maths focus for the week
Mental skills will focus on counting on and back from any number. Quick recall of addition facts of 8, 10 and 20. All children will learn about addition and subtraction. The children will use +, – and = to record calculations. They will use counting on and back as strategies to add and subtract. Some children will work with numbers higher in the number system. Also add 11 by adding 10 and adding 1 more.
We will continue to create patterned pictures. We will also decorate our door for book week.
What to bring to school:
Every day: A hat for playtime, a healthy snack, water bottle and reading folder.
New reading books and homework packets including spelling lists will be issued.
PE (wear your house T shirt and shorts for gymnastics)
Swimming (swimming costume, towel, flip flops/crocs, swim aids such as floaters if necessary. Goggles and sun cream are optional.)
Library (Bring library books in your special library bag to return and then choose new ones)
New class reading books will be issued.
NO SCHOOL. (HOLIDAY) Spelling test and homework will be for the following Friday.
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P2/3 Preview
  Ready, aim, fire! Catapult-making on Friday was a lot of fun and a good way of explaining the power of the lever, the last of our simple machines to focus on. In the week ahead, we will assess students’ understanding of the 6 simple machines and we will look at compound machines.
Thanks for coming to the Mother Tongue Assembly on Monday morning. Our class sang a song that Miss Maggie taught us this week about Languages.
  The P3/4 overnight field trip begins on Tuesday. Please see the form that was sent home last week in regards to want students need to pack (and what needs to be left home!). Students should report to class as usual on Tuesday morning and we will leave around 8:30. Students will return by 1:00 on Wednesday and so afternoon pick-ups and clubs should be handled as usual. A few students have not yet paid their 20,000 Tsh, please send that in on Monday.
Miss Maggie and Ms Amen will be covering the P2 class on Tuesday. I will return that evening and will be teaching on Wednesday. Homework will be abbreviated due to the short week and the field trip.
 MATHS – Both groups have begun a study of currency. At the moment, we are focused on dollars, pounds, and euros because it is simple to view them as 3-digit numbers. Students have been counting money and describing amounts in the proper units of coins.
LANGUAGE – We will continue to look at the text features of non-fiction books and magazines. We will also be making informational posters using some of those features and our simple machine knowledge. The Spelling chunks of the week are -ail and -ay. We will continue to review all Long A phonics.
Monday: Library, please bring your books and bag. Homework sent home.
Tuesday: P3 and I will leave with Ms Jann’s class. P2 will remain with Ms Amen and Miss Maggie
Wednesday: PE, remember to wear your sneakers and a hat and bring your water bottle.
Thursday: Swimming, bring your suit and a towel. Spelling Test. Return complete homework
Friday: No school.
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P3/4 Preview
  Thank you to those parents who attended the PYP Parents’ Evening last Wednesday. I enjoyed sharing with you and hope you found the information valuable and meaningful.
The BIG event of this week will be our class camp. The children are very excited and we are looking forward to a great time of fun and learning as we enhance our studies with some education outside the classroom.
This is what our learning in class will look like this week:
Unit 4 – Where We Are in Place and Time – Biomes
Central Idea – There are a wide variety of environments on our planet made up of living and non-living elements.
Lines of inquiry – Types of biomes
Location of different biomes
Interactions of living and non-living things
Human responsibility to share resources with other living things
Preservation of natural environments
In class, the students will continue working on researching a biome of their choice. On camp we will experience a rain forest biome and learn about how the Chagga people interact with their environment. We will be undertaking a Chagga history hike where we will visit some underground caves and a Chagga village.
Maths – Miss Jann’s Group -Money – using money in real life situations which will involve addition, subtraction, multiplication and addition, as well as thinking and reasoning skills. The relationship between coins and bills in various currencies and linking this to place value, fractions and decimals.
Miss Debbie’s Group – Money. The relationship of coins and bills in various currencies and linking this to place value. Using money in real life situations. Buying items and working out change.
Language – Factual writing and writing reports. Reflections on camp.
Spelling – Essential words/high frequency words.
Our ice cream sundae times table challenge Please encourage and assist your child to learn their table for the week, so that they can make the most delicious sundae possible at the end of this term.
Every day: School T-shirts or polo shirts, zip bags (reading book, reading log, spelling book all need to come to school every day), a healthy snack for break time.
Monday: No homework this week because of camp and the holiday.
Wednesday: No PE this week, as we will not be back from camp in time. However, students may like to bring their swimming costumes to school on Monday or Tuesday and leave them in the classroom, as if there is time when we return from camp, we may go for a swim.
Thursday: Times tables test – 11x
Library. Please remember library bags and any books that are due back for return/renewal.
Baroque concert in the music room for Primary Parents and students – 7.45pm.
Friday: Long weekend – school closed Friday and Monday
Looking forward to a great week together.
Miss Jann
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P5/6 Preview
  Last week we completed the ISA tests and salvaged what we could of our solar still after a week of rain. This week will see the end of the Wild Weather unit and the build up to the exhibition beginning the week after. In light of this I will be hosting an exhibition information evening for P6 parents on Wednesday at 6pm in my classroom. This will last between 30 and 45 minutes. Refreshments will be available.
UOI – ‘Wild Weather’
Central Idea: Weather changes as a result of environmental factors and human influences
The children will complete a summative assessment this week to wrap up the unit which has been somewhat reduced due to days lost for holidays, the field trip and ISA tests.
Reading and Writing
The children will continue to practise experimental write ups and note taking. Other language work this week will involve their summative task.
We will continue to look at position, direction and the relationship with degrees of turn. Maths will also be integrated with Art as we continue to design artwork involving tessellation.
P.E. – is on Wednesday and Thursday. Thursday will once again be swimming.
Library – will be on Monday morning. Please remind your child to return any finished books.
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International School Moshi
PO Box 733 Moshi, Tanzania
Tel: +255 27 2755005
Fax: +255 736 605320
Mobile: +255 767 534766 |
If you wish to meet with either Keiron White (Head of Campus) or Totty Aris (Deputy Head of Campus), you are welcome to make an appointment to do so at any mutually convenient time. We also have an “open door” time each week during which parents are welcome to drop in without an appointment:
Keiron: Tuesdays 8am-9am
Totty: Fridays 8am-9am |