Dear Parents,
Congratulations to all our students who took part in the Athletics Meet in Arusha yesterday. Results will be published next week. We also hope that our boarders enjoy the Christmas Fair at TGT in Arusha today.
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International Day of Tolerance
  This Monday, 18th November at 7:35am, we will be celebrating the cultural diversity of our students and staff with our annual UN Day assembly on this International Day of Tolerance. Some students will be reading and the primary school will be singing. It is important to come together to celebrate our different nationalities. Whilst we are an English speaking school we are also very proud of the internationalism that our curriculum promotes but also the opportunities we gain from meeting so many different people from different countries and varied backgrounds. As we work, play and interact on a daily basis we often forget how different and diverse we are. This Assembly is a reminder to everyone to be proud of your roots and a chance to share your background with our community so that everyone knows and respects our vibrant identities. Parents are very welcome to this short assembly. Students are enouraged to wear national colours or national dress.
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PA: Annual General Meeting
  I am writing to formally invite all parents of ISM to the ISM Parent Association Annual General Meeting to be held on Thursday 21st of November at AMEG Lodge in Moshi. The meeting is scheduled to begin at 6pm.
Aside from the usual items of the Agenda including short reports from the Vice Chair and Chair of the PA and the Director of the school, the meeting will be a chance for parents to meet members of the governing board of ISM, many of who are at this time parents themselves. The new and radically changed board structure has been in place for almost two years now and has helped to bring great energy and positive direction to the school’s governance, and I strongly encourage any parent who would like to understand more about the board to attend this PA AGM. One of the key features of this new board set up which bears relevance to the PA is that out of 10 voting members the PA is represented by two parents, one from each of Moshi and Arusha Campus PA Committees, instead of just one in total in the past. This means that nominating and voting for your parent representatives to serve on the PA Committee has taken on increased significance and importance.
Bearing in mind the above, I would like to invite nominations for representatives to the PA Committee for the coming year, to be voted on during the meeting. Following the Terms of Reference of the PA association candidates will normally be elected for two year terms with half the committee being elected or re-elected at each AGM in Moshi and Arusha. For the Moshi campus we will have two openings on the committee. I will be stepping down from the PA after three years and Florida Muro will be starting her maternity leave soon and has indicated she would like someone to take over her position.
Please forward me your interest or nominations in advance of the meeting if at all possible. I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible on the 21st of November.
Kind regards,
Caroline Schraa (Chair, Parent Association)
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Outdoor Pursuits
  The last Outdoor Pursuits trips for this quarter will be the Mawenzi Hut trip on Kilimanjaro from Thursday to Sunday, 21st to 24th November.
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Presentation in Dar es Salaam
  On Saturday, 23rd November at 10am, the Director, Bob Horton, will be presenting at the SeaCliff Hotel in Dar es Salaam to parents or families who may be interested in learning more about ISM. If you know of families in Dar who may wish to enrol their children in 2014, please encourage them to attend this presentation. |
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Strategic Planning
  Message from the Governing Board to the ISM Community
Dear ISM Community,
ISM has implemented some positive initiatives over the past few years and months. We are also aware that we cannot rest on our laurels, and need to continue to look forward and around us in order to face the challenges and changes in the educational sector as well as the economic landscape within the region in general.
Since one crucial mandate of the Governing Board is to provide strategic direction, the Board has reviewed where we have reached in terms of our strategic thinking and are now beginning a transformative scenario planning process that will result in a strategic plan for the school. We will be working with a South African partner called REOS, which is a social innovation consultancy with eight offices around the world. Together we will explore the paths that might be possible for us in the future. Over the next six months, we will be speaking to a range of stakeholders in this exploration, both from within and outside the direct ISM community. Our objective is to obtain an inclusive picture of what is currently happening in terms of international education in Tanzania and what might be possible in the future. We will eventually produce a scenarios report to provide us with a backdrop to inform our strategic ideas and direction.
We look forward to sharing these scenarios with you and the choices we’ll need to make in order to respond and act in a meaningful way.
Tine Hemelings
Chair of the Governing Board
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ISM Sports: Home of the Leopards
 RUN, JUMP AND THROW!Congratulations to the Moshi team who competed in Arusha at the Inter-Schools Athletics Meet on Saturday. Results to be posted soon!
Last Tuesday the Junior and Senior Girls played their first matches of the seasons against Karanga. Whilst the games sought to strengthen ties with a local school they also allowed the girls some match practice two weeks before our forthcoming sports weekend. Although friendly in nature the games were keenly contested and produced some excellent football from all four sides involved.
The Junior girls played first in what for many of them was their first competitive football match. It didn’t appear that way. With the penetrating midfield runs of the tricky Sanne proving a constant threat to the opposition, ISM never looked like losing. Sanne’s link play with Alice soon began to produce scoring opportunities and it was not long before the lethal Alice opened her account. The irrepressible Sanne popped up with another before the break. With Faith and Janet building an unbreakable wall in defence, the midfield was given greater freedom to force more chances which Alice rarely squandered. She completed her hat trick midway through the second half to complete a resounding 4-0 win which gives the girls much confidence going into the sports weekend.
The Senior girls began brightly but it was soon clear that Karanga had not come to be roasted. Fast, fluid and with much technical flare they set about posing the ISM defence many questions. Lilian and Emma had all the answers in the first half, ably supported by the energetic and combative Winnifoda whose work rate up and down the right wing was superb. Heat and fatigue began to affect performances after the break and it was no surprise when Karanga opened the scoring. The goal prompted a wave of attacks as ISM sought an equalizer. The tireless Stine combined with substitutes Lulu and Susanne to create several chances. However luck deserted the ISM attack and it was Karanga who capitalised, bagging a late second on the breakaway for a 2-0 success. With many positives and some lessons to take from the game the Senior girls will be keen to make amends two weeks from now.
Come on out and support our teams:
Tuesday November 19th @ 4:30pm in K-Hall – Sr Boys Basketball vs. JK Nyerere
Tuesday November 19th @ 4:30pm on Top Pitch – Ultimate vs. KCMC Frisbee Team
Wednesday November 20th @ 4:30pm on Top Pitch – Sr Boys Rugby vs. Mkombozi
Thursday November 21st @ 4:30pm on Lower Pitch – Jr Boys Soccer A and B teams vs. Eden Garden School
13 days until ISM Sports Weekend on 29 November to 1 December …500 people, 15 tournaments,12 schools, and 9 sports.
We are looking for people in the community to help referee over the weekend. If you have experience in Basketball, Volleyball, Football, Rugby, Ultimate, Touch Rugby, Field Hockey, Netball, or Swimming – and can give a few hours of time, please speak to Ms. Farrell or email her on .
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Primary Aquathlon
  As tradition would have it primary will be joining the ISM Sports weekend with a mini-event on the Saturday morning, 30th November from 9am to 10am. This Aquathlon (swim race followed by a running race) is a fun event where the primary students can race within their class groups. Parents are invited to bring their children for this hour to participate in this exciting sports event. More details will come home with the students over the next two weeks. This is not a compulsory event, just a chance for our primary students to participate in the atmosphere of the annual ISM sports weekend.
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Horse Show
  As a prelude to the Sports Weekend, the ISM Stables will be holding a Horse Show on Thursday/Friday, 28th/29th November taking place on both afternoons. More details will be published soon.
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End of Term
  We heartily invite you to our first semester secondary Parent-Teacher Consultations on the final Friday of this semester – 20th December. We have an assembly at 09:00 to which parents are very welcome, as we celebrate the achievements of the 2nd quarter. Parent-Teacher meetings will run 10:30-12:00. We hope you will take this opportunity to meet the teachers and discuss your child’s progress. Full reports will be issued for secondary students on Thursday 19 December. If you wish to receive a soft copy by email, please email me on . Totty Aris (Deputy Head of Campus)
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Primary Clubs
  Primary Clubs will continue until only Thursday 29 November. A reminder that the following week teachers and students will be involved in the Musical rehearsal. Please check carefully which afternoon your child is needed.
We are already looking ahead to the 3rd quarter January to March Clubs. If you as a parent would like to volunteer your time one afternoon then we would be very pleased to welcome you. Please email me on . I will be putting together the Q3 programme over the next few weeks, the deadline is Dec 5 for any ideas or volunteers.
Please note that secondary CAS activities will continue as normal until 19th December.
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Internet Access
  Many secondary students are now registered for free internet access on campus. Please note that all M1-M5 students have their internet access switched off at night after the “lights out” time. It is also possible to limit access to weekends only. If you wish your child’s access times to be limited, please let me know on .
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School Fees
  Firstly, a reminder that if you are paying fees quarterly, you will need to pay the 3rd quarter fees before 1st December.
I hope you have also received the detais of fees for next school year 2014/15 which are also given at The school also has a policy that allows you to pay future school fees in advance. For example, if you wish to pay the fees for 2015/16 or 2016/17 now, you may do so at the 2014/15 rate. Please contact me on if you are interested in exploring this further.
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Diploma News
  ISM DP students continue to enjoy a world-class education each and every today. Here is a snapshot – D2 Math Studies teacher Jon Bigg facilitates an engaging cooperative learning teamwork-based lesson on Geometric/Trigonometric math models while D1 English B students with Mr Alastair Brandon dialogue over the truth of the Sierra Leone civil war memoir of former child soldier Ishmael Baeh A Long Way Gone and D1 History students had a role play/debate in formal attire on the Korean War.
D2 Swahili B students have now finished their course of studies as they completed their official IB written exam on this past Tuesday.
A meeting on this Monday with all D2 students included a survey I prepared and the findings are as follows.
1) Many get too little sleep (average about 6.5 hours per night);
2) Fortunately only a few have the bad habit of drinking many sodas;
3) Most feel an unusually high level of stress at this time;
4) Most do not get more than 3 days per week of 30 minutes/daily exercise;
5) Most are aware of where/how they need to work harder and have pinpointed where they need to direct their attention academically;
6) A third do not have a weekly (or more frequent) telephone conversation with their parents;
7) Most grasp how invaluable it is to keep a balanced lifestyle.
The importance of full academic focus in the coming half year was emphasized in this meeting in the lead up to the May 2014 IB exams. Each school year the second quarter of the D2 year is the most intense due to the combination of coursework deadlines, on-going class lesson demands as well as the university application process. In preparation for D2 mock exams (January 16-27, 2014) DP teachers are completing unit lessons and selecting past IB exam papers that will be used. D2 students have been advised that they ought to begin now to revise for these important “practice” exams.
Again, DP students were reminded how essential physical fitness activity is to their well being and academic success and this article has been displayed on the DPC bulletin board.
Regarding handling the intense stress of academics, ISM DP students have been given strategies and these tips are displayed. Perhaps share them directly with your child?
DP students are gearing up for the Sports Weekend in two weeks. If you can, make a trip to Moshi please that weekend to see your sons/daughters complete and see ISM again host hundreds of students from across the country for a wonderful athletic gathering.
One of the hallmarks and great things about the IB DP education is the Theory of Knowledge class and you can learn more about it at: Many DP alumni describe it as one of the best parts of studying the DP.
Emotional one-to-one sessions with several D2s this week reminded me to relay to you D2 parents how invaluable the weekly support you provide (via a phone call!) is at this stressful time for your children. Kindly find the time to PLEASE regularly ring them to check-in as likely no other weeks in their life will be as stressful as the coming month with its innumerable deadlines combined with university applications.
Further to the news above regarding ISM DP student sleep patterns, this study highlights how critical sleep is for students.
As mentioned before, aim to be here on December 20th for the parent-teacher meeting and it is unwise to remove your DP son/daughter early so refuse to allow them leave before the afternoon of December 20th.
Feel free to raise any questions or concerns with me.
Rick Fitzpatrick
Diploma Programme Coordinator
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Early Childhood Preview
 Unit of Inquiry
This week we will continue to think about our sense of sight. We still have many experiments to carry out that I mentioned in last week’s newsletter including colour mixing, making marshmallows and making ice. We will also think about what it might be like to live without your sense of sight and how other senses compensate for this. Please check your communication book for a letter regarding things to bring in next week to share with the class. Hopefully by the second half of the week we will be starting to think about our sense of hearing, although many of the inquiries we are carrying out involve more than one sense.
Letterland – last week we found out about the sound j made by jumping jack. Next week we will find out about r made by red robot and y made by yellow yo-yo man. We will also make our power point story based on the story we read last week; ‘Brown bear brown bear what do you see?’
All the children will make individual books about things they like to look at and those who are ready to write will write their own sentences.
We are reading many non-fiction books for our unit of inquiry and the children are finding out the difference between fiction and non-fiction. We are also learning many new poems, songs and rhymes about senses.
We will collect data on eye colours this week and think of ways of graphing the information. Number continues at the children’s own level and we will practise estimating amounts of objects up to 10/20. We will set up a class shop this week according to the ideas that the children come up with. This will allow them to have an understanding of what money is for as well as practise role play and other maths skills such as counting, adding small amounts and writing numbers.
Please send your child dressed in their National Costume/colours on Monday for the special assembly at 7.35. Swimming will be as usual on Monday.
On Tuesday we will have a craft hour for EC parents and children from 2 until 3pm in the EC classroom to make the costumes for our musical. I would be very grateful for your support with this task!
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P1/2 Preview
 UN Day Assembly – Monday 18th November
All of the children in Primary will be performing a special song in assembly on Monday. All parents and carers are welcome to attend. 7.30am in Karibu Hall. Children can also dress in their national costume or colours.
Unit of Inquiry – Going Places
Central Idea: People move around the world for different reasons.
We will kick off this unit talking about different places children have travelled to. This could be a different country they may have lived in or a holiday destination. We will also look at the world map and talk about continents and countries.
We will continue our theme on rubbings.
Language focus for the week
Write a recount of your weekend. Some children will be encouraged to use the language of time. (First, Next, Then, After that, The next day…)
Retell a simple story sequencing events in the right order.
Handwriting: Patterns, own name, numerals and Caterpillar letters. (c a d g o q )
Rhyming words
Phonics: Group 1 – Continue learning about words ending in ll, (all, ill, ell, oll, ull)
Group 2 – Introduce oa as in soap.
 Maths focus for the week
Mental skills will include counting forwards and back to 20 and beyond. Recall addition facts of 6, 7, 10 and 11. Count in 2s, 5s and 10s. Fast recall of doubles.
All children will work on calculations and learn about subtraction. They will relate subtraction to take away and count how many are left. Children will use the = and – signs. They will solve real life subtraction problems. We will learn about symmetry and position. Recognise simple symmetry and use language of position.
Group 1: Subtract 1, 2 and 3 from a number. Link to counting back. Link addition and subtraction facts. (3+5=8, 8-5=3)
Group 2: Practise counting back from any number up to 100. Subtract 1, 2 and 3 counting back. Link addition and subtraction facts. (17+3=20, 20-17=3)
What to bring to school:
Everyday: A hat for playtime, a healthy snack, water bottle and reading folder.
Wear national costume/colours.
New reading books and a homework pack will be issued.
PE (wear trainers and a house T shirt)
Swimming (swimming costume, towel, flip flops/crocs, swim aids such as floaters if necessary. Goggles and sun cream are optional.)
Library (Bring library books in your special library bag to return and then choose new ones)
New class reading books will be issued.
Spelling Test
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P3/4 Preview
  This is what our learning in class will look like this week:
Unit 3 – How we Express Ourselves – “Setting the Stage”.
Central Idea – The arts are an avenue for creative expression.
Lines of inquiry – Aspects of the arts
Creative expression through the arts
The role of art in society
We will unpack the central idea and use some pre-assessment tasks to gauge the level of understanding and knowledge about this topic.
Maths – Miss Jann’s Group Symmetry – what it is, what it looks like, how we recognise it. Making symmetrical patterns, completing pictures, drawing lines of symmetry, realising that there can be more than one line of symmetry on some things. Multiplication and division and the link between the two.
Miss Debbie’s Group Complete 3D shapes. Symmetrical patterns and drawing lines of symmetry. Multiplication and times tables.
Poetry. Acrostic poems.
Adjectives – what they are and how to use them to enhance our writing.
Adverbs – words that tell us how something is done e.g. the boy ran quickly.
Spelling – group 1 the suffix -ly as in lovely, group 2 silent e/magic e exceptions e.g. bone, but gone and done, group 3 the two sounds of oo – oo as in spoon and oo as in shook
Every day:
School T-shirts (excused this Monday), hats, zip bags (reading book, reading log, spelling book). Too often these are getting left at home and we often need them during class time.
A healthy snack.
Collection – Please send any plastic bottle tops (any colour) to school for an art project that I have in mind. I am also collecting polystyrene trays (e.g. the ones that some meats and veges come on) and will welcome any donations of these items. Thank you!
Assembly – in Karibu Hall to celebrate UN International Day of Tolerance. The primary school children will be singing a special song. The children are encouraged to wear national dress or dress in the colours of their flag.
Homework handed out – Maths, language, spelling and reading.
P.E. – wear suitable attire – house/school T-shirts, shorts and trainers. Now that athletics is behind us, we will be starting a new unit on gymnastics.
Library. Please remember library bags and any books that are due back for return/renewal.
Homework due in
Spelling test
Swimming – remember towel, costume, goggles (if you use them), sun screen.
Looking forward to another great week together,
Miss Jann
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P5/6 Preview
  Last week saw the finishing off of our play scripts, the compiling of our portfolio folders and preparations for the Peace Day assembly on Monday. Please help your child to come dressed in national costume on Monday and support the event with your presence if you possibly can.
UOI – ‘Moving On’.
Central Idea: Migration has a wide range of effects on those who migrate and the indigenous populations they encounter.
The children will be inquiring into why people migrate – the push and pull factors that drive people to move on.
Reading and Writing
We will begin to look at newspaper reports, their key features and how they are designed.
We will finish our focus on multiplication with more word problems involving money. After that we move on to division by first looking at the inverse relationship with multiplication before beginning to divide using a number line. The aim of this is to consolidate the understanding that division involves repeated subtraction just as multiplication is repeated addition.
P.E. – is on Wednesday and Thursday. Thursday will once again be swimming.
Library – is on Monday. Please remind the children to bring back books for exchange/renewal.
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International School Moshi
PO Box 733 Moshi, Tanzania
Tel: +255 27 2755005
Fax: +255 736 605320
Mobile: +255 767 534766 |
If you wish to meet with either Keiron White (Head of Campus) or Totty Aris (Deputy Head of Campus), you are welcome to make an appointment to do so at any mutually convenient time. We also have an “open door” time each week during which parents are welcome to drop in without an appointment:
Keiron: Tuesdays 8am-9am
Totty: Fridays 8am-9am |