Dear Parents,
On Friday, the last ten minutes of classes were interrupted by a rather noisy D2 celebration of the end of their last ever school classes. They now start a ten day study period before exams begin on 2nd May. As they now focus on those exams, our M3 class will be going on a field trip this week and our P6 students are underway with preparations for their exhibition next month. Many are looking forward to next week’s long weekend; none more so than the group walking to Horombo at that time.
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“Hard Labour”
  A group of M5 and D1 students undertook a “Hard Labour” trip yesterday to help rennovate and paint rooms for Hope Orphanage in Moshi. We also took one of our Maintenance staff to help build a wall. Accompanied by Mrs Aris and Mr Johnson, students will be working hard to complete this project over two Saturdays. This will contribute towards their CAS expecations for the MYP and Diploma.
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M3 Field Study
  A trip to the United African Alliance Cultural Centre (UAACC) and a water de-fluoridation plant is planned for this week, 22nd, 23rd & 24th April for M3 students from both campuses. During this trip there is a focus on the Arts and the students will be involved in a variety of Music, Drama and Visual Arts related activities that link in with the Areas of Interaction “Community & Environment” and their Developmental Workbooks.
The unit question for this quarter in the Arts is “How can the arts change a community?” A range of arts related activities and workshops are planned for the three days as well as service activities that tie in with the CAS programme. Students will be staying in dormitories and take meals at UAACC. On the first day, Monday, we plan to visit the de-fluoridation project which serves to help the local community.
UAACC also includes a Children’s home for infants to adolescents. We encourage each child to bring a donation of clothing and/or a kilo of maize flour, sugar or rice to the home. This would be greatly appreciated and connects to their CAS requirement as a service activity. We look forward to the trip and we will return to ISM Moshi on Wednesday the 24th of April (expecting to be back at school between 2-2.30pm).
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Outdoor Pursuits
  We wish all the best to the group of students who will be undertaking the Level Two Outdoor Pursuits trip to Horombo Hut on Kilimanjaro from 26th to 28th April. Let’s hope that the rain eases off for a coule of days for them. Other upcoming OP trips are:
May 2 – 5: Mawenzi Hut, Kilimanjaro – Level 3
May 27-31: Uhuru Peak, Kilimanjaro = Level 5
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  Please note that Friday, 26th April is Union Day, and that Wednesday, 1st May is Workers’ Day. There will be no classes in school on these two public holidays.
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Expansion on Moshi Campus
  In view of the increasing number of applications to join the Moshi Campus next year, the Board has now approved the addition of a new primary class in Moshi from August. This will allow us to admit the applicants currently on a waiting list and encourage more applications. We will now start the process of recruiting an additional primary teacher for 2013-14.
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  Well done to the Drama CAS club who performed their interpretation of Us and Them on the Karibu Hall stage. The play had some funny moments but also a serious theme of understanding humanity and conflict. Thank you to our drama teacher, Charlie Reilly for guiding them along this project which was a collaborative and innovative performance.
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D2 Arrangements
  D2 students no longer have formal classes and are in a study period until 1st May when they can prepare for their final examinations independently. Their teachers will be available during all regular class times to assist them as requested. From 22nd April, day students do not need to attend school (except when they have an examination) but are, of course, welcome on campus to study, consult with teachers or use sports facilities in the afternoons. Although most boarders usually remain in school to study in this period leading up to their final exams, some may choose to travel home to study; we request that parents of D2 boarders let the boarding parent know if their child will be travelling home.
Formal written diploma examinations begin on Thursday, 2nd May. Different students have different schedules depending on the subjects they are studying, but all will complete exams by Tuesday, 21st May. Boarders will usually travel home after their exams are completed; if they do elect to remain in school, all usual school rules and expectations will apply. Parents can download the diploma exams schedule at www.uwcea.org/dipexams.
All parents of D2 students are invited to our Graduation Dinner at a restaurant in Moshi on the evening of Friday, 24th May. The Graduation Ceremony will be held at 2pm on Saturday, 25th May and will be followed by a reception in the Director’s garden. D2 graduates will normally leave school after this event, although a small number may be participating in the outdoor pursuits trip to Uhuru Peak the following week.
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Sports Awards
  At the Sports Banquet last Monday, we recognised those students who have contributed most to our sports activities and competitions over the last year:
Senior Sportswoman of the Year | Winnie Kibuta |
Senior Sportsman of the Year | Omar Ramadan |
Junior Sportswoman of the Year | Sanne Kleinveld |
Junior Sportsman of the Year | Shawn Byabato |
Senior Boys
Most Valued Player | Farhan Kanani |
Sportsmanship Award | Olais Loibooki |
Newcomer of he Year | Francis Ndirangu |
Most Improved Player | Zishaan Dawood |
Junior Boys
Most Valued Player | Aron Mkanza |
Fair Play Award | Daan Kruidering |
Most Improved Player | Rajvir Bhamra |
Most Balanced Player | Lee Mutharia |
Sportsmanship Award | Tassilo Baueu |
Senior Girls
Most Valued Player | Jessica Gathercole |
Most Improved Player | Salma Munde |
Sportsmanship Award | Emma Hoffmann |
Newcomer of the Year | Stine Pristed |
Junior Girls
Most Valued Player | Janeth Kibuta |
Most Improved Player | Felicity Aris |
Sportsmanship Award | Jocelyn Noubiap |
Newcomer of the Year | Alice Magoma |
Senior Boys
Most Valued Player | Ram Sisodiya |
Sportsmanship Award | Sam Magesa |
Most Improved Player | Remy Pitot |
Newcomer of the Year | Shafeeq Codabux |
Coach’s Award | Jimmy Dale |
Senior Girls
Most Valued Player | Winnie Kibuta |
Sportsmanship Award | Alia Jiwa |
Most Improved Player | Koro Vogt |
Newcomer of the Year | Nayah Mullings |
Coach’s Award | Rebekka Hollevoet & Aika Lema |
Most Valued Player | Isaac Mubangizi |
Sportsmanship Award | Sarita Khamhual |
Most Improved Player | Lee Mutharia |
Newcomer of the Year | Michael Kammleiter |
All-round Award | Valentina Braeu |
Greatest Effort | Omar Ramadan |
Most Improved Player | Bethany Simonson |
Newcomer of the Year | Lulu Kessy |
All-round Award | Sanne Kleinveld |
Greatest Effort | Lee Mutharia |
Most Improved Player | Freddy Aris |
Newcomer of the Year | Dahir Mohamed |
Senior Boys
All-round Award | Titus Rwantare |
Effort & Improvement | Omar Ramadan |
Best Performance | Iqveender Dhariwal |
Senior Girls
All-round Award | Winnie Kibuta |
Effort & Improvement | Stine Pristed |
Best Performance | Lilian Mubangizi |
Junior Boys
All-round Award | Shawn Byabato |
Effort & Improvement | Mwoleka Bishota |
Best Performance | Isaac Mubangizi |
Senior Girls
All-round Award | Sanne Kleinveld |
Effort & Improvement | Chantal Warioba |
Best Performance | Nathalie Haller |
Most Valued Player | Omar Ramadan |
Most Improved Player | Lucky Yona |
Sportsmanship Award | Peter Kraft |
Newcomer of the Year | Stephen Allen |
Senior Girls
Most Valued Playerr | Stine Pristed |
Most Improved Player | Emma Hoffmann |
Sportsmanship Award | Siobhan Kedian |
Newcomer of the Year | Jessica Gathercole |
Senior Boys
Most Valued Playerr | Leo Irmscher |
Most Improved Player | Iqveender Dhariwal |
Sportsmanship Award | Lusajo Mwakijungu |
Newcomer of the Year | Zishaan Dawood |
Most Valued Playerr | Winnie Kibuta |
Most Improved Player | Neema Ntilatwa |
Sportsmanship Award | Zeinab Dakik |
Newcomer of the Year | Milou Nijenhuis |
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  In a correction to last week’s news item and following a renewed scholarship offer, Diana Matabwa (D2) has now accepted a place at McGill University, Montreal, Canada under a generous 100% scholarship fully funded by the MasterCard Foundation.
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MYP Scholarships
  The Board has approved a new scheme to invite able Tanzanian students to apply for scholarships in the Middle Years Programme on the Arusha Campus from next year. This scheme mirrors the already existing succesful diploma scholarships on the Moshi Campus. Details are yet to be finalised and more information will be published in due course.
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Diploma News
  D2 students concluded regular classes on Friday and now enter study week before the first IB exams on May 2nd. For many D2 students their final university placement rests on their total DP points as they have received conditional offers. Accordingly, one cannot overstate the importance of effective planning, time management and organization (of a daily study plan) in the exam review process. If you are a D2 parent, your assistance encouraging and supporting in the coming weeks will be invaluable.
D2 students met on Thursday to rehearse the songs they will sing and review logistics for the Graduation weekend.
D1 students showed for the most part continued determination and focus in this busy week during which many assessments took place. Self-discipline is the name of the game for many students wherein they wisely use several post-lesson time afternoon hours before CAS activities for study. Most top DP students indicate that limiting one’s time “hitting the books” after school to the two evening study hours is inadequate. Sadly a chunk of D1 students still have not learned this and they squander their time. A parent-DP student worthwhile conversation to have concerns this topic of “How much do you study daily? When? Where?”
Another plus of the IB DP concerns the collaboration-based learning that surrounds ISM’s students in our classrooms. For instance, experienced DP French B teacher Dominique Turner devised a superb series of interactive oral presentations this week. Engaging, informative, applying learning to ‘real world’ topics such as the 1994 Rwanda Genocide – these were all elements of a super dialogue evident on one morning this week.
ISM’s DP alumni frequently come back to visit. We are lucky also to now have May 2011 ISM DP Graduate Nico Brice-Bennett back on campus. Nico is on a break from his university studies and will be tutoring DP students – an additional asset for many.
On the topic of Internationalism that remains a central element of the IB this week’s announcements of the Pulitzer Prize winners
( www.pulitzer.org/node/8501) – the highest honors in Journalism – provided ample discussion in DP History classes particularly vis à vis the Syrian war photo awards.
Looking a bit into the future: D1 parents would be doing their child a great service by taking three steps, which are
1) setting your schedule to be in Moshi on Friday June 14th for the ISM secondary school parent-teacher conference from 1030-12 noon, and;
2) not removing students early on June 14th and
3) ensuring that reservations are made that your child is back to start school on the first day of their D2 year which will be Monday August 12th.
As usual feel free to email or call with any questions/concerns.
Rick Fitzpatrick – ( Diploma Coordinator)
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Middle School News
  It has been a very busy week which included the play by our students. It was a great success and I would like to congratulate all the students that took time to perform or help in the play.
This week will be a very interesting one for the students of the M3 cohort. They will have their first field trip this year where they will visit an Arts community in Arusha. In the Middle school, we always aim at making learning experiences more exploratory and linked to real life situations. The students will be looking at how they can use Arts to improve a community and will engage in a variety of activities under the capable hands of their teachers, namely Ms Pier, who is leading this trip. Back in school, they will give us feedback on their experiences.
M5 students are now discussing the possibilities of placement for their work experience – last week during our life skills lessons we looked again at the value of this experience and how it can be beneficial to them. They all agree that this can be very valuable especially as it can influence their choices of careers later in life. As soon as we finalise the logistics, a letter will be sent to all parents.
Apart from work experience, we would like the support of the parents and boarding parents in ensuring that the students are completing their work promptly. Good learning habits are the key to success not only in the Middle school but also in the Diploma.
M4 students are showing a lot of commitment in their work but again there is a few who keep failing to meet deadlines or hand in homework. A reminder to all students that they have to start taking their studies seriously as they will be met with more challenging demands in M5. We can only advise them and keep guiding them to perform to the best of their ability: it is up to them to make the effort to apply what we tell them. I am pleased to see that many of our students do listen to feedback and it is a pleasure to see them progress towards higher levels of achievement.
As we move into another busy week, I leave you with this quote:
“The difference between school and life? In school, you’re taught a lesson then given a test. In life, you are given a test that teaches you a lesson.” (Tom Bodett)
An excellent week to you All!!!!
Jaimala Quinlan (MYP Coordinator)
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Primary School News
  Our first week of afternoon clubs went off very well with some new clubs on offer this quarter. A reminder that all students taking part in the Martial Arts Club need to pay TSh 20,000/- for the quarter.
Thank you to all the P6 parents who attended the P6 Exhibition Information Talk last Wednesday. The students were well prepared and enjoyed sharing with you.
P6 Exhibition
Please bookmark the date in your diaries. Thursday evening, 16th May at 6:30pm in Karibu Hall. This is the highlight on our primary calendar where our P6 students showcase all the skills they have learnt during their years in primary. It is an event not to be missed. Please invite friends and family along to the Exhibition evening. The more the merrier.
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Early Childhood Preview
 Unit of Inquiry
Many thanks for all the light sources you have sent into class. We have a great variety on our display table and the discussion was very interesting as the students introduced their lights and talked about what they are used for. Many children are developing new vocabulary as well as new facts about sources of light and what they are used for. Many were surprised to find out that the sun does not follow them around but stays still as the earth moves and others were interested to discover that the moon is not a source of light but reflects light from the sun.
If English is not your first language then please talk to your child about light, particularly more difficult concepts that they will grasp easier in their Mother Tongue. Please feel free to browse our unit of inquiry display either before or after school finishes to give you ideas for what to talk about at home. You are very welcome to borrow non-fiction books from the classroom to share with your child. This applies to all parents, not just second language speakers.
We will continue with our inquiries into light next week concentrating on sources of light at school as we walk round the campus and identify lights and what they are used for. We will also inquire into shadows and what causes them. Look out for a survey coming home to let us know what sources of light you have at home, particularly those you use during power cuts! We will also begin to address the question, “Why is light important to living things?” (We all know and appreciate how important it is living here!)
EC1 – we will inquire into the letter e. What sounds does this letter make? Who has this letter in their name? What objects can you find at home that start with this letter? Please send objects into school.
EC2 – rhyming focus. What does rhyming mean? What words can we think of that rhyme? What songs and stories rhyme? If you have a favourite rhyming book at home please send it into school for us to share.
EC2 – writing about sources of light and what they are used for.
- When we have received our light surveys back from you we will make a graph to show what people use at home. This will involve counting, number recognition and the vocabulary of comparison such as more and less.
- We will finish our capacity work off this week
- Number activities will continue at children’s own level.
Assembly – Monday 22nd April
EC will sing a few songs. Please join us for a short time at 7.30am
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P1/2 Preview
 Language focus for the week
Writing: Recount of the weekend. Using the language of time. (First…Then I…Next I…Later…At the end). Using adjectives, (amazing, fantastic, wonderful, scary, huge…)
Continue to write sentence captions to match different types of land use. (Linked to UOI)
Begin summative assessment. Draw and label 4 ways Farmer Pickles could use his land.
Handwriting: Patterns, writing numerals and a focus on the Caterpillar Family (cadgoq)
Some children are joining letters together.
1. CVCs (middle vowels) Focus: on, ot, od, og, ock, oll and op.
2. Long vowel: igh as in night, y as in cry
3. Introduce Magic e words: i-e as in bike
Maths focus for the week
Mental skills will focus on counting in 2s and 5s. Doubles, near doubles and counting on and back. Also saying 10 more/less and 1 more/less than any 2 digit number.
All children will learn to name and describe 2D and 3D shape. They will learn about symmetry and talk about things that turn.
2D Shape: circle, triangle, square, rectangle, pentagon, hexagon and octagon
3D Shape: cube, cuboid, sphere, cone, cylinder and pyramid.
Shape Vocabulary: flat, curved, straight, solid, hollow, corner, face, side and edge.
Make whole, half and quarter turns.
Unit of Inquiry – Land Ahoy!
Central Idea: People interact with, use and value the natural environment in different ways.
Lines of Inquiry:
1. How land is used.
2. Local land use.
3. Actions that benefit and harm the local environment.
We will complete the book about different types of land use. We will discuss the third line of inquiry and also begin the summative assessment task: Draw and label 4 different ways Farmer Pickles could use his land.
Art – Continue Leafy Prints, symmetrical drawings and papier mache.
What to bring to school:
A hat for playtime and a healthy snack. (No hat, no play!)
New reading books and homework packs including spellings issued.
Library (New books can be chosen if there are no overdue books)
Swimming (swimming costume, towel, flip flops, sun cream, swim aids such as arm bands if required)
New reading books issued
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P3/4 Preview
  We all loved meeting baby Camilla Felicia last Wednesday. Thank you to everyone who sent in gifts for Miss Catherine and her baby. Miss Catherine was most appreciative.
This is what our learning in class will look like this week:
UOI – “Exploration”
Central Idea: People explore their world; their methods and reasons are constantly changing.
Lines of Inquiry: Who explorers are
How people explore
Why people explore
Consequences of exploration
The children will work in groups to investigate the journeys of other famous explorers like Scott and Amundsen, Edmund Hillary, James Cook etc… They will work together to produce posters of what they discover.
Writing – Historical recounts of explorers and newspaper articles reporting on explorers.
Spelling Groups 1) CVC words -us and -um (e.g. cup, bus, sum), 2) words ending in -ost (cost), -ide (slide), -ace (lace), 3) Introduction to words that have the suffix -ful ( e.g. careful, helpful) 4) words containing “wr” as in write or wriggle.
Language/grammar – past, present and future tense and suffixes. Comprehension exercises.
Cursive writing – Nelson script. Letters in the second set which join at the “x” height e.g. o, w, v, r etc…
Maths – P3 Finish off our unit on time. Multiplication as repeated addition. Multiplying by 2, 5 and 10.
Tables 2x, 5x, 10x 11x 3x, 4x. Basic facts up to 10/20 (+ and -).
P4 Addition and subtraction of decimals. Converting fractions to decimals. Revisit addition and subtraction of fractions. Perimeter and area.
Tables – 2x, 3x, 4 x, 5x, 6x, 10x , 11x, 12x . Basic facts up to 20 (+ and -).
ISM book bags and caps are now available for sale in the office.
Every day: Hats and polo shirts/t- shirts
Zip bags, home-school note books, reading books and reading logs
Healthy snack for break time
Homework – spelling, reading and maths and language sheets sent home.
P.E. – wear house t-shirts, shorts and trainers. I hope to be introducing the students to orienteering, so they will need suitable attire and trainers, as we will be running around the school grounds.
Library – bring book bags and books – No bag, no books. Overdue books incur a fine.
P.E. – bring swimming gear. We swim at the warmest time of the day. I invariably get in the pool with the children and the temperature of the water is still very pleasant.
Public Holiday – no school
Spelling test will be on Monday 29 April
Homework – due in on Monday 29 April (or before if finished)
Looking forward to another great week with the P3/4 students.
Miss Jann
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P5 Preview
We’ll be continuing with fractions and will learn how to convert improper fractions to mixed numbers and mixed numbers into improper fractions. I am so impressed with how quickly the P5 students are grasping new concepts in our fractions inquiry.
Students will be reading their Recycling children’s story books they have made to P1/2 and EC. The hope is to educate P1/2 and EC about Recycling.
They will be using the writing cycle to write a story in the science fiction genre about a child who developed super powers after an explosion in a science lab. We shall be working towards using more adjectival phrases in our writing.
New spelling words will be given on Monday for a spelling test later.
The P5 students presented Mr White with a letter identifying problems they discovered and potential solutions after completing an intensive two week recycling, re-using and reducing health check on the school. Mr White will meet with the students this week to offer his response and give us follow-up suggestions. The P5 students will act on his suggestions and work towards making ISM a model of how to re-use, reduce and recycle. This will be the action component of this unit of inquiry. The students have become very passionate about recycling. If they give you recycling suggestions at home then please take it on board and support our students’ efforts to make the world a better place. We love hearing about action they might carry out at home and in the community, and would be grateful if you could share your stories with us. I have already heard how one of our students reprimanded their father for crumpling paper into a ball and tossing it into the rubbish bin!
Mr Paulo is making us paper-making frames and we’ll be making our own paper which will contain something very special. Watch this space!
Visual Arts
This week we’ll be making our crazy recycled hats to model at the P6 Exhibition. We’ll be planning and preparing for our art lessons using recycled materials, groups of students will be giving to EC, P1/2 and the P3/4 classes.
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P6 Preview
  It was great to see so many of you at the Exhibition information evening on Wednesday. Thank you all for your support with the Exhibition so far. I hope with our combined efforts that we can help the children to pursue in depth inquiries that result in a significant learning experience, meaningful action and an impressive demonstration of their findings and skills next month.
UOI – Exhibition Unit
Central Idea: Seven billion people requires us to confront the threats to our health, environment and society.
The children have now completed two weeks of research. Hopefully they are beginning to accumulate evidence from all of their lines of inquiry and find answers to their questions. It is important that this week they finalise arrangements for any field trips to NGOs, hospitals or to interview specialists regarding the issue they are inquiring into.
Reading, Writing and Drama
Reading, writing, viewing and presentation skills will all be much used over the next few weeks as the children look for evidence and information to support their inquiry.
Last week we reviewed equivalent fractions and reducing fractions as well as covering the addition, subtraction and multiplication of fractions. This week we will seek to explore the relationship between fractions, decimals and percentages.
P.E. – Swimming remains on Thursday and Karibu Hall based activities will provide the essence of Friday’s P.E. lesson in future weeks (although this Friday is a public holiday).
Library – is on Tuesday. Please remind the children to bring back books for exchange/renewal.
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International School Moshi
PO Box 733 Moshi, Tanzania
Tel: +255 27 2755005
Fax: +255 27 2752877
Mobile: +255 767 534766
This newsletter has been sent to you from International School Moshi. if your email address changes or if you would like me to add another email address to this mailing list. Keiron White Head of Moshi Campus