Dear Parents,
We would like to wish all ISM families a very happy Diwali today and New Year (tomorrow)!
Congratulations to all those who successfuly reached Mandara Hut and returned this afternoon. |
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University Visits
  Two university representatives will be visiting us this week and are ready to meet with diploma students: On Monday, 4th November at 3pm – Columbia University, USA On Tuesday, 5th November at 2:20pm – Monash University, Australia & South Africa. Parents are also welcome. |
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Sports Day
  Last week was a triumph of a sports day. A long, hot day – the students were exceptionally well behaved and full of school spirit. Ribbons for 1st to 3rd places were awarded as the day progressed. However there are still some outstanding ribbons from the relays and discus as well as the House Cup which will be awarded this Monday in assembly. Thank you to the PA who supported the event with a stall during the morning. It was great to see some parents join in the spirit by participating in some fun races. |
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Swimming Caps
  A new stock of Swimming Caps is available to purchase from Reception. The cost is 10,000/-.
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Primary Gathering
   Last week we came together as a primary school to introduce our new students to the primary community and to celebrate any recent birthdays. We also highlighted how pleased we were with the students’ behaviour and spirit on the Sports Day.
As usual, a few PYP leaves were handed out to students who have shown exemplary attitudes towards their school life, such as being committed, cooperative or creative. If you would like to see our PYP tree, it is on the wall by the back door of the P3/4 classroom.
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IB Diploma on Arusha Campus
  We are now moving ahead with implementation of our plans to extend the International Baccalaureate Diploma programme to Arusha Campus next year. There is one more presentation in Arusha next week to present this to prospective parents and any interested in joining ISM. You are welcome to invite any families you can to this on:
Wednesday, 6th November: 9am at ISM Arusha Campus
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  We will be holding the BMAT (Bio-Medical Admissions Test) in school on Wednesday. This test is for students applying for medical or veterinary universiy courses in the UK.
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Outdoor Pursuits
  After a successful Mandara trip, other Outdoor Pursuits trips are taking place this quarter, with the next trip due on the Rongai Route starting this Thursday, 7th November.
- Thu-Sun, 7-10 November: Rongai Route, Kilimanjaro
- Thu-Sun, 21-24 November: Mawenzi Hut, Kilimanjaro
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Cycling Club
  The Cycling Club will be meeting again on Saturday (9th November). It will be open to students from M1 to D2, but they must sign up (even if they went on a ride last quarter). Numbers will be limited. There will be a sign-up sheet (with more details) on the CAS board on Monday.
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Internet Access on Campus
  We have now been able to slightly increase our internet bandwidth and are currently trying to give greater internet access to students on campus. From this week, diploma and M5 students will be allowed to access the internet on their own laptops or tablets at all times without any charge. They will be required to register their devices with the school before access is granted. If you do not wish your M5, D1 or D2 child to be granted internet access, please let me know on
Shortly, we will also be extending the possibility of free internet access to students in M1 to M4. For students in these classes, we will require parental permission before granting your child access on his/her own devices. If your chid is a boarder, you have already given permission, or otherwise, on the parental consent form, and you will not need to do anything else. If you child is a day student, you will need to complete the attached internet access form and sign it as a parent. Please remember that we cannot monitor or supervise your child’s use of the internet at all if they are granted access on their own device.
Students are expected to abide by the school’s Technology Use Policy at all times.
We will not grant unsupervised internet access to primary children at this time.
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Water Problems
  Last week the pump on one of our two boreholes burnt out due to power fluctutions. As a result we have had to cope with only one borehole and this has led to some water shortages in some areas of the campus this week. A new pump has now been obtained and we hope to have everything back to normal in one or two days.
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Parent Association AGM
  The Parents Association will be holding two Annual General Meetings this year – one in Moshi and one in Arusha. Please reserve the date of the Moshi meeting to be held at 6pm on Thursday, 21st November. More details will be published shortly.
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I’d Do Anything For You! – The Musical
  The primary students have been learning their songs and dance for their special inserts into this specially adapted Oliver musical. Please note that the final performances are on 11th & 12th December. As this is a combination of secondary and primary students we have so far been rehearsing separately. Closer to the production we will be having some special rehearsals to run the whole show with everyone together:
- Sun 24 Nov 2.00- 4.00 pm (P5/6, P3/4 & P2/3 students to join us if they can)
- Mon 2 Dec 3.00 – 4.00 pm P1/2 & EC & P3/4
- Weds 4 Dec 3.00- 4.00 pm P5/6 & P2/3
- Thurs 5 Dec P1/2 & EC students to join us 3.00-4.00 pm
- Fri 6 Dec (P5/6,P3/4, students to join us 2.00-3.00 if possible
- Mon 9 Dec (Note: Independence Day holiday) 9.30 – 10.30 (EC & P1/2 & P5/6 only)
- Mon 9 Dec 2pm – 4pm – all primary in the afternoon for a dress rehearsal with the band
If you are already away that Monday then we can cope but would rather the children had the chance to rehearse with the band if they can.
- Tuesday 10 Dec – Final Dress Rehearsal 6.30pm (with lights). NO EC needed for this evening! P1-P6 needed
- Wednesday 11 Dec Performance
- Thursday 12 Dec Performance
There are no primary clubs during the week of Mon 2-6 Dec HOWEVER we do have rehearsals.
Costume letters will come home with each class about the needs for each group.
We are looking forward to a great show which is really coming together!
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International Tolerance Day
  UN Day occurred during the school holiday, therefore we will be celebrating in the assembly on the 18th November. This is an annual event where students come to school in their National Costume or, if this is not possible, then national colours. Parents are very welcome to this assembly where the primary will sing a UN song.
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Middle School News
  Quarter 2 is well under way and students seem refreshed with renewed energy for another exciting term at ISM.
At the end of last quarter, our campus participated in a trial of the MYP eAssessments. IB have decided that this is the direction they would like to move in regards to assessing students as they complete the final year of the MYP. 20 students from M5 and D1 (who recently completed the MYP) participated in the trial of the on-screen tasks. Our campus was randomly allocated tasks in Mathematics and English A.
This process was valuable for a number of reasons. Obviously, it allows IB to gather feedback on what they have developed for the eAssessments so far, and they can then make appropriate improvements for the future. But in particular, it benefits ISM by allowing us to trial our IT resources and infrastructure, so that we know well in advance of any necessary improvements for the future. In addition, as teachers of Mathematics and English specifically, we were given a glimpse into the style of the tasks and the concepts being assessed. This allows us to better prepare our students for such tasks when the eAssessments become mandatory in the future.
I would especially like to thank Mr Barrows for his wisdom and expertise during the trial – without him it would have been impossible!
Mark Dombkins
MYP Coordinator
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Diploma News
  Fantastic collegial competition on the athletic fields in our Thursday whole school ‘Sports Day’ organized by our Sports Coordinator Marika Farrell provided a welcome brief respite to the rigors of academics for Diploma students.
D2 Math coursework and Theory of Knowledge presentations, ITGS coursework and English A Literature written assignments will be at the center of students’ focus in the next month.
Six and a half months from now will be the D2 class of 2014 graduation weekend with the main event – the graduation on Saturday May 24th. Traditionally on the Friday, parents of D2 students help with the flowers and decorations of the Karibu Hall. Mindful of planning for this major event, I need a team of 7-8 D2 parents to take on the role of the “Karibu Hall D2 Class of 2014 graduation team” to work on that Friday. Who is willing to help with this team effort? A short note to me at to indicate your interest would be ideal. Thank you.
A reminder that our next parent-teacher meeting will be on Friday December 20th so please mark your calendars and plan to attend. It is essential that D1 and D2 parents try to attend these otherwise you miss out hugely on the progress and setbacks related to your child’s education.
D1 parents should be aware that the next ‘Diploma Retention Policy’ threshold will be the second quarter grades when students must achieve a minimum of 21 points total and 10 points on higher level classes. If either of these is not met, then the students will move in January 2014 to a ‘Diploma Course student’ level.
On Tuesday afternoon November 12th the official IB November exams will take place for D2 Swahili B students, this article provides some invaluable advice on preparation. Toughest Exam Question: What Is the Best Way to Study?( SB10001424052970204644504576653004073453880.html)
The importance of problem solving and critical thinking skills – two key elements of the IB DP education – are addressed in this article related to college majors at
The last line of this NY Times award winning op-ed writer Thomas Friedman’s article is one of the many neat parts of this article –
The importance of parental caring and affection (and the long-term, across-the-board-benefits of such expressive love) serves as an deceptively important intangible that may contribute to a person’s success including in terms of academics. This is explored within this article
This also ties in with my next point that regular parental involvement (via email or phone calls) remains a critical factor – even from afar – in our ISM DP student’s ability to be successful. We educators can see this daily and we solicit this on-going contact/monitoring from all parents for the betterment of your child’s education…and this complements all the things that happen on campus educationally. This cannot be overstated.
I participated in a great presentation/discussion on Wednesday evening October 30th at Arusha’s Mount Meru Hotel as ISM unveils the Diploma Programme at the ISM Arusha campus for day students as from August 2014. Spread the word please as we are expecting a continuation of our great program here at ISM Moshi Campus and the kick-off to a wonderful program on the Arusha campus with their inaugural class of 2016. As one school two campuses we are fully supporting this wonderful move for our expanding, well-respected institution – ISM.
Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.
Rick Fitzpatrick
Diploma Programme Coordinator
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Early Childhood Preview
  Many thanks to all the parents who supported the children on Sports Day. It was a wonderful morning of fun and friendly competition as well as the children showing their abilities in physical activities and cooperation! Well done to all the children; all their hard work in PE was evident throughout the morning.
Unit of Inquiry
Our central idea is: We use our senses to explore and discover the world around us.
The lines of inquiry are now finalised:
The five senses
How we use our senses
How our senses work together
How our senses help us to understand the world
The teacher questions that will drive the inquiries are;
What are the senses?
What do we use our senses for?
How do our senses work together?
How do our senses help us to understand the world?
As last week was so busy preparing for Sports Day we didn’t make a start on the unit of inquiry so we will try to answer the first question together this coming week, “What are senses?” In order to do this we will make popcorn which uses all our senses as we listen to the sound it makes, look at the change after it cooks, smell it as it comes out of the microwave, feel the difference between the uncooked and cooked corn and finally taste it!
Last week half the class made gloop (cornflour and water) which enabled the children to use their senses of sight and touch as they watched and felt the cornflour change as water and then food colouring were added to it. The descriptive words they used to describe it were excellent! It was great fun, very messy and a great way to explore using two of our senses. This week the second group will do this activity.
Letterland. This week the sounds introduced will be l made by Lucy Lamp light (not covered last week) and k made by kicking King.
Mr Gumpy’s Outing by John Burningham.
This story will be the prompt for most of our language work this week. The children will orally retell the story in small groups as well as act it out. The children who know all their sounds will practice writing simple sentences to help make a class book, using their knowledge of the sounds letters make. All the children will paint pictures for the book.
Children will continue to inquire into pattern through a variety of learning engagements. Last week we went on a pattern walk around the campus to search for patterns in the environment so the children are aware that patterns are everywhere. If you have an interesting piece of material or an artefact that has a repeating pattern on it then please send into school. Maybe your child could share their pattern for show and tell?
The story of Mr Gumpy’s Outing will enable us to concentrate on ordinal numbers; who fell out of the boat first, second, third, etc. The children will also sort animals and practice counting and finding the correct numeral. We will also think about conservation of number.
Other reminders
Swimming is on Monday as usual. Please could you blow up your child’s armbands/floaties in advance as it takes us a very long time to blow up 17 sets of arm bands and it is taking time away from our swimming lesson.
Library is on Tuesday and Friday. Please return library bags on these days.
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P1/2 Preview
 Information for Parents
Thank you for your support on Sports Day. The children had fun and participated with enthusiasm.
Class Swimming Lessons
I was delighted to see we had every child in the class participating in our class swimming lesson on Tuesday. These lessons are valuable as it is so important learning to swim. The weather is hot now so getting in the pool is wonderful. Please continue to remember swimming things every Tuesday.
P1 and 2 Class Assembly – Monday
A reminder went out that it is our class assembly on Monday 4th November. All carers and parents are welcome to attend. Children need to come to the classroom for registration as normal first thing. We will walk down to the hall at 7.30 for a prompt start. Please be on time.
A special thank you to Jay’s mum for bringing in sparklers to celebrate Diwali. What a treat. We also shared Imani’s non fiction book to find out more about Diwali.
Unit of Inquiry – Seeds and Plants
Central Idea: There are certain conditions that are necessary for plants to grow.
We will continue to learn about how plants change over time. We will set up an experiment with cress seeds to find out what plants need to grow.
We will read a story about the life of Van Gogh. We will paint some sunflowers.
We will also create some leaf rubbings.
Language focus for the week
Write a recount of your weekend. Some children will be encouraged to use the language of time. (First, Next, Then, After that, The next day…)
Write a simple experiment to find out what plants need to grow.
Handwriting: Patterns, own name, numerals and One Armed Robot letters. (r n m p b h k )
Phonics: Group 1 – Introduce words beginning and ending with th as in thumb.
Group 2 – Learn about words with the spelling patterns igh as in night, y as in cry and ie as in tie.
 Maths focus for the week
Mental skills will include counting forwards and back from 20 and beyond. Recall addition facts of 5, 6, 10 and 11. Count in 2s, 5s and 10s.
All children will continue to learn about Place Value and Ordering Numbers.
Read, write and order numbers to 20/100. Partition a ‘teens’ number and larger 2 digit numbers into tens and ones. Know what each digit in a 2 digit number represents. Find 10 more.
What to bring to school:
Everyday: A hat for playtime, a healthy snack, water bottle and reading folder.
New reading books and a homework pack will be issued.
PE (wear trainers and a house T shirt)
Swimming (swimming costume, towel, flip flops/crocs, swim aids such as floaters if necessary. Goggles and sun cream are optional.)
Library (Bring library books in your special library bag to return and then choose new ones)
New class reading books will be issued.
Spelling Test
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P2/3 Preview
  Thanks for all the wonderful support on Sports Day! It was a long day for our P3 students but they all kept a wonderful attitude and plenty of enthusiasm. P2 students were so excited about their races and everyone did their best! We will return to the swimming pool during PE this week so don’t forget swimsuits and towels on Thursday.
Unit of Inquiry – Role play about conflict resolution was a great success in our class. On Wednesday, the P5/6 class came to ours to show us the role plays they had prepared concerning their Unit on global conflict and peace. On Friday we took our role plays to their class and I’m so proud of how well each of the small groups did with their short performances! We have a busy week ahead as we finish the unit and assess students’ understanding of how behavior and communication affects relationships.
Math – Students have enjoyed the focus on Shapes this week. We will continue to use manipulatives and learn correct vocabulary for describing shapes (right angle, number of sides and corners, etc).
Language – Our focus on Adjectives will continue. We will be revising a writing piece from last week with students being required to add describing words to their stories. The classroom mailbox will remain in class for the rest of our unit- students have been very excited to write one another. Reading groups will focus on breaking down the books read into a story board that describes the characters, plot, setting, problem, and solution. The Spelling chunk for the week is -ell.
Our Timetable:
Monday: Library, please bring your books and bag. New homework sent home
Wednesday: PE, remember to wear your sneakers and a hat and bring your water bottle.
Thursday: Swimming, bring your suit and a towel.
Thursday: Reading books swapped out, bring your Reading Log as well
Friday: Spelling test and return completed homework
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P3/4 Preview
  Our first week back was a busy one, the main event being Sports Day last Thursday. Congratulations to all the P3/4 students who participated. There were some outstanding performances and despite it being a very long, hot day, everyone seemed to enjoy themselves in the end.
This is what our learning in class will look like this week:
Unit 2 – How the World Works – “Up ‘n Moving”.
Central Idea – There are a variety of energy sources which cause objects to move in a variety of ways.
Lines of inquiry – Forces and energy
What energy can do
How we use energy
The Scientific Procedure
We got very involved with learning about the force of magnetism last week and didn’t get as far as I planned with our unit. Therefore this week, we will finish off magnetism and learn about the force of friction. We will conduct experiments to help us understand the way these forces work and write up our findings according to the scientific method. We will also begin to look at what energy is, some of the sources of energy and what energy can do.
Maths – Miss Jann’s Group Will continue identifying, recognising, comparing, describing and drawing 3D shapes using the correct geometrical terminology. We will also learn about the nets for making some of the 3D shapes.
Miss Debbie’s Group will finish off their work on identifying, recognising, comparing, describing and drawing 2D shapes and begin to explore 3D shapes. Their knowledge and understanding of 2D shapes will also be assessed.
Language – Procedural writing/instructions. We will look at our exemplars for procedural writing. We will write instructions on how to print a flower picture using scrunched up paper (a the printing technique we used in Art last week).
Adjectives – what they are and how to use them to enhance our writing. We will write descriptive “senses poems” about sports Day.
Spelling – group 1 – words that end in -able. The three -able rules (whole words, root words minus e and root words ending in hard c or g) e.g. breakable, excitable, despicable, navigable
group 2 words containing “soft c” – “cy” e.g. fancy, bicycle group 3 the ai (middle) and ay (end) long a sound e.g. again, today.
Every day:
School t-shirts, hats, zip bags (reading book, reading log, spelling book). Too often these are getting left at home!!!
A healthy snack.
Full school assembly in Karibu Hall at 7.30am. All parents are welcome to attend. The winning house for Sports Day will be announced and ribbons will be handed out for relay events.
Homework will be given out on Monday and is due in by Friday. Maths and language exercises will be done in Maths and Language Homework Books. There will also be spelling and reading homework. I am finding that not everyone is completing or handing in homework and with a lot of students, more effort could be made with spelling.
P.E. – wear suitable attire – house/school t- shirts, shorts and trainers.
Library. Please remember library bags and any books that are due back for return/renewal.
Spelling test
Swimming – remember towel, costume, goggles (if you use them), sun screen.
Looking forward to another great week together,
Miss Jann
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P5/6 Preview
  Thank you to all the parents who came to support the children in the sports day on Thursday. It was a long, hot day but produced many great examples of sporting achievement as well as sportsmanship. All the P5/6 children performed with courage, friendship and not a little skill. There were some fabulous individual performances.
UOI – ‘Peace and Conflict.’
Central Idea: Finding peaceful solutions to conflict leads to a better quality of human life
We are approaching the end of the unit and by the end of the week the children will be introduced to the summative task. Last week saw some more excellent role plays in class. We performed our role plays to P2/3 who are studying conflict between friends.
Reading and Writing
In addition to the conflict role plays the children have been performing, they have learned how to write play scripts which instruct actors on their lines and how to act. They have been using these to compliment their role play scenarios. We will focus on adverbs next week which can be used to give further stage directions to actors on a play script.
Last week I gave the children an assessment featuring multiplication in different forms. We then looked at factors of two digit numbers below 144. This week we will concentrate on doubling, square numbers, times tables and the inverse relationship between multiplication and division.
P.E. – is on Wednesday and Thursday. Thursday will once again be swimming.
Library – is on Monday. Please remind the children to bring back books for exchange/renewal.
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International School Moshi
PO Box 733 Moshi, Tanzania
Tel: +255 27 2755005
Fax: +255 736 605320
Mobile: +255 767 534766 |
If you wish to meet with either Keiron White (Head of Campus) or Totty Aris (Deputy Head of Campus), you are welcome to make an appointment to do so at any mutually convenient time. We also have an “open door” time each week during which parents are welcome to drop in without an appointment:
Keiron: Tuesdays 8am-9am
Totty: Fridays 8am-9am |