Week 9. Two weeks to go!
Thank you to everyone for making such a fantastic effort with dressing up for “Spirit Week” last week. It was a lot of fun and culminated in our class theme day last Friday. The children all looked great in their kangas.
This is what our learning in class will look like this week:
UOI – “Water, Water Everywhere”
Central Idea: Our planet has limited resources that are unevenly distributed.
Lines of Inquiry: – Finite and infinite resources
– Distribution and availability of clean water
– How human activity has affected the availability of usable water
– The effects of not having access to clean water
– Our responsibility for water conservation
We will look at man’s impact on our limited water resources and the effects of not having clean water. We will also be having a guest speaker in on Thursday to tell us all about the “SolarBag”, a simple, safe and effective way to purify water.
Writing – Expressive language. We will finish writing our imaginative or true stories about water.
Spelling Groups 1) 3 and 4 letter high frequency words (e.g. not, with)
2) words containing -ow, and ea- and words ending in -ail (e.g. brown, east, nail),
3) words that contain the soft g + y (e.g. gym, energy),
4) words where the “y” is changed to an “i” before other endings (e.g. beautiful, easily, happiness)
Language/grammar – We will be using this week as a catch-up week to finish off bits and pieces of work and update our portfolios.
Cursive writing – Nelson script. Using the full range of letters and joins as well as the break letters.
Maths – P3 and P4 – Data collection. Carroll diagrams (2 categories P3/4 categories P4). Recording, reading and interpreting the data. Reading a thermometer. Positive and negative numbers. Catch-up work and portfolios.
Tables and basic facts
Every day: Hats and polo shirts/t- shirts
Zip bags, spelling note books, reading books and reading logs.
Healthy snack for break time. Lunch if necessary.
Primary Assembly 7.35 – Muffins for Mom and Donuts for Dad in the P5/6 classroom. Each class will be performing an item.
Homework – spelling, reading, language and Maths.
P.E. – wear house t-shirts, shorts and trainers. We will continue with orienteering, so students will need suitable attire and trainers, as we will be running around the school grounds.
Library – bring book bags and books – No bag, no books. Overdue books incur a fine.
P.E. – bring swimming gear. We swim at the warmest time of the day. I invariably get in the pool with the children and the temperature of the water is still very pleasant.
Spelling test
Homework due in
Looking forward to another great week together.
Miss Jann